Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Want to resist tyranny? Become more self-reliant.

By Tim Gamble

Here is something to think about: The more self-reliant we are as individuals, families, and communities, the less need we will have for government, and the less power the Elites will have over our lives. This fact is is obvious to the Elites, which is why they have focused so much effort on attacking the concept of self-reliance, labeling it as too hard, unrealistic, unfair, and selfish, among other things. The Elites want us as dependent on government, and therefore on them, as possible.

This desire to control the people through dependence is why the Elites have dumbed-down our educational system, attacked Biblical Christianity, destroyed the traditional family structure, pushed the concept of victimhood, and promoted the welfare state. And it is why the survivalist mindset is so important.

Survivalism and preparedness isn't about heading for the hills, hiding from world. Instead, survival is about developing self-reliance as individuals, families & communities, so that we don't need government or the Elites. Not needing government takes away most of the power and influence of both elected politicians and unelected bureaucrats, as well as the lobbyists of the corporate world.
Ad: Survivalist Family: Prepared Americans for a Strong America (Affiliate linkby Pastor Joe Fox (Viking Preparedness), is a great guide to beginner and intermediate preparedness and survival. Highly recommended. 

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