Friday, December 13, 2024

My EDC Dump - Dec. 2024

By Tim Gamble

It has been a while since I've posted an EDC dump. Here are the items I actually am carrying on me in December 202. And yes, assuming I am wearing pants, I have all these items on my person at all times. 

I dress for practicality, not fashion or to impress others. I wear cargo pants. My favorite brand is Wrangler (Amazon link). I like cargo pants for the extra pockets (I prefer velcro over button or snap closures). 

My belt is a WYuZe Nylon Webbing Tactical Belt (Amazon link), and I always carry my Leatherman Multi-tool (Amazon link) in its leather case on my belt. By the way, I absolutely love those belts, and have written a review of them (article link). 

My footwear is typically sturdy hiking shoes (Amazon link), or occasionally steel-toed work boots (Amazon link) depending on what I'm doing. The hiking shoes are a good compromise between athletic shoes (lighter and more comfortable) and work boots (more protective). No particular name-brand loyalty. 

In my right-side cargo pocket, I carry my wallet, which is a Maxpedition Urban Wallet (Amazon link), which has lots of room for various cards and money. I like that it has a money pocket on the outside so that I can pull out my cash without having to take my wallet out of my pocket.

Cash is extremely important; try to have plenty on hand. You never know when the ATMs and other computerized systems will be down, making bank, debit, and credit cards useless. 

Also in my right cargo pocket, I carry a tactical pen and some index cards clipped together with a binder clip. This is very useful for shopping lists, taking notes, leaving messages, and so forth. The tactical pen I carry (Amazon link) writes very smoothly, but I've never had to use it for self-defense.

In my left cargo pocket I carry my Samsung Galaxy phone (Amazon link). 

In my left front pocket I carry some quarters, a Bic lighter (Amazon link), and my keys. I have a small Nitecore flashlight (Amazon link) on my keychain. 

In my right front pocket, I carry a folding  knife. I have several  I like. Which one I carry on any given day just depends. 

This is my EDC set up. Basically unchanged for several years now. No gadgets or gizmos to weigh me down. Just actually useful stuff. 

I do also have a small EDC bag (Amazon link) which I carry with me (not on me, so it isn't true EDC). I will be doing an article on the bag and its contents soon.

Ad: Survivalist Family: Prepared Americans for a Strong America (Affiliate linkby Pastor Joe Fox (Viking Preparedness), is a great guide to beginner and intermediate preparedness and survival. Highly recommended. 

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