Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Free Resource of the Day Series

03-16-2021 - The Free Resource of the Day series is now complete. In February and March, I posted 23 days of links and suggestions for free resources available for preppers, survivalists, homesteaders, and anyone else interested in self-reliance. Since many of those days actually contained multiple resources, the total number of resources available for free is over 50. Topics covered range from rain water collection to military medical handbooks, from gardening videos to preparing for nuclear war. I hope you found these resources useful. 

If you missed any of these free resources, just check the Archives index (located near the bottom of the right-side column) for February and March of this year. Or you can Click Here.


Thursday, March 11, 2021

Free Resource of the Day - March 11

3-11-2021 - Countryside and Small Stock Journal has a free online library of articles and guides (well over 200 by my quick count) relating to gardening, homesteading, livestock, poultry, canning, food preservation, and self-reliance. Most of these are free - look under the "More" tab at the top of their home page.

 (They also have a series of tutorials, but it looks like you have to buy a subscription to access those.)

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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Free Resource of the Day - March 10

3-10-2021 - Don't forget about the free resources available in your local area: 

The Public Library - Use your library card. Libraries are a great source of free information. You can check out a wide range of books on gardening, country skills, food preservation & canning, sewing, health & first aid, home improvement, auto repair, small engine repair, fishing, hunting, nature field guides, edible wild plants, wilderness survival, personal finance, and so forth.

Entertainment, too, can be had for free at your local library, and not just books and magazines to read. Many libraries today have movie DVDs, music CDs, audio books, board games, jig-saw puzzles, and other types of entertainment that you can check out for free.

Local Parks and Greenways offer lots of opportunities for free exercise, recreation, and family time. My local parks have walking/jogging trails, tennis courts, basketball courts, softball fields, and even a lake for fishing at one one of the parks. Some offer free programs and concerts on weekends or during the summer. Hiking greenways is great exercise. Bring along some nature identification guides and turn it into a learning experience.

Free Maps - Many states and localities offer free road maps at interstate rest stops, local tourism boards, and other government agencies. Having actual street maps, instead of depending on GPS and Google maps could be very useful if the Internet goes down for whatever reason. 

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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Free Resource of the Day - March 9

3-9-2021 - There is a free treasure trove of information on homesteading and self-reliance in the archives section of Backwoods Home Magazine (click the link to visit there homepage - access the articles from the Browse Articles tab at the top of the page). Hundreds of articles are available, from gardening and raising animals, to firearms and even American history. 

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Monday, March 8, 2021

Free Resource of the Day - March 8

3-8-2021 -  Today's FREE resource: FEMA - Are You Ready (opens as a .pdf) - This 204-page book by FEMA is a treasure trove of information on preparedness for many disasters - natural and man-made.

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Saturday, March 6, 2021

Free Resource of the Day - March 6

3-6-2021 - Today's FREE resources are all about bees. Bees don't just make honey, they are extremely important to food production as pollinators. Here are some free resources for bee conservation, bee gardening, and bee keeping:

Bee Basics: An Introduction to Our Native Bees (link opens a .pdf) - a publication of the US Forest Service

Conserving Bumble Bees (link opens a .pdf) 

Enhancing Nest Sites for Native Bees (link opens a .pdf)  

Farming For Bees (link opens a .pdf) - guidelines for providing native bee habitat on farms and homesteads

Plans For a Complete Beekeeping System (several downloading options available)

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Friday, March 5, 2021

Free Resource of the Day - March 5

3-5-2021 - Cooperative Extension Offices are an agency of the US Agriculture Department, with local offices in every county in the United States. They are a great resource of free information, and free or low-cost services. Local offices can provide garden planting times specific to your area, soil testing, canning classes, and other information and services. They can also help you get into touch with 4-H clubs, gardening clubs, bee keeper associations, and other related organizations in your area. 

For more information visit https://extension.org/ or

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Thursday, March 4, 2021

Free Resource of the Day - March 4

3-4-2021 - Today's Free Resource is Where There Is No Vet. Just click the link to go to the download page on the Livestocking.net website. Dropbox may ask if you want to get a free account, but you don't have to sign up (I didn't) to download the book. 

Where There Is No Vet is part of the same series as Where There Is No Doctor and Where There Is No Dentist, both of which I covered on Free Resource of the Day - Feb.23

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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Why I haven't had Covid-19

Disclosure: Timothy Gamble is not a doctor or other medical professional. This article is not intended to diagnose or treat Covid-19 or any other medical condition. It is intended only as an opinion piece based on the author's personal experience. If you think you may have Covid-19 or any other illness, please seek out the advice of a qualified medical professional you trust. 

3-3-2021 - It has been over a year since the Covid-19 pandemic came to America. According to health officials, there have been over 125 million cases worldwide, and over 28 million in the USA. I am not one of them. 

It is surprising that I am not. After all, I am among those considered especially at risk (I'm 53 with Diabetes). There are lots of cases in my area. I know a number of people who have had it, and many others who are "friends of friends." Also, I am out in public a lot. I usually attend church when allowed. I make weekly trips to places like Sam's Club, Walmart, the grocery store, and other places of business. I often go to the local park to run, and often interact with people there. I've even been out to eat a few times, when its been allowed. In short, I have made no particular effort to avoid people. Yet, I am not sick, nor have I been. This begs the question, "Why not?"

I do take the common sense precautions. I do wash my hands often, especially when I've been out in public. And if I see someone coughing or sneezing, I certainly avoid being too near them. And I do wear a facemask, but only a regular earloop mask, or more often just a thin neck scarf to pull over my mouth and nose. Not very effective protection, according to the science (but the politicians, bureaucrats, and the media don't follow the science).  

I think the real reason is because of something I do, and have been doing for years. And it is a solution that has been known since the beginning of the pandemic. Yet, we have not been allowed to talk about it (free speech is effectively dead in the USA). A number of doctors and medical researchers have offered up this advice over the past year, and they have been quickly silenced - blackballed from media interviews, social media accounts banned, You Tube videos removed...  We are simply not allowed to discuss possible natural solutions to this pandemic. 

I take 1,000 mg of vitamin C and 1,000 IU of vitamin D3 twice a day, everyday. And on days I go out in public, I take a third dose of each when I get home. I believe this, along with common sense precautions, is the secret of why I haven't been sick. But don't tell the Big Tech oligarchs, or you'll get banned.

(By the way, My 80-year-old mother lives with me. She also takes C and D3, and hasn't gotten sick. She does not go out in public very often, but I obviously haven't brought Covid-19 home with me to infect her.) 

I wonder how many people died because medical professionals have not been allowed to share this information in public ways? 

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Free Resource of the Day - March 3

3-3-2021 - Today's free resource is for veteran's of the US military. These folks have been through a lot for our country, and deserve to get any help they need. If you re a veteran in crisis, or are concerned about one, here is a way to start getting the help you need: 

Veteran's Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255   or Text 838255
Website: https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/ (chat feature available)

A trained responder will answer your call, text, or chat and ask you a few questions. You can decide how much you want to share.

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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Free Resource of the Day - March 2

3-2-2021 - Today's FREE resource is the 1-hour 43-minute video documentary Back To Eden, which describes an organic gardening method by Paul Gautschi. Just click the link to visit his website and watch the video. 

From the website: "Back to Eden Film shares the story of one man’s lifelong journey, walking with God and learning how to get back to the simple, productive organic gardening methods of sustainable provision that were given to man in the garden of Eden. The food growing system that has resulted from Paul Gautschi’s incredible experiences has garnered the interest of visitors from around the world."

(All links in the Free Resources series were tested as good at the time of posting, but may be taken down at any time. If you notice a dead link, please let me know in the comments section.) 

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