Sunday, September 8, 2024

Water Collection and Treatment - National Preparedness Month

By Tim Gamble

September is National Preparedness Month. Yesterday, I presented a more detailed look at water storage (article link). Today's article covers water collection and treatment.

The Texas Manual on Rainwater Harvesting (link to FREE .pdf) is an 88-page publication of the Texas Water Development Board that I highly recommend to anyone interested in this topic. Although written specifically for Texas, most the information in it is applicable to wherever you live. It covers a variety of rainwater harvesting systems, water quality and treatment, building codes (may vary for your location), and many other related topics. Download a copy for free at the above link.

Rain barrels (Amazon link) are a great way to catch and hold rainwater. Rainwater then can be filtered and treated for potable (drinkable) uses, or used untreated for non-potable uses such as watering your garden or flushing toilets. Rain water collection laws and regulations vary across the country, so be sure to check the rules for your locality. 

Treating Water - There are many methods of treating water to remove trash & debris, dangerous chemicals, and microscopic organisms such as mold, algae, bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Different methods each have their own particular strengths and weakness. The Texas rainwater guide mentioned above has an entire chapter on water quality and treatment. Rain water falling from the sky is typically the cleanest and safest to drink, however it can quickly become contaminated while being collected or stored. Iodine tablets (Amazon link), unscented bleach, and water filters are some of the common ways to treat water. 

Another method which I like is ferric sulfate and calcium hypochlorite powder (Amazon link), which removes most microorganisms (99.9%+), as well as arsenic and other chemicals. 

Water filters come as both individual filters (Amazon link) and family/group size filters (Amazon link). 

Whatever method or methods you choose, get the supplies and equipment now, before you need them, and learn how to use them. 

Water keys (Amazon link), also known as Sillcock keys, will allow you emergency access to those recessed, knobless water spigots on the sides of commercial buildings, and at many parks and golf courses. Water is key (pun intended) in any survival situation, wilderness or urban, so keep one of these in your bug-out bag, and another in your vehicle or get-home bag.

AD:  Bathtub WaterBOB - 100-Gallon Emergency Water Storage Container for the Bathtub, Comes with Hand Pump, BPA-Free. Great for preparations for hurricanes, tornados, winter storms, and other disasters. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

WATER!!! - National Preparedness Month

By Tim Gamble

September is National Preparedness Month. Yesterday, I presented the truth about expiration dates for those stockpiling food (article link). In today's article, I take a more detailed look about water storage. 

How Much Water to Store

Note: I have increased my recommendations for water from my previous recommendations. 

The general recommendation most often given in preparedness circles for how much water to store is 1 gallon per day, per person. So, a family of four would need 12 gallons of water for a 3-day period (1 gallon X 4 people X 3 days). In my opinion, this is an absolute minimum recommendation, so low-ball that it is bordering on dangerous.

A better recommendation would be 2 gallons of potable water (that is, water safe for drinking, brushing teeth, cleaning wounds, food prep and cooking) per day per person, PLUS additional water for flushing toilets, general household cleaning, and bathing (external only; brush teeth & clean wounds only with potable water). PLUS, don't forget additional water for pets and livestock. 

Also, I would recommend storing at a minimum enough water for 2 weeks (14 days). This recommendation would be 112 gallons of potable water for a family of four (2 gallons X 4 people X 14 days), plus additional water for non-potable uses, pets, and livestock. How much additional water will depend on your situation, so use commonsense and your best estimates to come up with your target amount.  

NOTE: This is a bare minimum recommendation. More is always better, but water is bulky and takes up a lot of space.

Water for Washing Pots, Pans, and Dishes

Do you need potable water to wash pots, pans, and dishes? There is some disagreement on this issue. The following is my opinion, and what I do.

There is an adage "Germs dry, germs die." I have no problem washing cookware, dishes, and utensils with regular (non-potable) water, as long as they are allowed to dry thoroughly (perhaps in the sun) before their next use. I've never gotten sick from doing this while camping, and know of no one else who has. Many folks agree with me. Others don't. Decide for yourself. If you insist on washing dishes  only with potable water, you will have to add more potable water to your storage to account for this use.
Containers to NOT Use for Water Storage
  • Milk Jugs - not designed for long-term storage and will eventually leak; difficult to completely wash out the fats & proteins from the milk which may promote bacterial growth; plastic is of a type that may leach chemicals into the water over time.
  • Crystal Glass and Antique Glass Containers - the glass may contain lead.
  • Bleach Bottles - bleach bottles are treated with a chemical agent that may leach into water over time. 
  • Ozark Trail 6-gal water jugs - I've written about this before, but the giant X stamped into the sides is a major design flaw that will eventually spring leaks 100% of the time. My experience is with multiple Ozark Trail water jugs bought at different times - ALL eventually leaked along the X.
  • Containers that previously held toxic substances - impossible to clean thoroughly enough to be made safe.

Containers to Use for Potable Water Storage
  • Water Tanks designed for the purpose of water storage - many types and sizes available on Amazon (Amazon affiliate link).
  • Water Containers designed for water storage - I use AquaTainers (Amazon affiliate link), and have never had one leak (they are also BPA-free). 
  • Food Grade plastic and glass bottles -  used bottles with tight-fitting screw-on tops that once contained water, juice, soda, or wine can be cleaned and repurposed for water storage; I use many 1-gallon table wine bottles. Keep see-trough bottles in a dark room or closet, or otherwise covered to protect from light, to prevent growth of bacteria, algae, or mold.

Are Plastic Bottles and Containers Safe for Water Storage?

Plastic can leach into water over the long-term, but not all plastic leaches equally. Stick to food grade and BPA-free plastics for your long-term storage. Remember this: You will die of dehydration (in days) long before you'll die from plastic toxicity (after years of consumption, if ever). In a true long-term emergency situation, plastic water containers will be the very least of your problems.

How Long Will Water Store?

Non-potable water stores indefinitely, without need for rotation. 

Potable water, assuming it is properly stored, also stores indefinitely, without need for rotation. However, potable water will begin to taste "flat" after about six months or so. It is still safe to drink, and the taste can be improved by introducing air into it (think bubbles). Of course, if you notice algae or mold in the water, do not use it without treating first.

Additional Tips
  • Clean and thoroughly dry all bottles, tanks, and containers - both used and new - before filling with water for long-term storage.
  • If your tap water is already safe for drinking, it should also be safe for long-term storage without additional treatment.
  • Unsure of your water? Have it tested first, then treat if necessary. 
  • Want some extra insurance? Add 2-4 drops of unscented bleach per quart of water.
  • Store your long-term water away from direct sunlight and heat, and away from gasoline, kerosene, pesticides, and other chemicals (both to prevent contamination and to prevent possible degradation of plastic containers).
AD:  Augason Farms Long-Term Food Storage - This is where I get powdered butter, eggs, cheese, milk, and other long-term foods for my Survival Pantry. Shelf-life up to 20+ years. Good quality, good taste, good value. For my money (literally, since I am a paying customer), Augason Farms is the best long-term foods option. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

The Truth About Expiration Dates - National Preparedness Month

By Tim Gamble

September is National Preparedness Month. Yesterday, I presented a more detailed look at stockpiling food (article link). In today's article, I present the truth about food expiration dates:

All food is safe to eat until it goes bad. The "best by" or "expiration" date does NOT matter. If the food hasn't gone bad, it is safe to eat even after that date. If the food has gone bad, it isn't safe to eat even if it hasn't yet reached the date printed on it. 

That statement may sound obvious to many of us, but there are a lot of Americans who have a false understanding of so-called "expiration dates." And with many people starting to store up food for the first time due to world circumstances, there is a lot of concern with how long food lasts. Well, it lasts until it goes bad, regardless of any dates stamped on it.

"Except for infant formula, product dating is not required by Federal regulations." -- USDA Website 

In fact, most foods you will buy at the store do NOT actually have expiration dates. In most cases they have "best by" dates. A best buy date is about the freshness of the item, NOT about safety. A best buy date is the company's estimate for how long the item will be at its freshest and tastiest. It is not an estimate of when it will go bad. Most foods, properly stored, will be safe to eat long after they have passed their "best by" date. Some foods may lose some of their nutritional value over time, but they will still be edible and provide calories and some nutrients for years to come, as long as they haven't gone bad. 

Surprising Facts About Expiration Dates
  • Expiration dates are NOT required by federal laws or regulations, except for infant formula (state laws and local regulations may vary for all these).
  • Expiration dates are NOT determined by the government or by government scientists, but rather by the individual companies.
  • It is NOT illegal to sell food, except for infant formula, without expiration dates.
  • It is NOT illegal to sell food after its expiration date (except for infant formula). 
  • It is NOT dangerous or unsafe to eat food past its expiration date, as long as it has not spoiled or "gone bad."
  • It IS legal to donate food past its expiration date.
  • According to the USDA website: "Except for infant formula, dates are not an indicator of the product’s safety and are not required by Federal law."

So, how do you know when food goes bad? 

But if government doesn't tell you what is safe to eat, how are you supposed to know?* It is about common sense and awareness. Here are some clues to when food has gone bad:

  • The can, bag, or container is leaking, cracked, or bulging.
  • The can is severely dented, especially near the top, bottom, or seams of the can.
  • The can has a noticeable amount of rust (rust may create holes large enough for  germs to enter, but small enough that the product doesn't leak out).
  • There are signs of insects or mold, including dead insects, insect parts, webbing, or insect poop.
  • The food is badly discolored or "smells funny".
  • The texture of the food is wrong.
  • The food tastes bad, wrong, or odd.
* The sad fact is many Americans these days are unable to think for themselves. This is intentional, an instilled situation called "learned helplessness" - a behavioral term for when an organism (animal or human) has been taught through external stimuli to NOT help themselves, but to depend on outside factors. In this case, some people fear food unless they think the government or some other "expert" tells them it is safe to eat it. Interestingly, the term "learned helplessness" appears in declassified CIA documents. The CIA defines learned helplessness as a type of instilled "apathy" which it is very difficult or even impossible to overcome.

AD: Some good categories to explore on Amazon!

Augason Farms Long Term Foods (the brand I buy for powdered butter, milk, cheese, eggs, etc.)

Thursday, September 5, 2024

FOOD! - National Preparedness Month

By Tim Gamble

September is National Preparedness Month. Yesterday, I presented a short, easy outline of the important steps for preparedness (article link). In today's article, I present a more detailed look at food storage:

Storing food is a hedge against inflation, economic chaos, and disruptions in the supply chain. It also a safety issue, making it less likely you will have to venture to the market to buy needed goods during dangerous times (bad weather, civil unrest, high crime, etc.).

A disruption in the supply chain for food and other goods will mean the shelves at Walmart, Target, and your local grocery stores will quickly be emptied. Remember what happened in the early days of the Covid plandemic? 

Depending on the cause of the disruption, empty shelves may not be re-stocked for weeks or or months, if ever. Stocking up now for an extended period of time in which you will not be able to buy what you need is prudent and wise.

How Much Food to Stockpile?

The more the better. As the saying now goes, "stock it to the rafters." However, most of us have limited funds and space. 

My recommendation to those just starting out in preparedness is to quickly acquire at least two weeks worth of food, then work towards building a month's stockpile. This amount will carry you through most temporary emergencies, such as bad weather or a truckers' strike. 

However, longer emergencies will require more food storage. Once you have a month's worth stored, I recommend continuing to build your food stockpile for those longer term emergencies, which could be cased by anything from another plandemic to severe economic problems or even World War III.  Aim for six month's, then a year's, then two years' worth of food and supplies. 

Two weeks' worth of food, even a month's worth, is a very attainable goal for most folks. Six months', a year's, or even longer, will require planning, time, effort, and expense to acquire. But your survival, and that of your family, is worth it, isn't it? 

Quick Tips for Stockpiling Food: 
  • Stick to stocking up on foods you actually eat. Don't bother stockpiling foods you are allergic to, or just plain don't like.
  • Figure out what you actually use on a regular basis, then buy extra.
  • Develop a rotation method to make sure you are always eating your oldest food first (I use a black sharpie to mark the purchase month & year on the top of every can or box of food I buy).
  • Frozen and refrigerated foods don't count. If the electricity goes out, frozen and refrigerated foods will spoil quickly, so don't count them towards your long-term food storage. 
  • Store foods properly to maximize their life-span. Can goods should be kept in a dry, cool place. Dry foods, such as rice, pasta, and beans, should be kept in airtight containers, in places that are dry, cool, and dark.
  • Ignore expiration or best-by dates. Foods eventually go bad, but the expiration or best-by dates stamped on them are fairly arbitrary. Foods can go bad before the expiration date, and most canned and dry foods can be edible well past their expiration date. Instead, use your common sense and look for signs that the food has gone bad, such as bloated or leaking cans, signs of insect or mold damage, a foul order, and taste or texture that is "off." (More on expiration dates in the next article of this series.)
  • Stock up on ingredient foods that you use. These are foods that are used as ingredients in recipes – flour, sugar, chicken or beef broths, tomato sauce, tomato paste, canned mushrooms, cream of mushroom soup, cream of chicken soup, herbs & spices, and so on… Go through the recipes you make on a regular basis to see what ingredient foods you need.
  • Stock up on condiments that you use. Catsup, mayonnaise, mustard, salad dressings, vinegar, peanut butter, jellies & jams, jars of pickles, peppers & olives, soy sauce, salt, pepper, and spices can all typically be stored (unopened) for long periods of time. Many of these are often among the first and hardest hit by inflation, so make especially useful items to stock up on.
  • Stock up on tea and coffee. Tea, and especially coffee, are both typically hard hit by inflation and by possible supply chain problems, so stock up on them if you are a big coffee or tea drinker.
  • Include foods that don't require cooking. The electricity and gas may be out for an indefinite period of time, so have some foods that don't require cooking. Examples include pop tarts, peanut butter, nuts, canned fruits, as well as many canned meats, fish, pastas, soups, and stews.
  • A little at a time goes a long way. Most folks don’t have $1,000 that they can use to stock up all at once. But most can probably scrounge up $20 a week. At that rate, they will have accumulated over $1,000 worth of food in only a year.
Tips for Affording Your Food Storage
  • Use coupons if possible.
  • Shop sales.
  • Compare prices.
  • Make, and stick to, shopping lists.
  • Give generic and store brands a try.
  • Avoid impulse purchases. Think before you buy.
  • Sam's Club, Costco, and BJ's Wholesale Club are good places to shop, but aren't always the cheapest option. Often times a generic or store brand elsewhere will be just as good and less expensive than a name brand at the warehouse store.
  • Don't be a "Store Snob" - shop stores like Wal-mart, Aldi's, Ollie's, Big Lots, and even, in addition to your regular grocery store.
  • Don't use credit cards to stock up. Going into debt creates a host of other problems. Reduce your expenses in other areas, or make some extra money with a yard sale, if you need to come up with extra cash for your purchases. 
AD: Some good categories to explore on Amazon!

Augason Farms Long Term Foods (the brand I buy for powdered butter, milk, cheese, eggs, etc.)

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Preparedness Month: Outline of Preparedness

By Tim Gamble

September is National Preparedness Month. Here is a short, easy outline of the important steps for preparedness:

1) Food, Water, Supplies - Stock up on food, water, cleaning & hygiene supplies, first aid supplies, medicine & medical supplies, batteries for your flashlights & radios, etc. Don't forget any special needs your family may have, such as diapers and baby formula. 

ProTip: Don't be discouraged by the sheer amount of stuff to stockpile. Work in concentric circles. Get a week's worth, then two week's worth, then a month's worth, and so forth.

2) Home and Personal Security - Learn about situational awareness and the OODA loop (link to my article), which is where security starts. Consider security upgrades to your home, such as heavier security doors, dead bolt locks, motion activated outdoor lights, getting a dog, etc. Every member of your family should take a good self-defense course. Buy a gun and learn how to use it. Stock up on ammo.

ProTip: Think about how your behaviors can enhance or hurt your personal security. Avoid bad neighborhoods and high crime areas. Avoid large crowds whenever possible. Park in well-light, highly visible spaces. Shop in groups. Let others know where you are going and when to expect you back. 

3) Vehicles - You may need to evacuate (bug out) at some point. Make sure your vehicles are maintained in good running condition, including tires. Make sure you have a good spare tire in your vehicle and the jack & tools needed to change a flat. Every driver needs to know how to change a flat tire. Keep the fuel tank topped off. I recommend you have a good first aid kit in each vehicle (Refuge Medical affiliate link). An auto accident is by far the most likely disaster you may experience.

ProTip: Money is tight and car maintenance adds up. But it is a lot cheaper to maintain your car in the first place, then it is to repair it after it breaks down. 

4) Bug Out Plans - Do you know where you would go if you suddenly had to evacuate your home for a few days or longer? Maybe there is a nearby chemical spill or an approaching wildfire. Figure out now where you would go, how you would get there, and what you would take. Pack bags now for each family member, as you may not have time to calmly pack during the emergency. These are known as bug out bags. 

ProTip: Have paper maps and written directions, instead of relying on GPS or Google maps, which may not be working during an emergency. 

5) Family Communications Plan - More than just an address book or contact list with phone numbers, a communications plan let's everyone know how and when to get in touch with each other, and what to do if they cannot.  

ProTip: An often overlooked area of preparedness, good communications are essential in an emergency. For a much more detailed look, please read my article Do you have a Family Communications Plan?.

6) No Electricity? - You may have no electricity for a period of time. Having alternative ways to cook (a wood stove, or a gas, propane, or charcoal grill), stay warm (fireplace & firewood, heavy blankets, warm clothes, gloves, toboggans), and light your home (flashlights, headlamps, oil lamps, candles) is a good idea.  

7) Personal Finance - Set up an emergency fund (savings account). Also, keep some cash at home in a safe, well hidden space. Get on a budget. Pay off debt. Collect important papers (deeds, titles, insurance information, birth certificates, etc.) together in a safe, fireproof place so you can get your hands on them quickly if needed.

8) Training - Practice your bug out plans. Practice what to do in case of a fire, especially if you have young children. Learn first aid and CPR. Everyone in your family should take a good self-defense course (you can find age appropriate courses). Everyone should learn first aid. If there are firearms in the house, everyone should take a gun safety course (age appropriate ones are available). Teach your children to respect guns, not fear them. 

9) Your Body - Begin working on your health and fitness now. Eat healthy. Get plenty of exercise. Reach and maintain a healthy weight. Reduce sugar in your diet. Stop smoking and abusing drugs or alcohol. Take care of any medical, dental, or vision issues you may have, as soon as possible.  

10) Consider Your Location - I know this suggestion upsets many people, and even makes a few folks downright angry, so consider this only as a possible bonus step. If you are living in a big city or major population area, consider moving to a safer small town or rural area. Preferably one not under woke liberal control. 

ProTip: I assure you there are jobs in small towns and rural areas. I assure you there are doctors, even specialists, in or near small towns and rural areas (and they went to the same medical schools and passed the same licensing exams your big city doctors did). These are the two most often cited excuses I hear from folks who say they want to move but claim they just can't.
Survivalist Family, by Pastor Joe Fox (Viking Preparedness) is currently available at Refuge Medical for only $20. Great guide to beginner and intermediate preparedness and survival. Highly recommended!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Monthly Notifications - Dystopian Survival

By Tim Gamble

First Aid Kits and Medical Supplies - This website is affiliated with Refuge Medical and Refuge Training. All Dystopians (that's you!) will automatically receive 10% off at checkout when visiting their store from links on this website. Their first aid kits, tourniquets, and medical supplies are high-quality, made-in-America products (no cheap China junk) that are great for patriots, families, preppers, survivalists, hunters, hikers, campers, and all other living people. Helps keep blood in the body and breath in the lungs during life's emergencies. Click here to be sent to their webstore and receive 10% off, at checkout. 

Join the Dystopian Tribe! If you are not already subscribing to this website, please join the Dystopian Tribe by clicking here. Subscribing by email is free, and you may unsubscribe at any time. You have my personal promise that I will never sell, rent, or otherwise share your email address with anyone else. Subscribing by email, along with bookmarking this website in your favorite browsers, are the best way to stay in touch despite any Big Tech censorship during this election year. 

Privacy Statement, Cookie Policy, and Other Important Notices for this website can be read at

Statement on Resistance / Statement on Self-Defense for my websites can be read at

Follow me on Gab at  Yes, there are some "unpleasant" folks on there, and some are very vocal with their hate, but they're easy enough to mute and block. I've found that most Gab folks are decent people and there are more actual interactions on Gab than on Twitter/X. Reminds me of the old days of Twitter before the censorship crap started. is my other website, which specifically focuses on all aspects of peaceful and moral resistance against the evil forces threatening America, the traditional family, and traditional Western civilization. Please check out the over 600 articles on that website! 
AD:  Augason Farms Long-Term Food Storage - This is where I get powdered butter, eggs, cheese, milk, and other long-term foods for my Survival Pantry. Shelf-life up to 20+ years. Good quality, good taste, good value. For my money (literally, since I am a paying customer), Augason Farms is the best long-term foods option. 

Important Repeat: Spotting Federal Agents and Other Infiltrators

By Tim Gamble

(Previously published on, but important info worth repeating considering the upcoming election.) 

The Deep State is more than willing to infiltrate patriot groups, rallies, and protests to spy, to instigate, and even to attempt false flag events in order to disrupt and discredit patriots. They use not only activists (Antifa, BLM, various anarchists, and even SJWs), but also Federal agents (FBI, ATF, etc.) to do so. This has become standard operating procedure for them. 

Peaceful, non-violent protests are a 100% legal and morally acceptable way to raise awareness of issues and attempt to influence the political process. They are also protected by the first amendment rights of Free Speech and Free Assembly. 

This fact is accepted by the media, politicians, and law enforcement when it is the Left protesting (even when those protests do include looting, rioting, and burning entire city blocks). But whenever the Right does it (without the looting, rioting, and burning), protests are suddenly unacceptable and must be stopped at all costs - even if it means instigating situations or even creating false flags to shut down conservative protests, and clamp down on our freedoms. 

Here are a few quick tips to spotting a potential infiltrator:
  • The unknown person who shows up at the protest unannounced, acting as if they are a long-standing supporter of the group/movement. Yet no one knows them.
  • The unknown person who wears a mask, won't show any ID, and obviously is trying to avoid having their picture taken.
  • The person who says all the right things to make it seem they are part of the group, but also seems to be trying hard to "push the buttons" of the group to get other people to do or say something violent or racist. 
  • The person that shows up with a sign that is racist or threatening, or that is otherwise off-message for the protest. 
  • The person who tries to get the group to suddenly change plans and to do something or go somewhere that was not already planned. Stick to your preplanned agenda. 
  • The person who gets overly-emotional or uses over-the-top rhetoric, especially if they seem to be trying to get others to follow their lead. 
  • The person who advocates violence or illegal activity. 

What to do if you think someone is an infiltrator?
  • Peacefully confront them about their behavior, signs, language, etc.
  • Ask them to remove their mask. 
  • Ask them to identify themselves, and to show ID.
  • Notify event leaders and organizers of a potential problem.
  • Let other protestors know of the potential infiltrator.
  • Take photos of them, especially photos without their face hidden.
  • Take videos of their actions. 
  • Denounce them, their language, and their actions. 
  • Always be polite, but firm.
  • Do not act violently towards them or make threats of violence against them. 

Most importantly, don't let them influence the group. Stick to your pre-planned activities. Don't go along with their ideas, rhetoric or theatrics. 

Is a new member wanting to join your group? Great. We need to expand our numbers to be effective. But don't be too desperate for new members that you don't do your due diligence. Treat their potential membership as a job interview. Ask questions. Get to know them. Trust your gut. Let them know up front that your group is a peaceful group, and that you won't tolerate violence, threats of violence, or other illegal activities. Again, be extremely wary of anyone who gets overly-emotional or uses over-the-top rhetoric, particularly if they seem to be trying to push the buttons of other group members. 

Remember: Keep calm. Always stay peaceful. Never make threats.

AD:  Total Resistance - The classic study on resistance & underground operations, by Swiss Major H. von Dach. Recommended by Pastor Joe Fox (aka Viking Preparedness). 

AD:  Resistance Operating Concept (ROC) - Another great resource for resistance & underground operations. Recommended by both Pastor Joe Fox (aka Viking Preparedness) and Bear of Bear Independent.