Learn Real History on the #HistoryHub!
What, and Why, is #HistoryHub? Intentionally distorted by political correctness and woke ideology, the subject of History has been twisted beyond recognition in recent decades. #HistoryHub is designed to provide resources for learning and teaching Real History. Here you will find the actual texts of historical documents, famous speeches, and other primary sources that you can read for yourself. You will also find Real History articles by myself and others, book recommendations & reviews, videos, links to suggested websites, and other resources. Learn Real History for yourself, and teach it to your children.
The Primary Sources
(Historical Documents, Eye-Witness Accounts, Important Speeches...)
- Magna Carta - World's first "constitution", translated from the original Latin
- Gayanashagowa - The Constitution of the Iroquois Nations
**America's Founding (1600s - 1700s)
- Mayflower Compact
- The Fundamental Orders of 1639
- Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges
- Patrick Henry's "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death" Speech
- Declaration of Independence
- Articles of Confederation - America's first constitution
- Constitution of the United States
- Bill of Rights - First 10 amendments to the Constitution
- Amendments 11-27 (1795 - 1992)
- Washington's "Sentiments on a Peace Establishment" - basis for American Military Policy until the Cold War
- Federalist 1: General Introduction
- Federalist 2: Concerning Dangers from Foreign Force & Influence
- Federalist 3: Concerning Dangers from Foreign Force & Influence
- Federalist 69: Real Character of the Executive
- Anti-Federalist 1: General Introduction
- Washington's First Inaugural Address
- Washington's Thanksgiving Proclamation
- Washington's Second Inaugural Address - remains shortest ever
- Washington's Farewell Address
- John Adams - Inaugural address of 1797
**The 1800s
- Thomas Jefferson's First Inaugural Address (1801)
- The Star-Spangled Banner
- The Monroe Doctrine
- Harkin's "Farewell Letter to the American People" - On the Indian Removal
- Abraham Lincoln's "A House Divided" Speech
- Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Address
- The Emancipation Proclamation
- Abraham Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclamation
- The Gettysburg Address
- Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address
**The 1900s
- Franklin Roosevelt's D-Day Prayer - "Let Our Hearts Be Stout"
- United States Oath of Allegiance - required of all immigrants wanting to be citizens
- Dwight Eisenhower's Farewell Address - Ike's famous warning about the Industrial-Military Complex
- John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address
- Richard Nixon's Resignation Speech
- Ronald Reagan's First Inaugural Address
- Ronald Reagan's 1981 Thanksgiving Proclamation
- Ronald Reagan's "Our Noble Vision" Speech
**The 2000s
- George Bush's Address to the Nation on the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks
- US Navy SEAL Ethos/Creed (adopted 2015)
- Benjamin Netanyahu's 2015 Speech to the US Congress
- Trump's Inaugural Address
The Secondary Sources
(Articles & Lessons on History)
- American's Creed (Dean Alfange)
- American's Creed (William Tyler Page)
- Battle Hymn of the Republic
- Eisenhower's Warning about the Military-Industrial Complex
- Freedom of Worship vs. Freedom of Religion
- Great Thanksgiving Hoax
- Knight's Code
- New Colossus, by Emma Lazarus
- Odd, Checkered History of the Pledge of Allegiance
- Pine Tree Flag
- The Pine Tree Riot of 1772
The History For Preppers series:
Core Reference Book Recommendations
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