By Tim Gamble
Ammo - We know how anti-gun the Elites are (at least for you, not for their bodyguards). They are always looking for ways to get around the second amendment and restrict civilian access to guns and ammo. Add to that the recent HUGE orders for ammunition placed by the US military, which industry experts say will tie up 90%+ of US ammunition manufacturing for the foreseeable future, and you have the perfect storm leading to ammo shortages and sharp price increases for the civilian market. I recommend you stock up ASAP on any ammo you think you may need for the next few years.
Body Armor - You would think that equipment designed solely for the purpose of protecting people from getting shot would be acceptable to the Elites. It is not. Many states already have restrictions or even bans on civilians buying body armor, and others are considering such legislation. The only possible reason to ban civilian use of body armor is that they want to maintain their ability to kill you.
Night Vision - Using night vision devices (scopes, googles, binoculars, monoculars, cameras) for recreational purposes such as hunting, bird watching, and hiking at night, is already illegal in certain states, with other states considering restrictions or outright bans. Why? The official excuse is they might be used in criminal activity. The real reason is similar to why they don't want folks to own body armor. (Amazon link)
Hemostatic Gauze - Maybe its because of recent huge buys by the military, but hemostatic gauze is getting really expensive and relatively scarce. But there is also evidence that regulatory agencies are quietly trying to restrict civilian access to hemostatic gauze, chest seals, and other trauma gear. Why would the government want to restrict civilian access to serious first aid gear? It is all about control. The good news is that hemostatic gauze is still available (Amazon link), but it is getting ridiculously expensive. Chest seals and other trauma supplies cand be found at Refuge Medical (my affiliate link - 10% off AT checkout).
Seeds - Backyard gardens are unhealthy, dangerous, and contribute to global warming. At least that is the narrative being pushed by the Elites and their useful tools in the media. Backyard gardens are already being restricted in certain parts of Europe, and there is starting to be a push for garden registration in the US by both the federal government and some state governments. In some states, seed swapping is technically illegal, although not a priority for enforcement for local law enforcement (yet). As the anti-garden movement grows, expect seeds, and particularly heirloom seeds, to become more difficult for average folks to find and buy. And when you do, they will be increasingly expensive. Fortunately, we can still buy heirloom seeds (Amazon link), some which are packed in such a way as to have as much as a 10-year shelf life (Amazon link).
Backyard Chickens - They don't want you producing your own food, and this includes having backyard chickens for meat or eggs. The bird flu has been much in the news lately, and some "experts" are starting to call for more restrictions and even outright banning of backyard chicken flocks.
Survivalist Family, by Pastor Joe Fox (Viking Preparedness) is currently available at Refuge Medical for only $20. Great guide to beginner and intermediate preparedness and survival. Highly recommended!