Monday, February 27, 2023

Preparedness - A Quick Start Guide

By Tim Gamble (TwitterGabSubscribe by Email)

If you are a long-time prepper, the information in this article is probably too basic for you. But if you are new to prepping, or haven't even started yet, this article is your quick start guide, giving you basic steps to preparing quickly for what may come. These six basic steps won't get you completely ready for everything, of course. That level of readiness takes much more time and effort. But, do these six things, and you will be better prepared for our difficult future than 90% of other folks, who will do nothing to get ready.  

1) Food and Water - Your first goal is to stock up on 2 to 3 weeks worth of food and water. In other words, make sure you have enough food at home to feed your household for at least two weeks without eating out, going food shopping, or ordering food online. This should be regular canned and dry foods that you buy at the store, not MREs or other long-term (and expensive) "survival" foods. Emphasize foods that need little or no preparation - cans of soups, chilis, and stews, pop-tarts and cereal, oatmeal of the just-add-hot-water variety, canned pastas, easy mac and cheese, peanut butter and crackers (saltine-type crackers can last up to 8 months without going stale if left unopened), canned tuna, canned fruits, and so forth... You can buy bottled water, or store tap water in various containers. Two-litter soda bottles work well, but milk jugs will break down and leak quickly. 

After stocking up a few weeks worth of food and water, you can then begin working on longer-term food and water storage - maybe 3 months worth. Then 6 months. Then a year or more. Also, think about stocking up on cleaning, sanitation, and hygiene supplies.  

2) First Aid and Medical - Make sure you have a basic first aid kit and supplies in your home and in your car. Have a good first aid manual (I recommend this one) and study it before you need it. Better yet, take a good first aid course. 

Make sure you have a good supply of OTC medications (cold & flu medications, pain relievers, anti-diarrheal medicine, decongestants, vitamins and supplements, etc.). 

Work with your doctor and pharmacist to get as much of your prescription medications as possible - sometimes they can prescribe for 3 months instead of 1 month, or give you additional samples.

3) Your Body - Begin working on your health and fitness now, even if it is just taking a regular after dinner walk around your neighborhood and/or cutting back on the sweets. Every little bit helps in the long-run. 

Also, I've learned the hard way the importance of regular medical check-ups. The key to healing any disease or chronic health condition is early detection. I highly urge everyone to get regular physical, dental, and eye check-ups. If you haven't had one recently, please make an appointment soon.

Go ahead and do any planned medical procedures (Lasik eye surgery, mole removals, dental work, etc.) sooner rather than later.  

4) Flashlights, Radios, and Batteries - There are lots of gear you can buy to help in emergencies. Two of the simplest and most important are flashlights/headlamps (you need to be able to see in the dark) and a good emergency radio. I have and recommend the Kaito KA500 5-way powered emergency radio.  This one has is all: AM/FM/SW/NOAA (weather alert) bands, and can be powered five ways (electrical cord, USB port, AA batteries, solar, and hand-crank). 

Also, make sure you have plenty of batteries for all your devices! 

5) Cash and Records - You should have a certain amount of cash on your person, and hidden in your home. How much depends on your own circumstances. Just realize that banks may not be open during a crisis for various reasons, ATMs may be down due to power outages, and the ETF system (which runs credit and debit card transactions) may be down due to power outages or hacking attacks, so you may be stuck using cash-only for a period of time. 

You should also collect your important papers (deeds, titles, insurance information, birth certificates, etc.) together in a safe, fireproof, place so you can get your hands on them quickly if you need to. Here is something to consider: The ROLOWAY Fireproof (to 2000°F) and Water-resistant Document Bag is currently available on Amazon for less than $35. Home safes are also good (check fire ratings). 

6) Make Plans - Unexpected things do happen all the time, and we need to plan for the unexpected. How do you plan to get home in an emergency if you car isn't working or traffic is too bad? Do you have a get-home bag in your car? Do you wear good walking shoes or boots to work or school (heels, dress shoes, sandals, and flip-flobs don't count)? If not, keep a good pair in your car or bag in case of emergency. What if you had to suddenly leave your home due to wildfires, chemical spills, or some other reason? Do you have bug-out bags already packed? Do you know where you would go? Do you have a reliable vehicle to get you there? Start planning these things now.

By the way, I have down much more in-depth articles on everything I've mentioned in this article. Just search through this website's archives (bottom of right-hand column) if you want to know more. 

A final thought: The single most important thing you can do now to survive any future chaos is to start taking responsibility for your own life now.

Ad: Get Prepared Now!: Why A Great Crisis Is Coming & How You Can Survive It
, by Michael Snyder and Barbara Fix. This book emphasizes preparing for an economic collapse, which in my opinion will be a major part of what we experience. Topics include looming economic collapse, pandemics, drought and increasing weather-related disasters, food shortages, our extremely vulnerable power grid and supply chain, civil unrest, and practical steps for storing food and supplies that you will need.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Emergency Preparedness for Your Young Children

By Tim Gamble (Twitter, Gab, Subscribe by Email)

Let's start with the most basic question of whether or not to even discuss preparedness and survivalism with children. And if so, what and how much to tell them.

Over the years, I gotten a few variants of the following comment: Tim, I don't want to talk to my young children about these topics. It will only frighten them. Besides, I am here to protect them, and I don't want them to ever think or worry that I won't be. 

I understand that sentiment, but the reality is children do have to face dangers and emergencies in life, even sometimes when their parents are not around. Pretending otherwise is not helpful to your children. 

You are NOT protecting your children by trying to hide uncomfortable truths from them. Of course, use commonsense in deciding how to talk to your children about scary subjects. You don't want to be overprotective and thus endanger your child, but you also don't want to needlessly frighten your child. Children do mature at different rates, so there is no one-size-fits-all answer. You have to decide for yourself what is best for your children, taking into account their individual ages, maturity levels, and abilities.

Emergency Preparedness for Your Young Children

1) All children should learn their full name, address, phone number, and parents' full names as soon as possible, well before kindergarten. Yes, young children should know their parents' real names, not just mommy and daddy. My mother taught primary grades (k-3) and was constantly surprised by the number of her students each year who didn't know this basic information. Seriously consider getting your children  "dog tags" to wear with their name, address, and parent's name and contact info, along with blood type, allergies, and any other important medical info. Dog tags work better than ID bracelets, in my opinion, because you can include a lot more information on a dog tag. Dog tags can also be worn under a dress, shirt or jacket, making it somewhat more difficult to lose than a bracelet. Besides, little girls love wearing necklaces like mommy does, and little boys will think their "army" tags are cool. 

3) All children should learn how to call 911 in an emergency. And they should know what a police uniform looks like. Please, don't teach children to be afraid of police officers. Making a political statement isn't worth putting your children at risk in an emergency. 

4) Teach your children basic safety rules: 
  • "Stranger danger" - to be wary (not frightened) of people they don't know.
  • To not open the door for people they don't know.
  • To not tell people over the phone that Mommy and Daddy aren't home.
  • To not to play with matches, guns, or knives.
  • To not run with scissors. 
  • To always look both ways before crossing the street.
  • To not play behind, under, or in, parked cars.
  • "Good touch, Bad touch" - to not let other people touch their body in ways that make them uncomfortable, except under certain rare circumstances (doctor's office, etc).
  • To not play in the pool unless and adult is watching.
  • To wash their hands before eating, or after going to the restroom.
  • To never keep secrets from their parents, even if a teacher or other authority figure tells them to keep it from their parents (EXTREMELY important these days)
Children, especially young children, really do need these reminders often.

5) Five quick rules for social media:
  • No child, including teens, should have any social media or email account that is private, secret or hidden from their parents.
  • Parents should follow their children on all social media (and pay attention!).
  • Parents should have the passwords to all social media and email accounts of their underage children.
  • No using social media to bully other children, and always tell a parent if someone is bullying them over social media.
  • To never talk to strangers over social media. Family, friends, teachers, classmates are okay, but some random 40-year-old stranger isn't. (Folks, if your teen daughter especially is on social media and you aren't paying attention, I can almost guarantee there are older men following her and trying to flirt with her. It is sickening.) 
6) Children should start learning first aid early on. I remember being taught basic first aid in school when we were in fourth grade. There's no reason whey we couldn't have started learning the basics even earlier.

7) Teach your children to make health and fitness a part of their lives. Teach them to eat healthy and to be physically active. Limit their screen time (TV, computer, gaming system, etc.), and make them spend some time outdoors. Better yet, teach by example. Activities such as walking, hiking, biking, camping, fishing, and gardening, can be dome as a family.

8) Scouting-type clubs and 4-H clubs are great ways to help kids prepare. They will be active, learn new skills, build character, and learn self-reliance. Concerned about the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts moving away from traditional values? It mainly depends upon the leadership of your local scout troop, so get to know the troop leaders. Or, consider Trail Life USA and American Heritage Girls as Christ-centered alternatives. Or, create your own scouting-type program at your church. 

9) If there are guns in the home, teach your children gun safety early and often. This starts with teaching them to respect guns, not to fear them. I grew up with guns. I was hunting with my grandfathers when I was still in my single digits, carrying and shooting my own gun (a .410 shotgun) under their supervision. They taught me how to safely handle guns. Do the same for your children, boys and girls. 
Ad: Survivalist Family: Prepared Americans for a Strong America, by Pastor Joe Fox (aka Viking Preparedness), is a great guide to beginner and intermediate preparedness and survival for both short-term disasters and long-term emergencies. Highly recommended!!!  

Sunday, February 19, 2023

What If...? Nuclear War Preparations

By Tim Gamble

I went to elementary school in the 1970s, during the Cold War with the old Soviet Union. The public school I attended held "atomic bomb" drills every so often, much as public schools today hold fire drills. An alarm would sound (different from the fire alarm), and we all had to get up from our desks and move into the hallway, where we would line up along the walls. Then the teachers would have us sit down on the floor with our backs against the wall, our knees pulled up in front of us, arms around our legs, and our heads placed between our knees. These "duck and cover" drills were commonplace throughout America during the Cold War. 

As horrible as it is to contemplate, the possibility of a nuclear war, either all-out or limited in scope, is at least as real today as it was back then, probably even greater. Unless you die instantly from a direct hit from a nuclear warhead, you will survive the initial nuclear attack and have to deal with its aftermath. How do we do so? How do we prepare for nuclear war and its aftermath? Here are some ideas and resources to get you started:

1) David Kobler (aka SouthernPrepper1) has a new book, entitled Nuclear War Survival: A One Hour Crash Course - Learn the basics fast, just in case. It is a short book that is exactly what it says it is - a crash course covering the basics for nuclear war survival. Only $7.99 for the paperback or just 99 cents for the kindle edition at Amazon. 

2) The 1987 edition of Cresson H. Kearny's Nuclear War Survival Skills is available for free download at This is the highly-recommended classic nuclear war survival guide commissioned by the US government. It is also a good idea to have a hard copy of this book instead of relying solely on a digital copy. The paperback of the 1987 edition is available on Amazon for just $10.39 at the moment. Folks, it doesn't matter what edition you get, as the physics of nuclear war haven't changed, and the information presented by Kearny is not "out of date."

3) Potassium Iodine (KI) tablets are used for radiation poisoning. They are not expensive, and are available without prescription, but learn how and when to use them first*. Click here to find them on Amazon (there has been a big run on KI so prices are going up quickly and supplies are running low). 

* According to the CDC "People should take KI (potassium iodide) only on the advice of public health or emergency management officials. There are health risks associated with taking KI." Learn more on the CDC website by clicking here.

4) SouthernPrepper1 (David Kobler) has done many videos over the years on preparing for nuclear, radiological, and EMP events. I highly recommend you look up those videos on his YouTube channel

5) Dust kicked up by nuclear explosions can travel great distances, but the good news is that the fallout dust is contaminated by gamma radiation, which degrades very rapidly. You will need to protect your homes/shelters, and especially your skin, eyes, and lungs, for the first 48 to 72 hours after a nuclear event. I recently bought some extra plastic sheeting, tarps, and gorilla tape to build dust barriers (covering windows, doors, attic access points, etc.) from potential nuclear fallout. 

N95 masks and even those ear loop facemasks we all have now are actually pretty good for protecting against fallout dust (the dust being considerably larger than viruses). Long pants, long sleeves, shoes, safety glasses, ski masks, and gloves also work. Reduce the amount of exposed skin as much as possible. You don't have to have really expensive gear. If you do want to go the extra step, check out protective suits and N 95 masks on Amazon. You do not need gas masks to protect yourself from nuclear fallout dust. 

6) All other forms of prepping - from stockpiling food and water to establishing a family communications plan - will come in very handy in surviving a nuclear war, so keep up and even intensify all your current preparations. 

7) Distance + Mass = Safety. The more distance, and the more mass, between you and a nuclear event, the safer you will be. If you live in or very near potential targets (large population centers, important cities, military bases, etc.), you may want to consider moving further away. 

Survive the emerging Dystopia. Subscribe to Dystopian Survival by clicking here and also by following Tim Gamble on social media:

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Thursday, February 16, 2023

Fighting Inflation? Don't Make This Couple's Mistake!

By Tim Gamble

A few weeks ago I watched a prepper video where a 40-something couple were talking about inflation and high prices. In the video, they took us on a shopping trip to their local Walmart. I was stunned to see them make a BIG mistake that probably cost them at least $15 to $20 when they checked out. I'm not going to name them or give a link to the video, because this article isn't meant as an attack on them, who seem like good people. Instead, I just want you folks to learn from their mistake.

Watching them shop on their video, it became obvious that they were what I call "name brand snobs." Everything they put into their cart, from tomato sauce to canned soups to laundry detergent to shampoo, was a major name brand. Even when there was a generic or store brand available at a much lower cost, they always went for the name brand. And when there were multiple name brands available, they always seemed to go for the more costly name brand. Again, let me say that they did not put a single generic or store brand in their cart. This name-brand loyalty probably added $15-$20 to their bill when they checked out. 

Companies spend billions of dollars every year marketing their names, convincing people that their brand is the best, and building customer loyalty to their name. Apparently the brain-washing works, so it is money well-spent by the companies. Of course, they reap all those marketing expenses back, and then some, through the higher prices the brain-washed happily pay them. 

So, my inflation fighting tip: Don't be a name brand snob. 


AD:  Proverbs 22:3 T-Shirt - "A prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences." - Available in men's, women's, and youth sizes, and in multiple colors.

Survive the emerging Dystopia. Subscribe to Dystopian Survival by clicking here and also by following Tim Gamble on social media:

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Friday, February 10, 2023

How The China Spy Balloon Impacts My Prepping

By Tim Gamble

This article is not about the politics of the China Spy Balloon, nor is it about the Cold War that exists between China and the US. I posted THAT article on my resistance website, Instead, THIS article is about how the China Spy Balloon incident is impacting my preparedness. Hopefully, it will give you some food for thought regarding your own preparedness.

Note: As I post this article, I am aware of a second "object" over Alaska which may have been shot down. I don't know any details yet.

News of the China Spy Balloon began to break late Thursday (Feb. 2), and by Friday morning it was all over the news and social media. By coincidence, I had to take my 80-year-old mother to a doctor's appointment in a nearby town early Friday morning (no worries - it was a previously scheduled routine check-up). While waiting for her to finish with the doctor, I had lots of time to think of "what if" scenarios. 

One thought kept repeating in my mind: What if the balloon had an EMP device? What if it went off right now while mom was at her appointment? The EMP would kill the car, so  how would we get home? No vehicles would be working. No taxis. No Uber. No Lyft. No buses or public transport. No one we could call that would have a working car. The only option to get home is walking.

Okay. I could walk the approximately 14 (very hilly) miles to get home. I could do it in maybe 5 hours if I hustled. But, my 80-year-old mother? No way she could walk that distance. She could maybe make a couple of miles a day, but that's it. 

We could stay there in that town, but how long and where? It would take months, at best, for the transportation grid to be re-established. There are no hotels or motels in that town. We don't know anyone there. Where would we stay? Camp in the town park? Live out of our dead car? 

Sure. I have some water, a blanket, and a get-home bag in the car. But almost all my supplies and other stuff are at home 14 miles away. I have enough for me to walk home, but again, what about mom? We certainly don't have enough water and equipment to camp out for an extended period of time. Even if we tried walking home only 2 or 3 miles a day, it would take almost a week to get home. Definitely don't have enough water, food, and protection from the cold for that... 

How far away from home did you venture Friday? What if an EMP had gone off when you were at your max distance from home? How quickly could you walk home from there? More importantly, how quickly could the slowest person in your group walk home from there? Remember, the elderly, toddlers, young children, pregnant women, handicapped folks, and many others probably can't walk as fast or as far as you can. You have to plan for the least capable person in your group. 

My Thoughts

Here are some thoughts I have for improving our situation in this kind of scenario:

1) More fitness for both me and mom. Mom walks around our small neighborhood almost daily for exercise. Maybe she could up that to twice daily, morning and afternoon. Every little bit extra helps.

2) Find a closer doctor. Fourteen miles away isn't that far - unless you have to walk it. There is a different doctor only7 miles away. And it is a less hilly route, and therefore would be an easier walk. We may consider changing to that doctor.

3) Build a better network of folks. Unfortunately, I know no one from that other town, and no one along the route we would have to walk back home. Perhaps I need to get out and meet some folks. Then we would have some possible places to spend the night, or at least rest for a bit and get some water. 

4) More/better supplies in the car. There is limited space, of course, but I could put a small tent in the car, along with extra food and water. 

5) EMP proof my vehicle. Technically possible, but beyond my knowledge and skill set, and probably beyond my budget to hire someone else to do it. 

6) As an alternative: Get/use a vehicle from the 1970s, before they began to get all  computerized. Anyone got a running pick-up truck from the 1970s they want to sell? 

7) Avoid long trips when I know there is a potential threat. It was just a routine check-up, so it would have been no problem to cancel mom's appointment. Problem is, an EMP event could happen anytime, and we likely won't have any advanced warning. 

Obviously, I am still in the "thinking about it" stage. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, leave them in the comments section below. Thanks! 

Ad:  Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, by Peter Schweizer, came out just last year. In it, the author exposes the large number of American elites who are eager to help the Chinese dictatorship in its quest for global hegemony. Presidential families, Silicon Valley gurus, Wall Street high rollers, Ivy League universities, even professional athletes—all willing to sacrifice American strength and security on the altar of personal enrichment. Exhaustively researched, crisply told, and chilling, Red-Handed will expose the nexus of power between the Chinese government and the American elites who do its bidding.

Survive the emerging Dystopia. Subscribe to Dystopian Survival by clicking here and also by following Tim Gamble on social media:

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Thursday, February 2, 2023

Ways to Defend the Second Amendment - 23 Action Steps

By Tim Gamble

Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

1) Know Your Rights - We have a natural (God-given) right to self-defense, and this includes the tools needed to defend ourselves. This unalienable right is recognized and guaranteed by the Second Amendment to U.S. Constitution. Guns are a very useful, even necessary, tool of self-defense. They are also great for hunting, providing food, recreation through shooting sports, and collecting. But their primary function, as enshrined in the Constitution by our Founding Fathers, is for self-defense, against both bad people and bad governments

Action Steps:

A) Read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
B) Get a "pocket copy" of both (various organizations often give away such copies).
C) Read the article "The Six Things Americans Should Know About the Second Amendment" by Richard W. Stevens.
D) Check out the Biblical Self-Defense website.
E) Learn the laws of your state and locality regarding firearms, self-defense, and concealed-carry & open-carry. Your local gun store should be able to help with this step. 

[Why know State Laws if the Second Amendment is clear? Because politicians and government officials don't always follow the Constitution, and it is difficult to defend the Second Amendment from a jail cell.]

2) Work to Change Unconstitutional Laws and Excessive Regulations

Many states and localities have passed legislation that violates the Second Amendment and/or otherwise restricts our inalienable right to self-defense. We must work diligently to change these laws and to prevent new restrictions. This takes time, effort, and awarenessThe cost of freedom is eternal vigilance. 

Action Steps:

A) Know the positions of political candidates regarding guns and self-defense. Do not vote for candidates that do not fully support the Second Amendment or that favor restrictions, even so-called "commonsense" restrictions, on guns and self-defense. This is especially important in state and local elections!
B) Make your voice heard. Pressure your politicians at all levels to be pro-Second Amendment, and to resist all gun control efforts. Many politicians end up voting in the direction they feel the greatest pressure. We have to make sure we out-pressure the Global Elites. The Elites are very good at this, and have the support of the main stream media and academia. We have to be better than them. Write, call, email, and visit your elected officials often. Attend town halls. Write newspaper editorials. Be outspoken. 
C) Here's how to contact federal, state, and local government officials: click this link. 
D) Many gun rights organizations provide legislative alerts and suggested actions to take. Join their email lists and/or follow them on social media to stay informed of these opportunities. (A list of some of these organizations is in step #3 below.)

3)  Join Forces with Others Defending the Second Amendment

There are many organizations defending the Second Amendment. Here are a few you should consider joining. 

Action Steps:

A) Gun Owners Association (GOA) (TwitterWebsite, YouTube)
B) National Rifle Association (NRA) (TwitterWebsiteYouTube)
C) National Association for Gun Rights (GabTwitterWebsiteYouTube)
D) The Second Amendment Foundation (TwitterWebsite)
E) Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (Twitter

4) Know the Facts

Over the years, many politicians and activists have been caught reciting facts and statistics that were highly distorted or even completely made-up. Opponents of the Second Amendment have no qualms about lying to get their way. It is crucial that we know the real facts and statistics so that we cannot be mislead, and so that we can correct the record and prevent others from being mislead.

Action Steps:

A) Visit and explore the Gun Facts website
B) Download and read the free GOA ebook Gun Facts 6.2 (link opens a .pdf) - if someone knows of a newer version of this book, please drop a link to it in the comments section below. 

5) Promote Gun Ownership

Action Steps:
A) Own guns and enjoy them. 
B) Encourage others to own guns, and to pursue hunting and shooting hobbies. The more people who own and enjoy guns, the harder it will be for the Global Elites to take our guns away. 
C) Invite a gun-wary friend, neighbor, or co-worker to go hunting or shooting with you. Get to them before the Global Elites do.

6) Schools and Zero-Tolerance

Schools have enacted zero-tolerance policies that go way beyond banning the actual weapons from schools. School kids have, and are, getting suspended, expelled, and sometimes arrested for such absurdities as merely using the word "gun", drawing a picture of a gun, having one of those green plastic army men with a gun, biting a pop-tart into the shape of a gun, having a toy "bubble gun" or water pistol that looks nothing like a real gun, and even holding their forefinger and thumb into a gun shape while playing on the playground (no more playing cowboys and Indians, or even cops and robbers).

School officials are smart enough to understand the difference between a half-eaten pop tart that is sort of in the shape of a gun, and a real gun. They intentionally overreact to such an incredible extent not to discourage guns on campus, but to instill a deep-seated fear of guns into students. Global Elites know that if the current generation of students are afraid of guns, it will be easier to ban guns once they grow up.  

Action Steps:

Fight these absurd zero-tolerance rules in your kids' schools. Stand up to administrators who think your kid should be arrested for biting a potato-chip in such a way that it vaguely resembles a gun. Point out the absurdity of pretending that the tiny plastic gun that the green plastic army man is holding is the same as the real thing. 
B) Make sure you are voting for school board members who respect the Second Amendment, as well as the rest of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. This is absolutely crucial. 
C) Teach your kids to respect guns, not to fear them. Teach them how to use guns safely. Take them shooting and hunting. Check out the NRA's Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program for kids.

7) Men, Take Your Women Shooting

Men, take your wives and girlfriends shooting. The more women who get into hunting and other shooting sports, the more secure the Second Amendment will be in the future.

Think about it. Wherever Mothers go, there go their children. The more that children are exposed to responsible gun ownership, and the safe and fun use of guns, the less fearful they will be of guns, despite the anti-gun indoctrination in our schools.

The long-term future of the Second Amendment is being determined in the fight for the hearts and minds of children. The anti-gun activists know that the more fearful children are of guns while they are young, the more fearful they will be when they grow up. Then those fearful future adults - who will be voters, politicians, judges, bureaucrats, school administrators, teachers, and in other positions of influence - will be easier to convince to do away with the Second Amendment and accept complete gun confiscation (the ultimate goal of gun control).

Action Steps:

A) Men, Take Your Women Shooting. The best and easiest way to stop the intentional spread of the fear of guns into children is to get their mothers into guns. Take your wife or girlfriend to the shooting range. Take them hunting. Get them into guns. And the message will seep down to their children.


I'm not a woman, but I do have some commonsense suggestions for how to get your wife or girlfriend into shooting: 
  • Be patient. 
  • Make it fun. 
  • Don't be a jerk, talk down to her, or make it into some macho thing. 
  • The purpose is to get her into shooting, not to show off your skills or to impress her with your manliness.
  • Don't take over and try to make decisions for her. 
  • Let other people help - you're probably the wrong person to teach her how to shoot, no matter how good you are. 
  • Take a class together. 
  • Don't "take her" shooting or hunting, instead go shooting or hunting together (an important difference, especially to a woman). 
  • Let her progress at her own pace.
I would love to get suggestions from women on how to get women into shooting sports. Please leave suggestions in the comments section below.  

Survive the emerging Dystopia. Subscribe to Dystopian Survival by clicking here and also by following Tim Gamble on social media:

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Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Are Preppers Part of the Problem?

By Tim Gamble

Every so often I see folks make a comment similar to this one: "I could never be a prepper. Preppers just hide from problems in their mountain retreat, instead of being part of the solution." There is so much ignorance in those statements. Let me try to answer some of it. 

Call it whatever - preparedness, survivalism, self-reliance - but it does not mean shutting yourself off from your friends or community. It certainly doesn't mean heading for the hills and hiding, heavily armed, in a secret compound having no contact with the outside world until after some dread doomsday comes to pass. Far from being cowards hiding from problems, preppers are realists who recognize that problems do exist and are trying to do something to protect themselves and their families from those problems. 

If you have ever listened to a flight attendant give emergency instructions, you may have noticed that they tell parents traveling with children to put the oxygen mask on themselves first, before putting one on their child. The airlines don't say that because they hate children. Instead, they know that if a parent is to help their child, they must first be able to do so. A parent unconscious from the lack of oxygen will be of absolutely no help to their child.

Likewise, we will be of little or no help to our family, friends and community, if we are the ones in need of help ourselves. In fact, our own helplessness may make matters much worse for our community. Far from being selfish, building self-reliance and being prepared may be among the smartest and most generous things you can do for others.

At its heart, preparedness is about self-reliance - the ability to depend on ourselves in an emergency, rather than being helpless and totally dependent on government agencies or other outside forces to save us. Being ready for an emergency, be it anything from a natural disaster to an unexpected job loss, is important. But the importance of preparedness goes way beyond that. Preparedness is about saving our families, our country, our freedoms, and our way of life. It is about saving civilization itself. Consider this:

The more self-reliant we are as individuals, families, and communities, the less need we will have for government, and the less power the Elites will have over our lives. This fact is is obvious to the Elites, which is why they have focused so much effort on attacking the concept of self-reliance, labeling it as too hard, unrealistic, unfair, and selfish, among other things. The Elites want us as dependent on government, and therefore on them, as possible. It is about control. 
Being prepared and self-reliant removes much of that control. In turn, this gives us the freedom and the ability to become part of the real solutions, rather than just remaining part of the problem.

AD:  Augason Farms Long-Term Food Storage - This is where I get powdered butter, eggs, cheese, milk, and other long-term foods for my Survival Pantry. Shelf-life up to 20+ years. Good quality, good taste, good value. For my money (literally, since I am a paying customer), Augason Farms is the best long-term foods option. 

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