By Tim Gamble
Preparedness can be expensive. I wish I had a magic solution to the problem of how to raise money for prepping, but I don't. No one, not even Uncle Sam, is giving out free money for people to become more self-reliant. The only ways to raise money that I know of entail sacrifice of time, talent, effort, or property. Here is my list of ways to raise money:
- Get a raise, or more hours, at your primary job. Tough to do, I know, but a great way to raise extra money if you can pull it off.
- Get a second, or third, job. In my twenties, worked a second job for years at a B. Dalton Booksellers, mostly on weekends. It only netted me about $80/week (this was more than 25 years ago), but over the course of a year that was more than $4,000. More recently, I've gotten second jobs at various retailers during the holiday season. A second job will pay off a lot of debt or buy a lot of supplies.
- Do odd jobs. Can you sew, tutor, mow lawns, bake, babysit, or do "handyman" jobs? What about cleaning, repairing, or sharpening tools, knives, or scissors? Post or handout fliers around your community. If you have a pick-up truck or van, you can rent it and yourself out for a lot of odd jobs involving hauling, especially if you have a good hand-truck (Amazon link) or dolly (Amazon link).
- Start you own side-business. Perhaps one you could eventually turn into a full-time business. Some ideas include gardening and lawn care, small engine repair, locksmithing, tinkering (repairing/sharpening knives, tools, and other small metal items), leather-working, wood-working, catering, making/selling gift baskets, auto-detailing, Camper & RV cleaning service...
- Collect money owed to you. If you loaned money to a friend or relative, it is time to collect. Asking a friend or family member to pay back money you've lent them is uncomfortable and may lead to some icy Sunday dinners at Grandma's, but it is your money after all. And you need it.
- Cancel your subscriptions. Most newspapers and magazines will refund the unused portion of your subscription when you cancel. It might not be much, but every little bit helps. And take a hard look at other subscription services you may be able to do without (Netflix, Disney+, gym memberships, etc.).
- Hold a yard or garage sale. Get rid of your junk and get rid of the clutter in your life while making a few bucks. If you live in an apartment, maybe there is a nearby flea market you can sale your stuff at? Or ask a friend if you can hold the yard sale at their place.
- Sell your stuff online. Did you know that you can sell used books, DVDs and CDs on Amazon? Of course, eBay is also a great place to sell all types of stuff.
- Sell big-ticket items in your local classified ads. This is a great way to sell individual items such as unused exercise equipment, furniture, electronics, and so forth.
- Rent out a room. If you have a spare bedroom, consider renting it out. If you rent an apartment, consider taking a roommate. Be careful who you are renting to, of course, checking references and so forth. And be sure to use a written contract!
AD: Bathtub Water BOB (Amazon link) - 100-Gallon Emergency Water Storage Container for the Bathtub, Comes with Hand Pump, BPA-Free. Great for preparations for hurricanes, tornados, winter storms, and other disasters.
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