Thursday, January 23, 2025

My Personal Preps for 2025!

By Tim Gamble
   Between Shadows and Light.

I thought folks might be interested in the personal preps I'm am doing this year. Let me preface this article by reminding folks that I grew up a good old country boy, literally a farm boy for much of my youth. And I have been actively prepping for more than 25 years at this point. There is always room for improvement, but  I'm mostly set as for as the basics of preparedness. Time for me to move beyond those basics. Time to look beyond being prepared for the next disaster to being prepared to survive and thrive for the next 40+ years regardless of what happens. 

Here is what I am doing and why in 2025:

Health and Fitness - After my cancer-filled 2024, I've realized that I really need to prioritize my health if I am to make it for another 40+ years, which is my goal. Luckily, I have longevity in my genes as I had two great-grandparents live to be centenarians (102 and 104 respectively) and two grandparents and a number of other relatives make it into their 90s. So, fitness and health have become major priorities. 

On the health side, losing weight, and controlling blood sugar and blood pressure are my main goals. I have also gotten serious about studying herbalism and alternative health practices. On the fitness side, my goals are to regain the muscle mass I lost in 2024 and to get back to running 5K and 10K races again. 

Learning Mandarin Chinese - To understand this one, read my article Languages for Survival (article link). Mandarin Chinese could be crucial for future survival in certain war or collapse scenarios, and would still be useful in a "things stay the same" scenario. I have already taken my first two lessons and know how to say hello - Nihao! Pretty good for a guy who still isn't completely fluent in his first language, English.☺ If you're interested in knowing what resources I am using, leave a comment in the comments section below and let me know. I'll be glad to do an article on it if there is any interest. 

Technology For Survival and Resistance - Check out the article Understanding Technology For Survival and Resistance (article link). I am making use of many of the resources mention there, including the free computer science lessons on Khan Academy, and subscribing to the YouTube channels 3Blue1Brown for math in tech, Computerphile for computer science concepts, and Techquickie for tech basics. 

I have also ordered the book Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software by Charles Petzold. I am told that this book is perfect for a beginner seeking to build a foundational knowledge base in the high-tech world of computers and AI, and provides both historical context and a broad overview without too much math or unexplained tech jargon. I am eagerly looking for to reading it. (Amazon link

Prayer / Bible Reading and Study - Yes, I consider the spiritual to be an important area of prep. I am a follower of The Way (see John 14:6) and supposedly a "Man of the Book." So, I am committing this year to daily prayer and bible reading. I am doing a chapter of Proverbs every day (31 chapters in Proverbs, 31 days a month, so 1 chapter a day. Example, today is the 23rd, so I am reading chapter 23.) I am also following a weekly reading plan which includes a section of Torah (the first 5 books of the Old Testament), of the Prophets (most of the rest of the OT), and of the New Testament every week.

Of course, these are just the four areas of particular focus for 2025. I will continue to always work on improving all areas, and I do have goals outside of preparedness, survivalism and resistance.

ANOUNCEMENT! I’m on Buy Me A Coffee, which enables people to support my work with "tips" as small as $3. If you like my work and what I'm am trying to accomplish with motivating and teaching others, you can buy me a coffee and share your thoughts 🎉

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