Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Terms-of-Service (TOS)


The following Terms-of-Service (TOS) for supersedes any and all previous terms. 

This website,, is free. However, it may contain advertising and/or affiliate links in order to "pay the bills" and to stay in operation.

The primary purpose of this website is to publish the writings of Tim Gamble (me) on various topics relating to preparedness, survival, homesteading, personal finance, personal security, and self-reliance, as well as other information I think may be interesting or useful to my audience. Articles may contain information and opinion of a political or religious nature. 

All material on this website is copyright of the author and website owner, Tim Gamble, except where otherwise noted. Readers may freely share links to this website and to individual articles.

Articles by Tim Gamble may be reprinted or republished elsewhere, fully or in part, provided that 1) the article is not changed or reworded, 2) Tim Gamble is clearly credited as the author, and 3) a link to the original article or to is included. 

This is a family-friendly website, and one that promotes traditional Biblical and family values. If this offends you, please go elsewhere. 

This website maintains a comments section (bottom of each article). The comments section is not moderated, however in certain egregious cases comments may be deleted. The deletion of comments is at my sole discretion. Examples of posts that may be deleted include threats of violence, doxing, or containing links to websites that are illegal or malicious.

Email subscriptions and RSS feeds are managed by Follow.ItDystopian Survival respects personal privacy and will never sell or otherwise share your email address or personal information with others. Dystopian Survival does not collect personally identifiable information on its visitors, except for email addresses voluntarily given when and if someone chooses to subscribe. 

This website is pro-America (as the Republic the founding fathers intended), pro-Constitution (including the Bill of Rights), pro-Capitalism (free markets, small business, local economies), pro-Bible (old and new testaments) and pro-Christendom (traditional Western civilization). If this offends you, please go elsewhere. 

This website is anti-Fascism (the merging of corporations with government power), anti-Marxism (all forms including socialism, communism, Maoism, etc.), and anti-Authoritarianism (centralized control of the masses by a small Elite). 

I, Tim Gamble, am not a medical, financial, or legal professional. The information  presented on this website is not intended as professional advice, but rather is meant solely as "food for thought" and a starting point for your further investigation. It is the reader's responsibility to verify information presented and to carefully consider its suitability for your life and particular circumstances. This is called "personal responsibility" and is highly encouraged. 

Privacy Statement, Cookie Policy, and Other Important Notices for this website can be read at

Statement on Resistance / Statement on Self-Defense for my websites can be read at

These terms of service are subject to change at my sole discretion.

Continued use of this website constitutes understanding and acceptance to all the above.

Ad: Survivalist Family, by Pastor Joe Fox (Viking Preparedness) is currently available at Refuge Medical for only $20. Great guide to beginner and intermediate preparedness and survival. Highly recommended! 

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