By Tim Gamble
Between Shadows and Light.
Get out of modern liberal / progressive / "woke" churches. Instead, find a small Bible-believing, Bible-teaching congregation to join. Or find a home church or private Bible-study group to meet with on a weekly basis. Or start one of your own with family and friends who also believe in the Bible.
In the 1960s and1970s, modern feminism (anti-male, anti-family, anti-traditional values) began infecting Christian churches. Many pastors and other leaders did nothing, or even embraced modern feminism, often out of fear of losing members, donations, or even their jobs, if they didn't fit in with modern times.
In more recent decades, the concept of "social justice" (which is absolutely not the same as Biblical justice) has infected many Christian Churches. Likewise, "environmental justice" - another non-Biblical concept - has also gained traction in many Churches, Today, most pastors and other leaders have embraced social and environmental justice out of a desire to fit in with the modern world (though they would call it being "relevant" and "authentic" - two buzz words of the Far Left).
This desire to "fit in with the world" is condemned in Scripture many, many times. Yet, many modern Christians try to adopt worldly ways, thinking it is okay because they are giving it a supposedly "Christian" spin. It is not okay. We are followers of The Way, not followers of The World. We are called to be set-apart, not to fit in.
God, and God alone, decides what is right and what is wrong, what is sin and what is not, what is good and what is evil. What God has decided is never "out dated" or "old fashioned." We have not "out grown" what God has revealed to us. We do not become "relevant" or "authentic" by rejecting God's Laws. The world may praise us for doing so, but God won't.
Let me be clear on this: God decides what love is, not us. God decides how we are to love Him. God decides how we are to love others. We don't decide this for ourselves. God tells us exactly how we are to love Him, and how we are to Love others. It is NOT up to us to decide how we will love Him, or how we will love others. God has already decided this for us. Read the scriptures. Its all laid out right there.
Worldly ways are not God's ways, and slapping a Christian bumper sticker on it won't change that fact. Follow God, not the World. Reject modern "Christianity" that tries to fit in with the World. Reject churches, pastors, and teachers that worry more about being seen as relevant than about pleasing God.
Personal Note: I believe in the whole Bible, from Genesis 1:1 through Revelation 22:21. I don't consider any part of the Bible to be "old-fashioned," "out-of-date," or otherwise "irrelevant" to modern times. I find no reason to compromise with the modern World. I don't care if I "fit in" with modern times, nor do I worry about what others may think. I worry only about what my Creator thinks. At least, this is my goal, and I am finding it easier to stick to that goal each day as I watch the World slide ever deeper into corruption, filth, decadence, and perversion of all types. Why anyone would want to "fit in" with this Worldly system is beyond me.
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The NKJV, American Patriot's Bible, The Word of God and the Shaping of America (Amazon link) - One of my favorites, the New King James Version is literal, accurate, and easy-to-read for most modern folks. The American Patriot's Bible "shows how the history of the United States connects the people and events of the Bible to our lives in a modern world. The story of the United States is wonderfully woven into the teachings of the Bible." Lot's of articles and study notes showing the Importance of God and the Bible to our nation's founding and subsequent history.
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