Friday, November 8, 2024

Don't Stop Prepping Just Because Trump Won

By Tim Gamble

Donald Trump won the election. For many people, this creates a sense of relief and optimism. Many folks who considered themselves as "preppers" to some extent may be tempted to reduce or even stop their preparedness efforts. This is a major mistake. 

President Trump is inheriting a whole bunch of problems that won't magically disappear on his first day in office. The national debt will still be over 35 trillion dollars. Unfunded mandates, which include underfunded portions of social security, medicare and many other government programs, will still be over 220 trillion dollars. Yes, you read that right. Think I'm exaggerating? Just check out the information on the US debt clock website at Inflation is still a problem. Supply chain issues remain. The BRICS nations still want to replace the US dollar as the world's reserve currency. 

The Russia-Ukraine conflict is still raging. Israel is still fighting Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. Iran is still openly developing nukes. China still wants to take Taiwan by military force, and is continuing to harass the Philippines and shipping lanes in the South China Sea. North Korea is still developing its nuclear program and long-range missiles. 

Huge numbers of illegal immigrants are already in the US. More are illegally crossing the border everyday. Most are military-age males (including thousands of Chinese nationals); many are gang members and/or drug- or human-traffickers. According to government estimates, hundreds of known or suspected terrorists have entered the US illegally during the last four years, many of whom the Dept. of Homeland Security admits it has lost track of.  

A Muslim mass migration into Europe continues unstemmed. 

This is only a partial list of problems awaiting President Trump on day one. He won't be able to fix all these problems immediately. Some are impossible for him to solve. And I haven't even mentioned natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, winter storms, wildfires, and so forth. A president has no control to stop these, no matter who that president is.

A best, the election of Trump buys us some more time to prepare. Use that time wisely. 

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1 comment:

  1. Prep harder. Right side mirror: things are closer than they appear.

    Trump is not going to go all Paul Bunyan (giant ax) on the system, and he's only around for 4 years max.


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