Wednesday, July 31, 2024

6 Things The Elites Don't Want Civilians To Have

Ammo - We know how anti-gun the Elites are (at least for you, not for their bodyguards). They are always looking for ways to get around the second amendment and restrict civilian access to guns and ammo. Add to that the recent HUGE orders for ammunition placed by the US military, which industry experts say will tie up 90%+ of US ammunition manufacturing for the foreseeable future, and you have the perfect storm leading to ammo shortages and sharp price increases for the civilian market. I recommend you stock up ASAP on any ammo you think you may need for the next few years.  

Body Armor - You would think that equipment designed solely for the purpose of protecting people from getting shot would be acceptable to the Elites. It is not. Many states already have restrictions or even bans on civilians buying body armor, and others are considering such legislation. The only possible reason to ban civilian use of body armor is that they want to maintain their ability to kill you. 

Night Vision -  Using night vision devices (scopes, googles, binoculars, monoculars, cameras) for recreational purposes such as hunting, bird watching, and hiking at night, is already illegal in certain states, with other states considering restrictions or outright bans. Why? The official excuse is they might be used in criminal activity. The real reason is similar to why they don't want folks to own body armor. (Amazon link

Hemostatic Gauze - Maybe its because of recent huge buys by the military, but hemostatic gauze is getting really expensive and relatively scarce. But there is also evidence that regulatory agencies are quietly trying to restrict civilian access to hemostatic gauze, chest seals, and other trauma gear. Why would the government want to restrict civilian access to serious first aid gear? It is all about control. The good news is that hemostatic gauze is still available (Amazon link), but it is getting ridiculously expensive. Chest seals and other trauma supplies cand be found at Refuge Medical (my affiliate link - 10% off AT checkout). 

Seeds - Backyard gardens are unhealthy, dangerous, and contribute to global warming. At least that is the narrative being pushed by the Elites and their useful tools in the media. Backyard gardens are already being restricted in certain parts of Europe, and there is starting to be a push for garden registration in the US by both the federal government and some state governments. In some states, seed swapping is technically illegal, although not a priority for enforcement for local law enforcement (yet). As the anti-garden movement grows, expect seeds, and particularly heirloom seeds, to become more difficult for average folks to find and buy. And when you do, they will be increasingly expensive. Fortunately, we can still buy heirloom seeds (Amazon link), some which are packed in such a way as to have as much as a 10-year shelf life (Amazon link). 

Backyard Chickens - They don't want you producing your own food, and this includes having backyard chickens for meat or eggs. The bird flu has been much in the news lately, and some "experts" are starting to call for more restrictions and even outright banning of backyard chicken flocks.  

Survivalist Family, by Pastor Joe Fox (Viking Preparedness) is currently available at Refuge Medical for only $20. Great guide to beginner and intermediate preparedness and survival. Highly recommended!

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

A Quick Start Guide To Preparedness

If you are new to prepping, or haven't even started yet, this article is your quick start guide, giving you basic steps to preparing quickly for what may come. These six basic steps won't get you completely ready for everything, of course. That level of readiness takes much more time and effort. But, do these six things, and you will be better prepared for our difficult future than 90% of other folks, who will do nothing to get ready.  

1) Food and Water - Your first goal is to stock up on at least 3 weeks worth of food and water. Make sure you have enough food at home to feed your household for at least 3 weeks without eating out, going food shopping, or ordering food online. This should be regular canned and dry foods that you buy at the store, not MREs or other long-term "survival" foods. Foods that you already eat. Emphasize foods that need little or no preparation - cans of soups, chilis, and stews, pop-tarts and cereal, oatmeal, canned pastas, easy mac and cheese, peanut butter, crackers (saltine-type crackers can last up to 8 months without going stale if left unopened), canned tuna, canned chicken, canned fruits, and so forth... You can buy bottled water, or store tap water in various containers (Amazon link). Two-litter soda bottles work well, but milk jugs will break down and leak quickly. 

After stocking up 3 weeks worth of food and water, you can then begin working on longer-term food and water storage - maybe 3 months worth. Then 6 months. Then a year or more.

Also, think about stocking up on cleaning, sanitation, and hygiene supplies.  

2) First Aid and Medical - Make sure you have a good first aid kit in your home and in each of your vehicles. And I don't mean some cheap made-in-China boo-boo kit with some Band-Aids and a few alcohol wipes. You need a serious First Aid and Trauma Kit, including a real tourniquet. I HIGHLY recommend the kits and supplies from Refuge Medical (Affiliate link - 10% discount at checkout). These are high quality, American Made products, sold by a small business based in Oklahoma that really knows their stuff. Their clients include law enforcement and the US military.

 Have a good first aid manual (Amazon link) and study it before you need it. Better yet, take a good first aid course. Refuge Medical offers excellent first aid classes that go beyond other basic first aid courses (Affiliate link). 

Make sure you have a good supply of OTC medications (cold & flu, sinus, pain relievers, anti-diarrheal, decongestants, vitamins and supplements, etc.). 

Work with your doctor and pharmacist to get as much of your prescription medications as possible - sometimes they can prescribe for 3 months instead of 1 month, or give you additional samples.

3) Your Body - Begin working on your health and fitness now, even if it is just taking a regular after dinner walk around your neighborhood and cutting back on the sweets. Every little bit helps in the long-run. 

Also, I've learned the hard way the importance of regular medical check-ups. The key to healing any disease or chronic health condition is early detection. I highly urge everyone to get regular physical, dental, and eye check-ups. If you haven't had one recently, please make an appointment soon.

Go ahead and do any planned medical procedures sooner rather than later (Lasik eye surgery, mole removals, dental work, etc.).  

4) Flashlights, Radios, and Batteries - There are lots of gear you can buy to help in emergencies. Two of the most important are flashlights or headlamps (Amazon link) and a good emergency radio. I own and recommend the Kaito 5-way powered emergency radio (Amazon link).  This one has is all: AM/FM/SW/NOAA (weather alert) bands, and can be powered five ways (electrical cord, USB port, AA batteries, solar, and hand-crank). 

Also, make sure you have plenty of batteries (Amazon link) for all your devices! 

5) Cash and Important Documents - You should have a certain amount of cash on your person, as well as hidden in your home. How much depends on your own circumstances. Just realize that banks likely won't be open during a crisis for various reasons, ATMs may be down due to power outages, and the ETF system (which runs credit and debit card transactions) may be down due to power outages or hacking attacks, so you may be stuck using cash-only for a period of time. 

You should also collect your important documents (deeds, titles, insurance information, birth certificates, copies of IDs, etc.) together in a safe, fireproof, place so you can get your hands on them quickly if you need to. Here is something to consider: The ROLOWAY Fireproof (to 2000°F) and Water-resistant Document Bag is currently available on Amazon for less than $30 (Amazon link). Home safes are also good, although a somewhat less mobile option (check fire ratings). 

6) Make Plans Now - Unexpected things do happen all the time, and we need to plan for the unexpected. How do you plan to get home in an emergency if you car isn't working or traffic is too bad? Do you have a get-home bag in your car? Do you wear good walking shoes or boots to work or out shopping (heels, dress shoes, sandals, and flip-flobs don't count)? If not, keep a good pair in your car or bag in case of emergency. What if you had to suddenly leave your home due to wildfires, chemical spills, or some other reason? Do you have bug-out bags already packed? Do you know where you would go? Do you have a reliable vehicle to get you there? Start planning these things now.

By the way, I have down much more in-depth articles on everything I've mentioned in this article. Just search through this website's archives (bottom of right-hand column) if you want to know more. 

A final thought: The single most important thing you can do now to survive any future chaos is to start taking responsibility for your own life now.
Survivalist Family, by Pastor Joe Fox (Viking Preparedness) is currently available at Refuge Medical for only $20. Great guide to beginner and intermediate preparedness and survival. Highly recommended!

Monday, July 29, 2024

Home Security (there's more to it than just guns)

We can no longer farm out our personal and family security to others. We cannot depend on the police, the legal system, or the government to protect us. We must take back personal responsibility for our own safety and security, and that of our family and community. This begins with home security. 

The Foundation

Learn about situational awareness and the OODA loop (link to my article), which is where security starts. This is much more than just "paying attention," although that is a small part of it, and it is much more important than many people realize. Situational awareness should be practiced both when you are away from home and at home. 

Home Security

Consider making needed security upgrades to your home, such as heavier security doors, dead bolt locks, chain locks, additional outdoor lighting, motion activated lights, and getting a dog. Keep doors and windows locked, even when you are home. Don't forget about doing similar things for any storage sheds or other out-buildings on your property.

Keep your vehicles locked at all times. If possible, keep them parked in a locked garage. No garage? Keep them parked where they can be easily seen from a window. Make use of steering wheel bars

Consider using security cameras (here's a good four-camera system with DVR recorder for under $200 on Amazon). Be cautious of Ring and other Internet-based camera systems, as they can be hacked and actually become a privacy and security threat. Decide for yourself what is best for your situation.

Have working smoke alarms and fire extinguishers to protect your family and home from fire. An excellent first aid and trauma kit is also a must have.  

Consider your landscaping. Are there tall shrubs right next to your house, or beside porches and walkways? These make fine hiding spots for bad guys. On the other hand, trees and heavy planters or raised garden beds between the road and your house could make fine barriers to vehicles coming onto your property. Fences and gates are also barriers, and make your property lines obvious. The point is to think about how your landscaping affects your security. 

door stopper security alarm may be a useful item for your home or apartment. It is also a great mobile solution for hotel/motel security when you are traveling. 

Exercise your rights to self-defense. Be armed, and know how to use your firearms (training!). Many of you are already gunowners. Good! But get training. If you're not a gunowner already and are new to guns, I suggest you start with a good home-defense shotgun, such as the H&R Pardner (relatively affordable, effective, and easy-to-use for beginners). Talk with your local gun shop for more suggestions, as well as information on your applicable gun laws, training, and gun safety courses. If you have firearms, every member of your household should take an age-appropriate gun safety course. Teach your children to respect guns, not fear them.

Want more home security ideas? You may find the Shooter's Bible Guide to Home Defense to be useful.
Refuge Medical & Refuge Training - High Quality, American Made, First Aid Kits and Medical Supplies! (Training, too!).  A 10% Discount Code will automatically be applied at checkout using this link. 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Survival Gear Week On Dystopian Survival

By Tim Gamble

Last week was Survival Gear Week on Dystopian Survival. The purpose was not to talk about the sexy survival gear, such as guns, knives, and multitools, but rather to highlight the less sexy, but just as important, survival gear we may need. Here is an index of the articles:

I am planning another Survival Gear Week for October! 
Refuge Medical & Refuge Training - High Quality, American Made, First Aid Kits and Medical Supplies! (Training, too!).  A 10% Discount Code will automatically be applied at checkout using this link. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Survival Gear: Eyesight!

The ability to see is something most of us take for granted most of the time. But during an emergency your eyesight is crucial. Even in everyday, normal life you want your eyesight to be as sharp as possible. Start protecting your eyes now. Get an eye exam as soon as possible, and get them regularly. Limit screen time to a reasonable amount. Eat healthy, be active, and control your blood pressure and blood sugar (two things that can badly damage your eyes). 

You also want to make sure you can see well during and after a any emergency, as well as in everyday life. If you have prescription glasses or reading glasses, make sure you have backup pairs, just in case. These are as much Survival Gear, as are guns, knives, and multitools. Also, make sure you have, and use, protective eyewear. 
  • Spare Prescription Glasses - If you have prescription glasses, you may want to go ahead and get a second pair as a back-up. Or even a third pair. Your backup pair doesn't have to have the super expensive designer frames. Just plain black frames for most prescriptions can be found for under $20 if you are willing to look for them.
  • Reading Glasses (amazon link) - I use reading glasses, and typically lose or break several pair every year. Right now, they are super cheap and readily available, so it makes sense to stock up many extra. Consider getting a few in higher power, in case your eyesight gets worse later on.
  • Sunglasses (amazon link) - Same as with reading glasses, basic sunglasses are are super cheap and readily available at the moment, but may not always be. 
  • Safety Glasses (Amazon link) and Safety Goggles (Amazon link) - Protecting your eyes from debris and smoke during and after an emergency, as well as in everyday life, is vitally important.
  • Flashlights (Amazon link), binoculars (Amazon link), magnifying glasses (Amazon link), and night vision (Amazon link) are all force multipliers. By that, I mean that they extend your vision beyond its normal capabilities.  
--------------------------------------------- is my #Resistance website. I cover politics and current events from a "red-pilled" perspective, as well as providing strategies, information and resources for resisting the forces of tyranny attempting to enslave us all. Much of my attention is given to exposing technocracy, and building alternative systems to those being foisted on us by the technocrats. Please check it out. 

Survival Gear: Shoes! (but not just any shoes)

An often overlooked piece of survival gear are Practical, Useful Shoes. Not just any shoes, but practical, useful shoes. Shoes you can walk in for distance, run in as fast as you can, climb in over debris, and that will protect your feet. 

So, not high heels, sandals, clogs, or flip flops. Not even wingtips. Sure, you may need these type shoes for work or fun, but you should always have a pair of more practical shoes with you for when you need them. Perhaps keep them in your car? Or a spare pair at work? 

I'm lucky enough to not have to dress up for work, so my everyday shoes are hiking shoes, which are a great compromise between athletic shoes and boots. Of course, I also have work boots at home for when I need them.

With most shoes being made overseas these days, shoes and boots are especially vulnerable to supply chain issues and continued inflation. Make sure you have plenty for you and your family!

--------------------------------------------- is my #Resistance website. I cover politics and current events from a "red-pilled" perspective, as well as providing strategies, information and resources for resisting the forces of tyranny attempting to enslave us all. Much of my attention is given to exposing technocracy, and building alternative systems to those being foisted on us by the technocrats. Please check it out. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Health and Fitness Tips

By Tim Gamble

If you are interested in improving your health, fitness, or even appearance, these tips would make an excellent starting point. Found this image on social media, not sure of its original origin. 

Click to Enlarge.
Ad: Street Survival Skills: Tips, Tricks and Tactics for Modern Survival is based on Fernando "FerFAL" Aguirre's experiences during and after the economic collapse of Argentina in the early 2000s. In it, he explains practical urban survival skills such as situational awareness, home and street security, everyday carry, dealing with blackouts, survival kits and weapons, how to fight with a gun, knife, bare hands or improvised weapons, how to respond against a terrorist or mass shooter, barricade doors or how to breach them, how to stop a bleeding and carry a casualty, defensive driving, home remedies and many others practical skills. 

Survival Gear: Local Knowledge.

Okay, Local Knowledge isn't really a piece of gear, but you do need to really know the area in which you live. This is true for both surviving a disaster and in everyday life. It is about more than just knowing the roads. 

You need to know where the bad neighborhoods and high crime areas are, and how to avoid them. What about areas that may be dangerous because of industrial pollutants in the air or water?  Even small towns and rural areas have neighborhoods and places you want to avoid if at all possible. 

Is there a nearby farmers' market? Or maybe nearby farmers who are willing to sell there produce, eggs, honey, milk, and even meat directly to the general public? 

Are there salvage stores, thrift stores, or flea markets in your area? Locally owned hardware stores? Do you know where the locally owned gun stores in your area are? 

You also need to know people. Do you know an honest mechanic? A good and dependable plumber? An electrician? A general handyman? A babysitter you can trust with your kids?

Do you really know your neighbors? Your co-workers? Your fellow church members? 

Do you know your local elected officials? Do you know what their plans are for your city? Do you follow the local news, or maybe listen to a local talk radio show? 

Get to really know you area and its people. And most importantly, build a network of people you trust, and who have reason to trust you.

 Donald Trump Hats - many colors and styles to choose  from. Also available are many styles of Donald Trump Shirts

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Survival Gear: Maps. Especially Local Maps.

In a crisis, as well as in everyday life, you need to know your way around, and out of, your city or area. Please realize that GPS and Google Maps might not be available in a disaster. In fact, the more serious and dangerous the disaster, the less likely that electronic maps will be working. You need physical copies. A good road atlas is a must, along with fold-out maps of your state, county, and city. Not just where you are currently living, but also for your bug-out areas.

Not just road maps, but also maps showing rail lines, greenways, and hiking trails in your area of operation. If you ever have to bug-out on foot, abandoned train tracks is likely your best option, instead of trying to hike along congested and dangerous roadways. 

A road atlas is easy to find (Amazon link), as are state road maps (Amazon link) but fold-out maps of your local area can be difficult to find, especially if you live in a out-of-the-way or low population area. You can try your luck on Amazon, or you can try local book stores, service stations, and your local chamber of commerce, tourism board or government offices. 

 AD:  Donald Trump Hats - many colors and styles to choose  from. Also available are many styles of Donald Trump Shirts

Survival Gear: Electrical Key

Continuing on with my Survival Gear series, today's article regards the 
Electrical Key (aka control panel key). Electrical keys look similar to water keys, except they open up most electrical cabinets and control panels, gas and water meters and shut-off systems, train, bus, and subway windows and doors, elevator control panels, and so forth. Any of these could be very useful to access in certain types of disaster situations, especially in urban settings. 

There are many different ones available (some with more "key" types than others), but the Knipex Tools LP - 1101 is the most versatile that I have found. A good item for your survival kit, bug-out bag and get home bag.
Refuge Medical & Refuge Training - High Quality, American Made, First Aid Kits and Medical Supplies! (Training, too!).  A 10% Discount Code will automatically be applied at checkout using this link. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Survival Gear: Personal Water Filter.

As I stated in yesterday's survival gear article, water is key in any survival situation, including day-to-day survival during "normal" times. But it needs to be clean water. A personal water filter is something you should have in you bug-out bag and in your get-home bag or car kit. There are many different ones available to choose from, so pick one that suits your needs and lifestyle.

Over the years, I have used many different personal water filters. So far, they all seem to work just fine. I've never had one fail. Among those I've tried and liked are the LifeStraw Personal Water Filter, the Membrane Solutions Straw Water Filter, and the Emergency Survival Water Straws

Personal water filters aren't just a must for survival and emergency preparedness, but are also useful for travel, hiking, camping, biking, and everyday use. Get several for each member of your family, tribe, or group.

A larger capacity water filter for the home is also a must, of course, but I will discuss those in a future Survival Gear article. 
Refuge Medical & Refuge Training - High Quality, American Made, First Aid Kits and Medical Supplies! (Training, too!).  A 10% Discount Code will automatically be applied at checkout using this link. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Survival Gear: Water Key (aka Sillcock Key).

Water is key (pun intended) in any survival situation, wilderness or urban, Get yourself one or two 4-Way Sillcock Keys, also called water keys (they are only about $6-$8 each depending on the brand). Put one in your bug-out or survival bag, and toss the other into the glove box of your vehicle. These  could prove invaluable in an emergency situation.

Most preppers and survivalists may already know about sillcock keys, but many of those new to preparedness may not. Sillcock keys are used to open those recessed handleless water spigots often found on the outside of commercial buildings, at parks and golf courses, and on some farms. These outside faucets don't have handles in order to prevent vandals from causing mischief by turning on the spigot and wasting the water. Having a sillcock key will give you access to these water sources in an emergency.

Please note that the design of these spigots prevents using adjustable wrenches or needle-nose pliers to open them. You MUST have a sillcock key to access the water. Here is the Amazon link to the ones I own (good quality):
Refuge Medical & Refuge Training - High Quality, American Made, First Aid Kits and Medical Supplies! (Training, too!).  A 10% Discount Code will automatically be applied at checkout using this link. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Survival Gear: Window Breaker / Seat Belt Cutter

By Tim Gamble

A  vehicle accident is one disaster many of us will face at some point, and we may need to extricate ourselves or someone else. An important part of your survival gear should be a window breaker and seat belt cutter. Keep this within easy reach in each of your vehicles (door side pocket maybe?). 

I personally have a Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops knife in the driver's door pocket of both of my vehicles. It has both a window breaker and seat belt cutter on it. Other folks may prefer a vehicle escape tool, which is another option. Either way, be sure to protect your hand when busting open the window. Wear a glove or wrap your hand in a jacket or shirt so minimize getting cuts. 

Ad: Street Survival Skills: Tips, Tricks and Tactics for Modern Survival is based on Fernando "FerFAL" Aguirre's experiences during and after the economic collapse of Argentina in the early 2000s. In it, he explains practical urban survival skills such as situational awareness, home and street security, everyday carry, dealing with blackouts, survival kits and weapons, how to fight with a gun, knife, bare hands or improvised weapons, how to respond against a terrorist or mass shooter, barricade doors or how to breach them, how to stop a bleeding and carry a casualty, defensive driving, home remedies and many others practical skills. 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Do You EDC A USB Key? Maybe You Should.

By Tim Gamble

A USB key, also called a memory stick or flash drive, can be an important part of your everyday carry. I consider this almost a must have in today's digital world, especially if you, like me, don't fully trust online cloud storage. It allows you to carry files between home, work, and school, as well as back-up copies of important documents and information you don't want to lose. You can even keep a photo log of expensive household items for insurance purposes in case of fire or theft.

I have a Gorilla Drive (they are apparently back in stock on Amazon) on my keychain, and a back-up in my bug-out bag that I regularly update every couple of weeks or so. I keep a copies of my important personal papers and pictures on it (encrypted with this free and easy encryption method), lists of family and  friends, along with their contact and other information, maps and driving directions to assorted destinations I may need, music files (you got to have some fun), and various videos and .pdf files relating to survival and prepping.

I've used Gorilla Drives for many years (at least since 2014). They been through a lot, being dropped countless times, left outside overnight in freezing temperatures, left in my hot car during the summer, and used very heavily. Only once have I had a Gorilla Drive fail. They are rugged.  

I installed the free PortableApps Platform which allows me to carry mobile versions of various applications such as Firefox, Open Office, VLC media player,  and a .pdf reader, among others. Since it is on my keychain, it goes wherever I go.

But it won't work after an EMP event! I know that is what some of you are thinking, and you are right. However, it will work until such an event happens, if it ever happens. Until then, having a USB as part of your EDC is extremely useful.
AD:  Donald Trump Hats - many colors and styles to choose from. Also available are many styles of Donald Trump Shirts