Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Reclaiming Masculinity

By Tim Gamble
   Between Shadows and Light.

(This is a repost with a few minor edits of an earlier article. This is an extremely important topic and I will be exploring it further in future articles.)

One of the major reasons we have slipped into a dystopian world teetering on the brink of collapse is the (intentional) decline of traditional masculinity. The ideal of masculinity used to be one of faith, courage, strength, integrity, leadership, responsibility, and self-reliance. That ideal has been dismissed, ridiculed, and even actively discouraged for generations now. The Elites realized long ago that traditional men stand in the way of their plans, therefore the traditional man must be destroyed. 

Instead of encouraging the very positive aspects of traditional masculinity, we now treat masculinity as "toxic," and our boys are treated like broken girls needing to be "fixed." This war against traditional masculinity is part of the larger war on the traditional family unit, traditional gender roles, and Biblical religion waged by the Elites in their attempt to eliminate opposition to their dreams of highly-centralized authoritarian government, a technocratic scientific dictatorship (controlled by them, of course).

Men, as husbands and fathers, are no longer seen as serving a needed role in society. Far from the days of Father Knows Best, husbands and fathers are now shown in pop culture as inept dunces at best (think Al Bundy or Homer Simpson), if they are shown as being around at all. Masculinity is always shown as the problem, never the solution. On the other hand, women are shown as quite capable of getting along very well without men in their lives, and often as actually better off without men. The lesson pop culture drives home relentlessly is that men are unneeded at best, and dangerous at worst. 

The educational system is also pushing this view, and has been for at least two gewnerations now. In our schools, boys are now treated as broken girls, needing to have their masculinity fixed. Girls are taught they don't need men, that men are toxic and dangerous, and that they are better off without men in their lives. Traditional masculinity is now seen as a vice, not a virtue. 

In just of couple of generations, without strong fathers in their lives and with this warped view permeating our pop culture and our schools, the traditional man has become an endangered species. The new ideal of masculinity is the hyper-feminized, weak, and submissive pajama boy from the Obamacare ads few years back. Femboys, as they are called in today's lingo, are now all the rage in pop culture and in the schools.

This sad situation is in desperate need of correcting. As a small step in that direction, I offer the following list of skills every real man should have. These are skills that they can be learned and developed, if you are willing to put in the necessary work to do so. Men, learn these skills yourself, and most importantly, teach these skills to your boys. Let us proudly reclaim traditional masculinity.

Courage - Courage isn't about not being afraid. Its about not letting fear paralyze us. Real men should be willing to face danger and do the right thing even when we are afraid.

Strength - I'm not talking about physical strength, although real men should certainly develop their health and fitness. I'm primarily talking about strength of character, strength of will, determination and staying power. Drive and ambition could also fit under this heading. Real me don't run away when the going gets tough (which is why I despise the MGTOW and incel movements - things got tough and they are running away).

Integrity - Real men are honest, are true to their word, and can be trusted to do the right thing. We keep our promises, our word is our bound, and do what we say.

Faith - A Relationship with God - Real men seek relationship with God. Worship, prayer, and Bible study are a part of our lives. We try to please our heavenly Father by following His Laws. Our relationship with God is our number one priority.

Love for Wife and Family - A real men is steadfast in his love for his wife and family. "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her" (Ephesians 5:25). Next to God, or relationship with our wife is our number one earthly-responsibility, followed closely by our children. We are to put our wife and family first, above ourselves, our career, our friends, or our hobbies - even to the point of being willing to die for them as Christ died for us. 

Just curious: Do you pray for your wife everyday? When is the last time you lead your wife in prayer?

Leadership - Real men are leaders, not "bosses." It is their vision and their example that makes them leaders, not their orders. They guide, protect, teach and serve those they lead.

Self-Defense and Defending Others. Real men are willing and able to defend themselves, their wife, their families, and those that cannot defend themselves.

Personal Finance - Real men are skilled at personal finance. That doesn't necessarily mean we have a lot of money. It does mean we are responsible for the resources God has entrusted to us. We are willing to work hard, know how to spend less than we earn (budgeting), save money (have an emergency fund), barter & haggle (get the best price), and have a good understanding of economics and finances. 

Self-Reliance - Real men don't rely on others (parents, government, etc.) to take care of our needs. Instead, we rely on our own hard work, knowledge, skills, abilities, and judgment to make our way in the world. We develop the abilities and skills to do as much as we can for ourselves and our families without outside help or assistance. 
!!! ANOUNCEMENT !!! I’m on Buy Me A Coffee, which enables people to support my work with "tips" as small as $3. If you like my work and what I'm am trying to accomplish by motivating and teaching others, you can buy me a coffee at:

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Resistance: Don't Fall for the Greater Good (a False Idea)

By Tim Gamble
   Between Shadows and Light.

Do you belong to yourself? Or do you belong to the State? Are you meant to be an individual? Or are you meant to serve the "collective good?"

Do your children belong to you? Or do your children belong to the State? Is it your responsibility to raise your children? Or is it the responsibility of society (as Hillary calls it, the "village")? 

Are we meant to be individuals, accountable to our God? Or, are we meant to be merely another "cog in the machine," serving only the "greater good" (which means the system, and ultimately the Elites which created the system, since they decide what the "greater good" is)?

The Elites believe in "collectivism" (for us, not them) - that we exist to serve the system. The system meaning the structures of  politics and economy (power and wealth). The system created and controlled by them and for their benefit. 

The Elites believe we should have no Rights, save those they grant us through the State. They believe those Rights, including the Right to our very Life, can be revoked by them at any time for any reason since they are the ones who gave us those rights in the first place. In their eyes, we all nothing more than cogs in the machine of their creation. Cogs that are easily replaced.

This is what irks them so greatly about the Founding Documents of the USA. Those documents state the reverse of what the Elite believe. The United States was founded on the idea of Individual Liberties - irrevocable (unalienable) Rights granted to us by God, over which the State, and ultimately the Elite, have no control. 

It is why the Elite and their lackeys so often bemoan and disparage the Constitution. It is why Barack Obama says "the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties, says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the federal government can’t do to you." He doesn't mean it as praise, but rather as criticism. 

Our Founding Principles are pro-individual and anti-collective at their very core. Yet so many people, especially over the last couple of decades, are falling for the concept of the "greater good" or the "collective good."  But who defines "good?" Is it actually good for all, or just good for those who benefit from it? We are not supposed to ask those questions - and most folks don't. 

Join us! Become a fellow Dystopian by signing up for the free Dystopian Survival newsletter: Just click here.
Refuge Medical & Refuge Training (affiliate link) - High Quality, American Made, First Aid Kits and Medical Supplies! (Training, too!).  A 10% Discount Code will automatically be applied at checkout using these links or my discount code at checkout (the code is Tim). 

Friday, January 24, 2025

Resisting the Elites: Dump "Woke" Churches!

By Tim Gamble
   Between Shadows and Light.

Get out of modern liberal / progressive / "woke" churches.  Instead, find a small Bible-believing, Bible-teaching congregation to join. Or find a home church or private Bible-study group to meet with on a weekly basis. Or start one of your own with family and friends who also believe in the Bible. 

In the 1960s and1970s, modern feminism (anti-male, anti-family, anti-traditional values) began infecting Christian churches. Many pastors and other leaders did nothing, or even embraced modern feminism, often out of fear of losing members, donations, or even their jobs, if they didn't fit in with modern times.

In more recent decades, the concept of "social justice" (which is absolutely not the same as Biblical justice) has infected many Christian Churches. Likewise, "environmental justice" - another non-Biblical concept - has also gained traction in many Churches, Today, most pastors and other leaders have embraced social and environmental justice out of a desire to fit in with the modern world (though they would call it being "relevant" and "authentic" - two buzz words of the Far Left).

This desire to "fit in with the world" is condemned in Scripture many, many times. Yet, many modern Christians try to adopt worldly ways, thinking it is okay because they are giving it a supposedly "Christian" spin. It is not okay. We are followers of The Way, not followers of The World. We are called to be set-apart, not to fit in.

God, and God alone, decides what is right and what is wrong, what is sin and what is not, what is good and what is evil. What God has decided is never "out dated" or "old fashioned." We have not "out grown" what God has revealed to us. We do not become "relevant" or "authentic" by rejecting God's Laws. The world may praise us for doing so, but God won't. 

Let me be clear on this: God decides what love is, not us. God decides how we are to love Him. God decides how we are to love others. We don't decide this for ourselves. God tells us exactly how we are to love Him, and how we are to Love others. It is NOT up to us to decide how we will love Him, or how we will love others. God has already decided this for us. Read the scriptures. Its all laid out right there. 

Worldly ways are not God's ways, and slapping a Christian bumper sticker on it won't change that fact. Follow God, not the World. Reject modern "Christianity" that tries to fit in with the World. Reject churches, pastors, and teachers that worry more about being seen as relevant than about pleasing God.

Personal Note:  I believe in the whole Bible, from Genesis 1:1 through Revelation 22:21. I don't consider any part of the Bible to be "old-fashioned," "out-of-date," or otherwise "irrelevant" to modern times. I find no reason to compromise with the modern World. I don't care if I "fit in" with modern times, nor do I worry about what others may think. I worry only about what my Creator thinks. At least, this is my goal, and I am finding it easier to stick to that goal each day as I watch the World slide ever deeper into corruption, filth, decadence, and perversion of all types. Why anyone would want to "fit in" with this Worldly system is beyond me.  

Join us! Become a fellow Dystopian by signing up for the free Dystopian Survival newsletter: Just click here.
The NKJV, American Patriot's Bible, The Word of God and the Shaping of America (Amazon link) - One of my favorites, the New King James Version is literal, accurate, and easy-to-read for most modern folks. The American Patriot's Bible "shows how the history of the United States connects the people and events of the Bible to our lives in a modern world. The story of the United States is wonderfully woven into the teachings of the Bible." Lot's of articles and study notes showing the Importance of God and the Bible to our nation's founding and subsequent history. 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

My Personal Preps for 2025!

By Tim Gamble
   Between Shadows and Light.

I thought folks might be interested in the personal preps I'm am doing this year. Let me preface this article by reminding folks that I grew up a good old country boy, literally a farm boy for much of my youth. And I have been actively prepping for more than 25 years at this point. There is always room for improvement, but  I'm mostly set as for as the basics of preparedness. Time for me to move beyond those basics. Time to look beyond being prepared for the next disaster to being prepared to survive and thrive for the next 40+ years regardless of what happens. 

Here is what I am doing and why in 2025:

Health and Fitness - After my cancer-filled 2024, I've realized that I really need to prioritize my health if I am to make it for another 40+ years, which is my goal. Luckily, I have longevity in my genes as I had two great-grandparents live to be centenarians (102 and 104 respectively) and two grandparents and a number of other relatives make it into their 90s. So, fitness and health have become major priorities. 

On the health side, losing weight, and controlling blood sugar and blood pressure are my main goals. I have also gotten serious about studying herbalism and alternative health practices. On the fitness side, my goals are to regain the muscle mass I lost in 2024 and to get back to running 5K and 10K races again. 

Learning Mandarin Chinese - To understand this one, read my article Languages for Survival (article link). Mandarin Chinese could be crucial for future survival in certain war or collapse scenarios, and would still be useful in a "things stay the same" scenario. I have already taken my first two lessons and know how to say hello - Nihao! Pretty good for a guy who still isn't completely fluent in his first language, English.☺ If you're interested in knowing what resources I am using, leave a comment in the comments section below and let me know. I'll be glad to do an article on it if there is any interest. 

Technology For Survival and Resistance - Check out the article Understanding Technology For Survival and Resistance (article link). I am making use of many of the resources mention there, including the free computer science lessons on Khan Academy, and subscribing to the YouTube channels 3Blue1Brown for math in tech, Computerphile for computer science concepts, and Techquickie for tech basics. 

I have also ordered the book Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software by Charles Petzold. I am told that this book is perfect for a beginner seeking to build a foundational knowledge base in the high-tech world of computers and AI, and provides both historical context and a broad overview without too much math or unexplained tech jargon. I am eagerly looking for to reading it. (Amazon link

Prayer / Bible Reading and Study - Yes, I consider the spiritual to be an important area of prep. I am a follower of The Way (see John 14:6) and supposedly a "Man of the Book." So, I am committing this year to daily prayer and bible reading. I am doing a chapter of Proverbs every day (31 chapters in Proverbs, 31 days a month, so 1 chapter a day. Example, today is the 23rd, so I am reading chapter 23.) I am also following a weekly reading plan which includes a section of Torah (the first 5 books of the Old Testament), of the Prophets (most of the rest of the OT), and of the New Testament every week.

Of course, these are just the four areas of particular focus for 2025. I will continue to always work on improving all areas, and I do have goals outside of preparedness, survivalism and resistance.

ANOUNCEMENT! I’m on Buy Me A Coffee, which enables people to support my work with "tips" as small as $3. If you like my work and what I'm am trying to accomplish with motivating and teaching others, you can buy me a coffee and share your thoughts 🎉

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Dump the Doomed Worldly Economic System - Here's How

By Tim Gamble
   Between Shadows and Light.

Economic Fascism

Our economic system isn't true capitalism, and hasn't been for many decades. Our current system is Economic Fascism (Big Government + Big Business + centralized banking), along with fiat currency (dollars backed by nothing), and massive public and private debts. All of which are intentionally designed to enhance the wealth and power of the Elites.

The current move towards a "digital" economy is meant to drive us even deeper into Economic Fascism. The Elites want a digital system to better monitor, tax, and control the "lesser" classes. The new Trump administration may hold off this move for a few years, but it is coming. So, how do we use this extra time to build an alternative to their system?

Ideas For Dumping Economic Fascism

Start by getting your financial house in order. Reducing your expenses and getting out of debt are very important first steps. The fewer bills you have, the less dependent on the current system you will be. You will also be much more prepared to survive the digital, entirely cashless, economy the Elites are implementing. Check out these articles for some great ideas on this topic:
  • Financial Preparedness: A Survivalist Perspective (article link)
  • Taming the Family Budget - Two Debt Busting Ideas (article link)
The Bible says debt is slavery. "The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender" (Proverbs 22:7). We are slaves to those we owe money. No wonder the wealthy Elites love massive public and private debt. It gives them lots of slaves. 

Next, try to put aside at least one year's worth of food (more is better) before being being forced into the all-digital system. You then can keep your stored food "topped off" without it being as apparent to their algorithms that you are stockpiling food (or in their terms "hoarding" it). Same goes for cleaning supplies, hygiene supplies, first aid supplies, OTC medications, vitamins and supplements, and so forth. Do most of your stockpiling ("hoarding") before we are forced to go cashless. Once we are forced into the all-digital system, it will be easy for the government to know exactly who is stockpiling, and what. 

I especially recommend you buy any guns, ammo, body armor, night vision, and other politically incorrect items sooner rather than later. I do believe they will use the cashless, digital economy to regulate the second amendment out of existence. 

Reduce your personal consumption of everything. Adopt a simpler lifestyle. Live well within your means. Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle. Be a saver, not a consumer. If you had to, could you support yourself and your family on half your present income? You may have to some day, so start making the lifestyle changes now.

Barter will become a major means of economic exchange for people not willing to fully buy into the new digital system. Do you know people you can barter with? Do you produce things that could be used for barter? Do you have knowledge or skills you can barter? You can barter some of your supplies, of course, but eventually you will run out. What then? Now is the time to figure this out. Become a producer, not a consumer

Make contacts with local farmers and other producers, and start building your barter networks now. Do it now, so you won't be scrambling to figure this out after the fact.

Another reason to make contacts and start building networks now is that you are going to need people you trust, and who trust you. Once government figures out that people are bartering instead of placidly joining the digital economy, they will make barter illegal. This will force us into an underground, black market. We are going to need people we trust and who trust us. 

Become less dependent on Amazon, the Big Box stores, and huge national chains by seeking out small, independent stores and suppliers in your area, and forming relationships with them. This means locally-owned gun stores, hardware stores, feed stores, gardening centers, salvage stores, independent grocers, butcher shops, and so forth. Meet the owners and managers, befriend the employees, and become known as a good customer to them. You'll be surprised by how much these relationships will help you in the future. You won't be able to switch overnight entirely, but shop locally whenever you can.

It will take time to find and build these local relationships. Until then, don't feel guilty using the mega-retailers to stock up supplies. They are still likely your cheapest and fastest options. My feelings on this is the same as on Big Tech: Work towards reducing your dependency on them, but don't shy away from strategically using their systems against them. 

Metals, such as gold, silver, and even lead (in the form of ammo), will also be a primary means of exchange for those wishing to avoid the digital system. Most of us probably can't afford gold at this point, but silver and ammo are still relatively affordable. 

Copper pennies (1981 and before) and even nickels (75% copper, 25% nickel) will likely retain value and be used as a means of exchange. They both are already worth more in metal content than their face value (copper pennies are worth  2½¢ each and nickels are worth about 5½¢ each at this time). You may be interested in my article Prepper's Guide to Junk Silver (article link).

One thing to remember when it comes to metals: It is best in most cases to physically hold the metals in your possession. Paper certificates saying that you own X amount of gold or silver may actually become worthless and unenforceable at some point as we move to collapse, due to maleficence or outright corruption. Store your precious metals in a well-hidden place or in a safe (gun safes can also hold precious metals). 

The government may attempt to confiscate precious metals at some point (they did so in the past). I believe that may push our unsustainable economic system over the edge into full-scale collapse, and We the People into full-scale rebellion. At that point, folks will pay little attention to the failed government and its authorities.  

David Kobler (aka SouthernPrepper1 on YouTube) has spoken often of his "metals plan" for post-collapse. His plan is to be a hardware store for his community - to be a supplier of nails, screws, bolts, nuts, wire, fencing, and other construction materials (both metal and non-metal). To that end, SP1 has been salvaging these materials for many years, building that supply he can use, sell, or trade post-collapse. I think this is a brilliant idea and wish I had starting doing this myself years ago. 

A Return To The Old Paths

The most important thing, and the hardest, is to stop being a wage-slave. Figure out how to work for yourself. Or at the very least, work for a small, family-owned business, rather than a mega-corporation. 

I'll say it again: Become a producer, not a consumer. This is one part of my Biblical Agrarianism concept (article link). In short, agrarianism is a return to the old paths of self-reliance and local economies built around agrarian communities (article link).

Buying land and setting up a homestead, where you and your family can be as self-reliant as possible, is a good way to go (but not the only way). Doing this with a community of similar folks also seeking self-reliance would be even better. Consider moving to a small town or rural area with lots of nearby farms and country folk, or get together with some other families and start your own self-reliant community!

Don't want to be a farmer? That's cool. Agrarianism doesn't mean everyone must be a farmer or homesteader - after all, there are plenty of support functions and other necessary jobs that must be done. Perhaps you can start your own business serving local folks. I especially would recommend businesses that produce, build, or repair. The possibilities are endless.

Join us! Become a fellow Dystopian by signing up for the free Dystopian Survival newsletter: Just click here.
Refuge Medical & Refuge Training (affiliate link) - High Quality, American Made, First Aid Kits and Medical Supplies! (Training, too!).  A 10% Discount Code will automatically be applied at checkout using these links or my discount code at checkout (the code is Tim). 

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Rural Survival: Thriving in the Countryside

By Tim Gamble
   Between Shadows and Light.

Rural survival demands a blend of self-reliance, environmental knowledge, and community cooperation. Here are key strategies for surviving and thriving in a rural setting:

Be Prepared
  • Stockpiling:
    • Food: Store non-perishable food, seeds for gardening, hygiene and cleaning supplies, first aid supplies and OTC medications. Also consider livestock like chickens, sheep or goats for ongoing food sources.
    • Water: Store as much water as possible (article link). Have a rainwater collection system.
    • Tools: Maintain a variety of tools for gardening, building, repair, and DIY projects.
  • EDC: Your everyday carry should include your phone (instant communication if you need help), a good pocket knife (Amazon link), a lighter, a pocket flashlight, a water bottle with filter (Amazon link), and perhaps a good multitool (Amazon link). Consider a firearm for defense against human and wildlife threats (get training!).
  • Knowledge:
    • Acquire skills in gardening, foraging, hunting, fishing, animal husbandry, carpentry, plumbing, mechanics (both vehicle and small engine), sewing, and first aid. Develop your DIY skills.
    • Learn your area! Know travel routes, locations of infrastructure, stores and services, dangerous areas to avoid, locations of alternative water sources (ponds, creeks), and dependable people.

Water Management
  • Collection:
    • Implement systems for rainwater harvesting (catchment). Use gutters and barrels.
    • Understand local water sources, including how to dig wells or maintain springs. Know how to collect and purify water.
  • Conservation:
    • Use greywater for irrigation, limit unnecessary water use.

Food Production and Preservation
  • Gardening:
    • Learn how to garden and practice by doing. Start a garden with locally hardy crops. Practice companion planting and crop rotation. Understand soil.
  • Livestock:
    • Raise animals for meat, eggs, milk, and manure for compost. Popular smaller animals include chickens and turkeys, goats, and sheep. Cows are good if you have the land and know-how.
  • Preservation:

Energy and Resources
  • Wood: Great for heating (fireplace, wood stove), cooking (wood stove)
  • Renewable Energy: if you are off grid, or want to be prepared to be off grid, consider s
    olar panels, wind turbines, or micro-hydro systems for electricity.
  • Fuel:
    Store extra gas (learn how to do so safely, in appropriate containers)
  • Resourcefulness:
    Reuse, repair, and repurpose items to extend their life. Proper care and maintenance of tools, knives, and other equipment  will extend their life.

Shelter and Construction
  • Building:
    Learn carpentry and traditional building techniques using local materials like stone, wood, or earth.
  • Maintenance:
    Regular maintenance of structures to withstand rural weather conditions.
  • Insulation: Proper insulation for your area will help keep your home comfortable. Consider using
     natural insulation like straw bales or earth to keep homes warm or cool.
  • Emergency shelters: Know how to build emergency shelters such as debris huts, or using tarps, ponchos, etc. 

Health and First Aid
  • Health and Fitness: Work on improving your health and fitness. This includes things like not smoking or abusing drugs or alcohol, eating healthy, reducing sugar intake, drinking plenty of water (the warrior's beverage), getting adequate sleep, reducing stress, and getting plenty of exercise. Address any medical, dental, or vision issues now, rather than later. 
  • Herbal Medicine: Study local medicinal plants for natural remedies. (Amazon link #1) (Amazon link #2
  • First Aid: Have a high-quality first aid and trauma kit, along with extra supplies. Learn how to properly use them. (First Aid Manual: Amazon link)
  • Dystopian Survival is affiliated with Refuge Medical & Refuge Training (Affiliate link) - a GREAT source of high quality, American made, first aid kits and medical supplies (and training, too!). All Dystopians (that's you!) will automatically receive 10% off at checkout when visiting their store from links on this website, or when using my discount code: Tim. That's right, just enter my name, Tim, in the appropriate box when checking out at Refuge Medical for 10% off.

Security and Self-Defense
  • Property Security:
    Use natural barriers, fences, gates, private property signs, and dogs to deter intruders.
  • Home Security: Use exterior lighting, motion activated lights (Amazon link), security cameras (Amazon link), dead bolt locks and heavy-duty security doors. Keep vehicles locked at all times. Keep doors and windows locked when no one is home and at night. Have working fire detectors (Amazon link) and fire extinguishers (Amazon link).
  • Self-Defense: Learn situational awareness and the OODA loop (article link). Everyone in your family should take a self-defense training course (often offered at places like the local Y, gyms and community colleges). Have firearms and know how to use them (get training). If there are guns in the home, everyone in the home should take an age-appropriate gun safety course (your local gun shop can help you find one).  
  • Community Watch:
    Form or join local watch groups for mutual protection. This can be formal or informal.
  • Legal Knowledge:
    Understand local laws regarding self-defense and property rights. 
  • Local Knowledge: Know the "bad areas" near you to avoid.

Navigation and Movement
  • Local Geography:
    Know your land and surrounding areas intimately for navigation purposes and resource location. Learn local landmarks like hills, rivers or distinctive trees to help with navigation. 
  • Navigation: Know various roads in your area, including shortcuts and alternative routes. Have physical maps of your area. Know how to use a map and compass. 
  • Vehicle Maintenance: K
    eep vehicles well-maintained. Have alternative transportation like motorcycles, dirt bikes, or bicycles.

  • Electronic: Have a good emergency radio (Amazon link) which includes NOAA (weather) bands. Keep your phone charged at all times.
    Use ham radio, CB radio, or satellite phones for when traditional communication fails.
  • Communications Plan: Have a family communications plan (article link).

Community and Cooperation
  • Networking:
    Build relationships with neighbors for mutual aid, trading, or emergency support.
  • Skills Sharing:
    Host or participate in workshops to share knowledge on various country and survival skills.

Adaptation to Weather and Seasons

  • Weather: Understand your local seasons. Pay attention to local weather forecasts. Know how to read the sky and clouds for weather prediction.
  • Winter Strategies: Dress in layers so you can adjust as the temperature changes. Know winter first aid (article link).
    Prepare for winter by storing food, firewood, and protecting crops or livestock from cold.
  • Summer Strategies: Stay hydrated to prevent heat stroke. Use hats and sunscreen to prevent sunburns.
    Focus on water conservation, fire prevention, and dealing with pests.

Environmental Stewardship
  • Sustainability:
    Practice conservation of resources. NEVER dump chemicals or trash into lakes, rivers or streams.  Use permaculture or similar sustainable farming practices to maintain soil health and biodiversity.
  • Wildlife: Learn ways to promote local wildlife, such as native bees, butterflies and other pollinators. Consider landscaping with an eye towards bird and wildlife habitats. Minimize the use of herbicides and pesticides. Know the local dangerous animals and plants, and how to avoid them.
  • Fire Prevention: Practice fire prevention. NEVER leave a fire unattended. Do not build outdoor fires during a drought.

Mental Resilience
  • Routines: Use routines and e
    stablish daily tasks to maintain structure and morale.
  • Relationships: Build and maintain healthy relationships with you spouse, family, friends, and neighbors. 
  • Adaptability:
    Be open to learning from failures and adapting strategies to changing conditions.

Rural survival isn't just about enduring; it's about creating a sustainable lifestyle where you can thrive. It involves leveraging the land's resources, understanding its rhythms, and fostering a community spirit that supports each other through the many challenges. By focusing on self-reliance combined with community cooperation, you can turn rural living into a rewarding, resilient way of life.
AD:  Augason Farms Long-Term Food Storage - This is where I get powdered butter, eggs, cheese, milk, and other long-term foods for my Survival Pantry. Shelf-life up to 20+ years. Good quality, good taste, good value. For my money (literally, since I am a paying customer), Augason Farms is the best long-term foods option.