By Tim Gamble
Between Shadows and Light.
Economic Fascism
Our economic system isn't true capitalism, and hasn't been for many decades. Our current system is Economic Fascism (Big Government + Big Business + centralized banking), along with fiat currency (dollars backed by nothing), and massive public and private debts. All of which are intentionally designed to enhance the wealth and power of the Elites.
The current move towards a "digital" economy is meant to drive us even deeper into Economic Fascism. The Elites want a digital system to better monitor, tax, and control the "lesser" classes. The new Trump administration may hold off this move for a few years, but it is coming. So, how do we use this extra time to build an alternative to their system?
Ideas For Dumping Economic Fascism
Start by getting your financial house in order. Reducing your expenses and getting out of debt are very important first steps. The fewer bills you have, the less dependent on the current system you will be. You will also be much more prepared to survive the digital, entirely cashless, economy the Elites are implementing. Check out these articles for some great ideas on this topic:
- Financial Preparedness: A Survivalist Perspective (article link)
- Taming the Family Budget - Two Debt Busting Ideas (article link)
The Bible says debt is slavery. "The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender" (Proverbs 22:7). We are slaves to those we owe money. No wonder the wealthy Elites love massive public and private debt. It gives them lots of slaves.
Next, try to put aside at least one year's worth of food (more is better) before being being forced into the all-digital system. You then can keep your stored food "topped off" without it being as apparent to their algorithms that you are stockpiling food (or in their terms "hoarding" it). Same goes for cleaning supplies, hygiene supplies, first aid supplies, OTC medications, vitamins and supplements, and so forth. Do most of your stockpiling ("hoarding") before we are forced to go cashless. Once we are forced into the all-digital system, it will be easy for the government to know exactly who is stockpiling, and what.
I especially recommend you buy any guns, ammo, body armor, night vision, and other politically incorrect items sooner rather than later. I do believe they will use the cashless, digital economy to regulate the second amendment out of existence.
Reduce your personal consumption of everything. Adopt a simpler lifestyle. Live well within your means. Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle. Be a saver, not a consumer. If you had to, could you support yourself and your family on half your present income? You may have to some day, so start making the lifestyle changes now.
Barter will become a major means of economic exchange for people not willing to fully buy into the new digital system. Do you know people you can barter with? Do you produce things that could be used for barter? Do you have knowledge or skills you can barter? You can barter some of your supplies, of course, but eventually you will run out. What then? Now is the time to figure this out. Become a producer, not a consumer.
Make contacts with local farmers and other producers, and start building your barter networks now. Do it now, so you won't be scrambling to figure this out after the fact.
Another reason to make contacts and start building networks now is that you are going to need people you trust, and who trust you. Once government figures out that people are bartering instead of placidly joining the digital economy, they will make barter illegal. This will force us into an underground, black market. We are going to need people we trust and who trust us.
Become less dependent on Amazon, the Big Box stores, and huge national chains by seeking out small, independent stores and suppliers in your area, and forming relationships with them. This means locally-owned gun stores, hardware stores, feed stores, gardening centers, salvage stores, independent grocers, butcher shops, and so forth. Meet the owners and managers, befriend the employees, and become known as a good customer to them. You'll be surprised by how much these relationships will help you in the future. You won't be able to switch overnight entirely, but shop locally whenever you can.
It will take time to find and build these local relationships. Until then, don't feel guilty using the mega-retailers to stock up supplies. They are still likely your cheapest and fastest options. My feelings on this is the same as on Big Tech: Work towards reducing your dependency on them, but don't shy away from strategically using their systems against them.
Metals, such as gold, silver, and even lead (in the form of ammo), will also be a primary means of exchange for those wishing to avoid the digital system. Most of us probably can't afford gold at this point, but silver and ammo are still relatively affordable.
Copper pennies (1981 and before) and even nickels (75% copper, 25% nickel) will likely retain value and be used as a means of exchange. They both are already worth more in metal content than their face value (copper pennies are worth 2½¢ each and nickels are worth about 5½¢ each at this time). You may be interested in my article Prepper's Guide to Junk Silver (article link).
One thing to remember when it comes to metals: It is best in most cases to physically hold the metals in your possession. Paper certificates saying that you own X amount of gold or silver may actually become worthless and unenforceable at some point as we move to collapse, due to maleficence or outright corruption. Store your precious metals in a well-hidden place or in a safe (gun safes can also hold precious metals).
The government may attempt to confiscate precious metals at some point (they did so in the past). I believe that may push our unsustainable economic system over the edge into full-scale collapse, and We the People into full-scale rebellion. At that point, folks will pay little attention to the failed government and its authorities.
David Kobler (aka SouthernPrepper1 on YouTube) has spoken often of his "metals plan" for post-collapse. His plan is to be a hardware store for his community - to be a supplier of nails, screws, bolts, nuts, wire, fencing, and other construction materials (both metal and non-metal). To that end, SP1 has been salvaging these materials for many years, building that supply he can use, sell, or trade post-collapse. I think this is a brilliant idea and wish I had starting doing this myself years ago.
A Return To The Old Paths
The most important thing, and the hardest, is to stop being a wage-slave. Figure out how to work for yourself. Or at the very least, work for a small, family-owned business, rather than a mega-corporation.
I'll say it again: Become a producer, not a consumer. This is one part of my Biblical Agrarianism concept (article link). In short, agrarianism is a return to the old paths of self-reliance and local economies built around agrarian communities (article link).
Buying land and setting up a homestead, where you and your family can be as self-reliant as possible, is a good way to go (but not the only way). Doing this with a community of similar folks also seeking self-reliance would be even better. Consider moving to a small town or rural area with lots of nearby farms and country folk, or get together with some other families and start your own self-reliant community!
Don't want to be a farmer? That's cool. Agrarianism doesn't mean everyone must be a farmer or homesteader - after all, there are plenty of support functions and other necessary jobs that must be done. Perhaps you can start your own business serving local folks. I especially would recommend businesses that produce, build, or repair. The possibilities are endless.
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