Friday, August 2, 2024

Understanding the Threats: Technocracy

The following originally appeared on as part of my Resisting the Elites series. It is a rewritten, updated, and greatly expanded version of an earlier article.

Technocracy is the tool being used so successfully by the Power Elites to control the masses. This intersection of technology and power (government and corporate) needs to be examined and understood if we are to protect ourselves and our families, and resist the transformation of human civilization.

In this article, I hope to briefly explain what technocracy is, what its goals are, and to give a brief outline of its history. I also hope to point out its many dangers and flaws.

What is Technocracy?  

Technocracy is a movement, an economic system, and a proposed form of government, that started in the 1930s at Columbia University. It is also a form of social engineering. Its primary goal is to replace free enterprise and capitalism with a resource-based system using energy credits as its basic accounting units, rather than traditional forms of currency. (Does this sound familiar? It is found in the carbon tax / cap-and-trade schemes of the climate change enthusiasts.) 

This new economic system would be run by technocrats - scientists and other so-called "experts" - who would control 100% of the means of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. (Sounds similar to Marxism, doesn't it? It is a form of Marxism.) 

In a more dystopian twist, the "experts" running the system would include artificial intelligence and computer algorithms making many of the decisions, rather than actual people.    

A major goal of this new economic system is sustainable development, also known as the "Green Economy." (Another term that should sound familiar. And don't be fooled by nice sounding terms.) 

Under this new economic system, cities would be retrofitted into "Smart Cities" and "15-Minute Cities" (yet more familiar terms if you are paying attention) with massive surveillance systems used to control the populace. (Sounds kind of like a Police State, huh? Because it is. ) 

Another goal is the end of rural living, as everyone will be forced to live in these smart cities. Yes, that means you. At least that is their plan. (Notice how anti-farming the environmental movement has become? And notice the push towards insects-as-food, lab-grown meats, and bio-engineered (GMO) foods.) 

Private property will no longer exist. Everything will be owned by the government. "You will own nothing and be happy." (Does that phrase sound familiar? It should thanks to the World Economic Forum (WEF). It is one of their major goals.) 

Parental Rights will no longer exist. The government will own and raise your children as it sees fit. If you interfere, your children will be taken away from you. (Did you notice California's recent move against parental rights? Parents in California no longer even have the right to even know if their child is using a alternative pronouns in school or is discussing gender transformation with school or health officials.)

Social credit systems, similar to what is already being used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), will be global. Your ability to get a job, get an education, afford a home, get medical care, even to get married or have children, will depend on maintaining a favorable social score. Your level of Internet access will be determined by your social score, as will your ability to travel. It is all about control. Of you. (Australia and much of Europe are already openly moving in this direction.) 

The concept of Individual Liberty will end. No Freedom of Speech. No Freedom of Religion. No Freedom of the Press. No Freedom of Assembly. No Right to Bear Arms. No Right to Self-Defense. No Right to Refuse any vaccination, medical test or treatment the Government deems "necessary." (Remember the calls made by many people, including many doctors and politicians, that folks who refuse the Covid vaccination be fined, jailed, or sent to re-education camps? That will become reality.) 

National borders will become obsolete. In fact, the very concept of a nation-state will come to an end. (Notice the open borders chaos intentional fomented by Border Czar Kamala Harris, DHS Secretary Mayorkas and the rest of the Left.)

The plan is to eventually do away with elected governments and constitutions. Elected politicians will be obsolete, which sounds good until you remember that they will be replaced with unelected, unaccountable technocrats, artificial intelligence, and algorithms. 

We are talking about a Scientific Dictatorship in charge of 100% of the economy, political system, and legal system. And, remember, we are NOT supposed to question Science. 

Should we abandon technology? 

No. The problem isn't technology. Technology is only the tool. Blaming technology for the actions of the Power Elite makes as little sense as blaming the gun for the action of the criminal. Besides, the genie has already escaped the bottle, and there is no putting it back.

Instead, we need to understand what is being done to us, and how it is being done. And then we need to focus efforts against the Elites trying to control us with technology and social engineering. 

Who are the Power Elite? 

In short, they are the "bad guys." They are the ones trying to control the masses for their own selfish profit and power. 

Power Elite is a term first used in the 1950s by the American sociologist C. Wright Mills to describe a loose-knit group of government, military, and corporate leaders who are the center of wealth and power in the USA, and therefore dominate American political policies. (Note: This is not a conspiracy theory, but rather an acknowledgement of the mutual interests of a wealthy and powerful segment of society.)

Over the decades, the USA Power Elite have increasingly cooperated with the Power Elite from other Western Nations to push a globalist, technocratic agenda. Since at least the 1990s, the CCP has used their power, money and access to the vast Chinese markets to exert influence over the Power Elite, a situation made even easier by the Power Elites' admiration for the CCP system of highly centralized, authoritarian control. 

See the book Unrestricted Warfare: China's Master Plan to Destroy America, for more on the CCP's plans. It is an English translation of a work by two colonels in the People's Liberation Army, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui. (By the way, the concept of Lawfare - the misuse and abuse of the legal system for political benefit - comes straight out of this book. Just in case you were wondering where the Left got the idea.) 

The Power Elite are a very small segment of the population, yet they control a vast amount of wealth and power. And they have many "useful tools" on their side in academia, the media, union leadership, throughout pop culture, and amongst the many "social justice" warriors. 

Suggested Readings:

** Technocracy News and Trends (website)

** The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism (book)

** Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order (book)

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