The question becomes How do we survive an extended period of civil unrest and political turmoil?
Top Priorities: Safety and Communications
The safety of yourself and your family & tribe is your top concern, with communications a close second.
Safety starts with avoiding confrontation with protestors and law enforcement. You may have the facts and the Constitution on your side, but they have the press and the legal system on their side. Pick your battles wisely, not emotionally. Avoid dangerous areas, avoid protests, and avoid trespassing. Be watchful of potential set-ups, such as what they did with Jan. 6th. Remember: Keep calm. Stay peaceful. Never make threats, not even in jest.
If you do find yourself in a dangerous situation, leave or seek shelter immediately and contact local authorities or emergency services for help.
Communications is also key during a time of civil unrest. It is essential to stay informed from trustworthy and reliable sources about the situation, to avoid spreading rumors or false information, and to stay in touch with your family and friends.
Work out a communications plan with your family, friends, church, and survival groups (article link). Have emergency radios and plenty of batteries. Make sure your cell phones are fully charged at all times. Keep a spare charger in your car. Pay attention to the news, particularly your local news.
Avoid emotional posting on social media. Think twice before making any post. Be aware of any personal information you may be revealing. Never threaten. Avoid violent rhetoric. Don't spread unfounded rumors or false information.
- Avoid the Riot - Seems oblivious that the best way to survive a riot is to not be in or near one. Areas likely to experience rioting and looting are large cities (especially under Democrat control) and urban areas, in particular inner city areas and near "bad" neighborhoods, or near university and college campuses. If you live in or near a riot-prone area, now might be a good time to visit Grandma in the country for a week or two.
- Move Away from the Riot - If a riot breaks out near you, leave the area immediately. If you are at work or university, go home. If your boss doesn't like it, tell him to kiss your a**. That job isn't worth your life. If the riot breaks out near your home, bug out immediately. You should already be packed, have a plan of where to go, and a full tank of gas to get you there.
- Hide/Shelter In-Place - You waited too long, hoping the riot wouldn't come near you. Foolish, but okay. It happens. Your best bet may be to hide and shelter in place. You should always have some water, some food (power bars, etc), a flashlight, a fully-charged phone, and a first aid kit including tourniquet with you (and know how to use them). Stay alert, and be ready to run if needed.
- Self-Defense - Self-defense is always a last resort. It means you have failed to avoid the situation. It means you may have to take a life. It definitely means your life is in grave danger. And in a riot situation, you will almost certainly be greatly outnumbered. Not a good situation to be in. You are armed and well-trained, right?

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