Friday, October 4, 2024

Help Meet Our Goal: Join the Dystopian Tribe!

I need YOUR help in meeting a goal I have set.

We are in the midst of another election, and once again the Big Gov - Big Tech - Big Media censorship machine is revving up. Chillingly, leftist politicians are now openly attacking the concept of Free Speech, both here in America and in Europe. We have recently seen the likes of Hillary Clinton and Tim Walz basically call for the end of Free Speech. The excuses typically revolve around stopping so-called misinformation and hate speech. The problem, of course, is who decides what is misinformation and hate? They're definition is anything that disagrees with their opinions. 

To help me keep my ability to speak freely to you and my other readers, I have set the goal of doubling the Dystopian Survival email list by the end of this month. This will help us to stay in touch despite the attempt to censor or even deplatform Dystopian Survival, like what they attempted to do during the 2020 election.

Join the Dystopian Tribe! If you are not already subscribing to this website, please join Dystopian Survival by clicking here. If you are already subscribing, please help spread the word about this website and encourage others to join. Post links to Facebook, X, Truth Social, Gab and other social media. Mention this website in online forums you belong to, and send links to friends and family who may be interested. Thank you! 

Subscribing by email is free, and you may unsubscribe at any time. You have my personal promise that I will never sell, rent, or otherwise share your email address with anyone else. Subscribing by email, along with bookmarking this website in your favorite browsers, are the best way to stay in touch despite any Big Tech censorship during this election year. 
AD:  Augason Farms Long-Term Food Storage - This is where I get powdered butter, eggs, cheese, milk, and other long-term foods for my Survival Pantry. Shelf-life up to 20+ years. Good quality, good taste, good value. For my money (literally, since I am a paying customer), Augason Farms is the best long-term foods option. 

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