Friday, April 28, 2023

Eggs Under $2.00 A Dozen!

By Tim Gamble

Please Subscribe by Email, and find me on Gab (@TimGamble) and Twitter (@TimGambleSpeaks

These "Boots on the Ground"-type segments tend to be depressing because it is overwhelmingly bad news. But today, I have some surprisingly good news to share. (By the way, a hat tip is due to SouthernPrepper1 for the concept of Boots on the Ground.)

Eggs For Under $2.00 A Dozen!

My local Ingles supermarket has their store brand large white eggs priced at $1.98 a dozen. You read that right - under $2.00 for a dozen eggs. I haven't seen eggs that cheap around here since before the lockdowns. I don't know if this is just some special deal, but it is not being advertised as a sale-price or special. No signage, other than the regular shelf tag.

Other stores in my area seem to still have eggs priced in the $3.00+ range, but they all have plenty in stock at the moment. No apparent supply shortage around here.

Meats Are In Short Supply

What is in short supply in my area (small town, Western NC) is meats - both fresh meats and canned meats. Stocks at all stores in my area are way down. By my estimate, stores only have about half of what they usually have in stock. Lots of gaps and open spaces in both the canned meats aisle and in the fresh meats coolers. 

Prices for canned meats seem to be holding steady at the moment. However, I have noticed prices on the fresh meats, including hamburger and chicken, are creeping up once again.

Let us know what is happening in your area in the comments section below.

AD:  Proverbs 22:3 T-Shirt - "A prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences." - Available in men's, women's, and youth sizes, and in multiple colors. 

Thursday, April 27, 2023

An Idea On How To Meet Like-Minded People

By Tim Gamble

Please Subscribe by Email, and find me on Gab (@TimGamble) and Twitter (@TimGambleSpeaks

Looking for community to ride out the end of Western Civilization with? 

Don't look for the usual suspects - folks who already consider themselves preppers, survivalists or homesteaders. Instead, look for good people who think similar to you (on religion, values, politics, culture, etc.), and are doing the things that will help them survive - gardening, fishing, hunting, shooting, hiking, camping, bee keeping, raising chickens, goats, or sheep, doing home schooling, doing home church, and so forth. 

It is not important to find "preppers" to build community and do life together. What is important is to find good people who have similar worldviews to your own, and then build relationships with them. Who cares if they call themselves preppers or not.

There are a lot of good folks out there who do prepper-like things, but don't call themselves anything special. In their eyes, they are just "regular folk." I know a lot of gardeners, hunters, DIYers, and others who have never visited a prepper forum in their life. It would never occur to them to ever go to a prepper meet-up. Yet, they would make excellent folks to do life with, both now and after the collapse.

Meet these people by doing life, not by visiting forums. Go to your local farmers' market, and meet the folks selling stuff there. Take a bee-keeping class to meet fellow bee-keepers (you don't actually have to keep bees - it could just be something you're "looking into"). Start hanging out at your local gun store to meet hunters and shooters. You have a better chance to meet people by going out in public, than by clicking away on your keyboard. 

As with any relationship, it takes time and effort to meet the right people. It takes even more time and effort to build strong relationships with the people you do meet. There will be failures along the way. That's okay. That's life. Don't be discourage. Keep trying. 

AD:  Proverbs 22:3 T-Shirt - "A prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences." - Available in men's, women's, and youth sizes, and in multiple colors.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Getting Help! (Mental and Emotional Preparedness)

By Tim Gamble

Here is Part Two of yesterday's article on mental and emotional preparedness. If you missed it, click here

Getting Help!

1) Spouse, close friend or family member - Sometimes we just need someone to talk to, a sympathetic ear to listen to us. But not always easy if we haven't worked on building deep, meaningful relationships beforehand. 

2) Your pastor or elder - An older, wiser person on the same spiritual path as you can offer guidance, wisdom, and prayer. And maybe some practical advice based on their own years of experience.

3) Other clergy (pastors, priests, rabbis) - Even if your particular pastor cannot help, or if you simply don't have one, other clergy in your area often will be able to refer you to various local programs, support groups, and counselors that can help. Some pastors also have training in counseling, and may be able to offer some personal help. 

4) Some larger employers offer mental health services to their employees, ranging from crisis helplines to professional counseling services. Some sponsor support groups, such as AA and others, for employees and their families. Talk to your human resources department about what, if any, mental help services your company offers. 

5) National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

6) Veteran's Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255

7) Anxiety and Depression Association of America

8) SAMHSA Treatment Referral Helpline – 1-877-726-4727 
(Get general information on mental health, and locate treatment services in your area.) 

9) Refer to the article Finding Help: When to Get It and Where to Go on the Mental Health America website. 

10) Addicted to Tobacco? Quitting Smoking (on the American Cancer Society website) 

11) Addicted to Alcohol? Alcoholics Anonymous

12) Addicted to Drugs? Narcotics Anonymous 

13) Porn Addiction? How Do I Find Help For Porn Addiction? (on the Rehab Spot website)

14) Porn Addiction? Pure Life Ministries 

15) Gambling Problem? Call the National Problem Gambling Helpline: 1-800-GAMBLER

16) If you are a runaway teen, or thinking about running away, call the National Runaway Hotline at 1-800-RUNAWAY 

17) Getting right with God is a very important part of getting help. I encourage everyone to pray and read the Bible (both the Old and New Testaments) for themselves. 

18) State and local governments typically have a lot of mental health resources available for those in need. Type the term "mental health services" along with your state, city or county, in the search engine of your choice to see what is available in your area.

There you go. A list of 18 possible sources of help for various mental and emotional issues. There is no excuse to not start working on your mental and emotional health now, before a true crisis hits. But what about someone who doesn't want help? Glad you asked.

Getting Help For Others!

This is difficult. Many folks who desperately need help with their issues simply don't want help. Or they refuse to admit there is even a problem. So, how do we help them? There is an answer, but it is one many folks won't like: Confrontation and Tough Love! Cuddling them, or ignoring the problem, won't work. 

1) Confront him (or her) individually. Don't yell at him, or make wild accusations, but do confront him about his problems. Be firm, even blunt, about there being a problem and about him needing to address it. Offer to help him to the extent that you can. This likely won't work, but it is the starting point.

2) Confront him (or her) as a group (sometimes called an intervention). Next, a group of his family and friends who are aware of the problem should confront him about it. Same rules as before.
3) Offer to help to the extent you can. I've already mentioned this, but you should offer to help to the extent that you can. This may mean just offering to help him find help (maybe from the list above), if that is all you can do. Maybe you can help him by being an "accountability buddy." Maybe you can offer to give him a ride to the support group, or even to go with him. Do what you can, but only what you can. Ultimately, it is his responsibility, NOT yours. 

4) Let him (or her) know you will no longer enable his bad behavior. Maybe this means you won't lend him money anymore. Or you are not going to bail him out of jail again at 2 in the morning (or any other time). Maybe this means he can't continue to live at your house until he cleans up his act. Stop doing whatever you are doing that enables his bad behavior. 

5) Actually STOP enabling their bad behavior. You MUST carry through on your threat to stop. This may cause problems, but if you love him, you need to be willing to do whatever it takes to help him. Enabling bad behavior is NOT a loving thing to do.  

6) Be willing to welcome them back, IF and WHEN they get the help they need. Not before then.

As I said before, ultimately it is the individuals' responsibility to get help, NOT your responsibility to do it for them. If you tried everything you can think of, and they still won't try to help themselves, cut them loose. Yes, cut them loose. This is hard to do, but for your sake, and the sake of your other loved ones, it may become necessary. Rest easy knowing you tried. 
AD:  Bathtub WaterBOB - 100-Gallon Emergency Water Storage Container for the Bathtub, Comes with Hand Pump, BPA-Free. Great for preparations for hurricanes, tornados, winter storms, and other disasters. 


Survive the emerging Dystopia. Subscribe to Dystopian Survival by clicking here and also by following Tim Gamble on social media:

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Friday, April 21, 2023

What is the most overlooked aspect of preparedness?

By Tim Gamble

In my opinion, the single most overlooked, dare I say ignored, aspect of preparedness and survival is the mental aspect. Having lots of supplies and the most expensive gear you can afford won't help you, if you cannot handle the fear, worry, and intense pressure that will accompany any SHTF emergency or long-term disaster. 

The importance of menta and emotional preparedness preparedness in a crisis cannot be overstated. The ability to not panic, to stay focused, and to think clearly is crucial. Besides, you don't want to have to deal with addictions and other mental health challenges (your own, or that of others) in the midst of a crisis. Don't forget that many folks today “manage” their mental health problems with medications that may quickly become unattainable in any grid-down or post-collapse scenario. 
Most everyone in the prepper and survivalist communities acknowledge the importance of mental health and emotional preparedness, but few talk about it in any detail. How do we prepare our mental health? Isn't good mental health something we either have or don't have? Is it something we can actually work on? How do we prep our mental health? 

Ways to build mental health and emotional preparedness

1) Develop a healthy spirituality. I know many of you will roll your eyes at this suggestion, but it is important. My relationship with God gives me great comfort, encouragement, strength, focus, and purpose during times of stress. Perhaps it can do the same for you, if you let it. Get right with God. Pray. Read scripture. Seek forgiveness. Be thankful. 

2) Reconnect with your spouse. Or get married if you're single (like me). Next to your relationship with God, no other relationship in your life will be as important, or have more of an impact on your life, than the relationship you have with your spouse. Your spouse will be (should be) your best friend and confidant, your most reliable helper, your biggest comforter, the one person who will always care about you, and the one person you can always trust. Of course, it is a two-way street - you have to be there for your spouse. So be there.

3) Reconnect with family and friends. Improve existing relationships and work on building new, positive relationships. It won't be easy, and it won't always work out, but it can be done. Put aside old quarrels and bruised egos. Reach out to family and friends you've lost touch with. Meet new people. Be a part of your community. Meet your neighbors. Participate. Volunteer.

4) Weed out toxic people from your life. We all have toxic people in our lives. People who seem to exist in a constant state of chaos; people who drain us of our energy (and sometimes our money); people who hurt us over and over again, and don't seem to care. Perhaps it is a relative. Or an old friend from your childhood. I'm not saying to dump people when they are going through a rough patch. But there are some folks whose "rough patch" seems to be their entire lives, and they refuse to do anything about it. Don't get sucked into their world of constant chaos, addictions, selfness, and bad decisions. Pray for them, help them if they are willing to try, then let them go.

5) Get rid of any addictions in your life - drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, pornography... - before any crisis. You do not want to have to deal with an addiction during a crisis. (See my next article, which will be on getting help.)

6) Relax. Laugh. Enjoy life. Be thankful. Don’t dwell on the negatives. Be a hopeful realist. It is important to understand the problems we face. Just don’t obsess over them. Instead, start working towards solutions. Acting to make positive changes, even small ones, will increase your confidence and encourage yourself, your family and your friends.

7) Reduce stress by taking up a fun hobby completely unrelated to prepping and survivalism. Maybe play golf or tennis. Take up painting. Learn to play a musical instrument. Study History. Read the Classics. Become an amateur astronomer. Collect stamps. The list is almost endless. 

8) Reconnect to God's creation. Spend time in nature for the enjoyment of nature. Take up outdoor hobbies such as gardening, hiking, fishing, camping and bird watching. Learn the names of trees, wildflowers and “weeds” native to your area. Learn what kinds of soils are in your region. Learn where your water comes from. Visit nearby parks and wildlife refuges. Visit your local natural history museum or botanical gardens. Learn the names of the birds and butterflies common to your backyard. Enjoy nature. 

9) Get enough sleep (for adults, that is at least 7 hours a night on a consistent basis). I know. Most people claim they can "get by" on less, but really they are fooling themselves. Lack of sleep wrecks havoc on our mental health. Sleep is also often overlooked in regards to our physical health. Being constantly sleep deprived is really bad, mentally and physically.

10) Be a life-long learner. This will give you confidence based on real reasons (as opposed to the empty "positive self-image" pushed by the Woke crowd). It will also lead to less anxiety and stress. Ideas: Read. Take classes. Improve your job skills. Learn about personal finance. Study permaculture. Learn useful skills such as auto mechanics, small-engine repair, carpentry and home repair. Learn first aid and CPR. Learn to sew, and to preserve food. Learn how to save seeds. Learn how to hunt, fish and forage for wild foods. Learn the skills your grandparents had. 

All the things mentioned in this article sound simple and easy. And they should be. But some folks will need extra help. Sometimes they just need to talk to a friend who will listen without being judgmental. Maybe they need a pastor or counselor to listen to them and to offer some advice. Or maybe they need more professional help. I will be posting an article tomorrow (Saturday) on where and how to get help if you need it. (Update: That article is now live. You can read it at )

AD:  Augason Farms Long-Term Food Storage - This is where I get powdered butter, eggs, cheese, milk, and other long-term foods for my Survival Pantry. Shelf-life up to 20+ years. Good quality, good taste, good value. For my money (literally, since I am a paying customer), Augason Farms is the best long-term foods option. 


Survive the emerging dystopia. Subscribe to Dystopian Survival by clicking here and also by following Tim Gamble on social media:

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Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Even Dirt Is More Expensive!

By Tim Gamble 
(please Subscribe by Email, and find me on Twitter and on Gab)

Despite news stories about the easing of inflation, the truth is high inflation is still around. Here are two ways I have experienced rising prices this week here in western NC.

The Rising Cost of Dirt!

I bought ten bags of a compost and manure mix to add to my raised garden beds this year, which I do every year. Those bags cost $3.08 each. Last year, those same bags cost $2.28 each. 

Same mix. Same brand. Same size. Same store. 80¢ more per bag. $8 more (plus tax) for all ten bags. That is a 35% inflation rate for 1 year. 

The Rising Cost of Good Health!

On my doctor's suggestion, I take a magnesium supplement daily. Magnesium helps the healing of ruptured and bleeding capillaries in my eyes, a condition I have due to diabetic retinopathy. The bottle I buy is a month's supply, and had been costing me only $5.64. This week when I bought a bottle, it cost $6.88. 

Same supplement. Same brand. Same size. Same store. $1.24 increase in one month! That is a one month increase of 22%.

Conclusion: Don't believe the lies. Inflation may have eased somewhat (or not) in the last couple of months, but it is still very much around. Some products are still experiencing double digit inflation. With gas prices rising once again, and likely will throughout the summer, expect high inflation to stick around for the foreseeable future. 

AD:  Bathtub WaterBOB - 100-Gallon Emergency Water Storage Container for the Bathtub, Comes with Hand Pump, BPA-Free. Great for preparations for hurricanes, tornados, winter storms, and other disasters. 

Monday, April 17, 2023

Real Life Security Threat at Walmart!

By Tim Gamble 
(please Subscribe by Email, and find me on Twitter and on Gab)

A few days ago I went to my local Walmart. I parked as usual towards the back of one of the rows. As I was walking from my vehicle to the entrance, I passed by a man slowly pushing a buggy and looking around like he was trying to find his car. I thought to myself "Yeah, I've been there before. Where in this massive parking lot did I park?

When I got up to the store entrance, I realized I left my reading glasses in my vehicle. I turned around to go back to my vehicle. As I was walking back, I noticed the man I passed earlier. He was still walking around slowly as if looking for his car. But this time I was paying more attention. I first noticed that he only has one bag in his buggy. Why push a buggy with only one bag in it? It would be easier for him to just carry the bag.

I also noticed that he was slowing down as he passed each parked car. Now that I was paying attention, it was obvious that he was looking into each vehicle. He definitely wasn't looking for his car. Most likely, he was looking for something worth stealing. 

I continued to watch him as he finished scoping out that row of cars and crossed over to the next row, starting up it. Again, he looked into each vehicle as he passed it. 

Finally, he noticed me watching him. At that point he nonchalantly pushed his buggy into one of the buggy corrals, got his shopping bag out, and walked directly to a car several rows away. He got into the passenger side and the car left the parking lot. He obviously knew where his car was, and obviously had a accomplish waiting for him. 

These type of petty crimes - in this case, stealing stuff from parked cars - are on the rise, and will continue to do so as the economy worsens. What can you do? 

First, start with situational awareness and the OODA loop (link to my article). I've mentioned this before, a lot of times, but this is where personal security starts. It is the foundation you must have. And it is much more than just "paying attention." 

Second, always lock your vehicle doors, even if you are only going to be away from your vehicle for a few minutes, and even if you think you are in a safe place. 

Third, hide packages, shopping bags, and other stuff so they cannot be seen through one of your vehicle's windows. An old blanket or tarp is great for this purpose.

Remember, in the modern dystopian world that we live in, YOU are responsible for your own security. YOU.  Not the police, not the government, not Walmart security, not anyone else. YOU are responsible. Start taking that responsibility seriously. 

AD:  Bathtub WaterBOB - 
100-Gallon Emergency Water Storage Container for the Bathtub, Comes with Hand Pump, BPA-Free. Great for preparations for hurricanes, tornados, winter storms, and other disasters. 

Monday, April 10, 2023

Personal and Home Security

By Tim Gamble

Crime worsens. Violence grows. Police departments get defunded. DAs play politics instead of doing their jobs. The DOJ, the FBI, the ATF, and even the IRS have been weaponized against We the People. Traditional values and long-standing norms of right and wrong have been erased from the schools, the pop culture, and the media, displaced by political ideology disguised as social and environmental justice. In many cases, our military and corporate leadership have joined the Cult of Wokeness. Even many modern "churches" have embraced this pagan cult, rejecting any part of Scripture that goes against modern worldly views. Our dystopian world has become very dangerous. And it will get more so as the system slowly breaks down.

We can no longer farm out our personal and family security to others. We cannot depend on the police, the legal system, or the government to protect us. We must take back personal responsibility for our own safety and security, and that of our family and community. 

The Foundation

Learn about situational awareness and the OODA loop (link to my article), which is where security starts. This is much more than just "paying attention," although that is a small part of it, and it is much more important than many people realize. Seriously, please read that article, even if you think you understand both situational awareness and the OODA loop. 

Home Security

Consider making needed security upgrades to your home, such as heavier security doors, dead bolt locks, chain locks, additional outdoor lighting, motion activated lights, and getting a dog. Don't forget about doing similar things for any storage sheds or other out-buildings on your property. 

Consider using security cameras (here's a good four-camera system with DVR recorder for under $200 on Amazon). Be cautious of Ring and other Internet-based camera systems, as they can be hacked and actually become a privacy and security threat. Decide for yourself what is best for your situation.

Consider your landscaping. Are there tall shrubs right next to your house, or beside porches and walkways? These make fine hiding spots for bad guys. On the other hand, trees and heavy planters / raised garden beds between the road and your house could make fine barriers to vehicles coming onto your property. Fences and gates are also barriers, and make your property lines obvious. The point is to think about how your landscaping affects your security. 

Exercise your rights to self-defense. Be armed, and know how to use your firearms (training!). Many of you are already gunowners. Good! But get training. If you're not a gunowner already and are new to guns, I suggest you start with a good home-defense shotgun, such as the H&R Pardner (relatively affordable, effective, and easy-to-use for beginners). Talk with your local gun shop for more suggestions, as well as information on your applicable gun laws, training, and gun safety courses. If you have firearms, every member of your household should take an age-appropriate gun safety course. Teach your children to respect guns, not fear them.

Personal and Family Security

Again, learn about situational awareness and the OODA loop (link to my article), which is where security starts.

I recommend that most folks own and learn how to use a sidearm, and to carry on an everyday basis if possible. Consult with your local gun dealer - they will be able to help you pick out an appropriate sidearm for you, guide you to a good self-defense firearms training course, and make you aware of applicable gun laws.

Everyone in your family should take a regular self-defense course (you can find age appropriate courses). A good self-defense course won't just cover the physical aspects of self-defense, but also give tips and advice on avoiding dangerous situations in the first place.

Talk over with your family ideas about staying safe when away from home, including shopping in groups, parking in well-light, highly-visible locations, avoiding dangerous areas of town, letting people know where you are going and when to expect you back, and paying attention to your surroundings, not becoming distracted by your phones and other electronic devices. 

Everyone in your family/group should learn first aid. Please take a first aid course as soon as possible. Places you may be able to find a basic first aid course include your local YMCA, fire department, rescue squad, or community college. You also may be able to organize a course through your church, scouting organization, or a local community or civic club.

In need of a first aid handbook? I recommend the ACEP First Aid Manual 5th Edition: The Step-by-Step Guide for Everyone. It is more up-to-date than the current Red Cross one (2014 vs. 1992). 

You might also be interested in my recent article, Surviving Riots, Civil Unrest and Political Turmoil

Survive the emerging Dystopia. Subscribe to Dystopian Survival by clicking here and also by following Tim Gamble on social media:

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Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Overlooked Survival Items and Supplies

By Tim Gamble

Most folks into preparedness and survival get the big categories  - food, first aid, cleaning & hygiene, guns & ammo, flashlights, radios, batteries. But there are some things that are easily overlooked, if you are not careful. 

Here is my list of often overlooked survival items and supplies, in no particular order. Have you overlooked any of these? 
  • Reading Glasses (amazon link) - I use reading glasses, and typically lose or break several pair every year. Right now, they are super cheap and readily available, so it makes sense to stock up many extra. 
  • Sunglasses (amazon link) - Same as with reading glasses, basic sunglasses are are super cheap and readily available at the moment, but may not always be. 
  • Spare Prescription Glasses - If you have prescription glasses, you may want to go ahead and get a second pair as a back-up. 
  • Manual Can Openers (amazon link) - If the power is out, you are going to need some way of opening all those canned goods. 
  • Comfort Items - Bibles, books, board games, playing cards, jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, wine, rum, candy, toys for the kids, etc. A way to de-stress, relax, and boost morale, especially if there is no power, no Internet..  
  • Thermal Socks (amazon link), Thermal Underwear (amazon link) - Ways to keep warm in the winter during grid-down. 
  • Work Gloves (amazon link) - Gardening, cutting firewood, and other chores around the homestead. Clearing debris, broken glass, etc., after a disaster. 
  • Portable Fuel Filters (amazon link)- One for each of your vehicles, generators, tractors, etc., plus a couple extra. I wrote an entire article on the importance of clean fuel a few years ago.
  • Jumper Cables (amazon link) - Make sure you have a set in each of your vehicles. 
  • Sewing Supplies (amazon link)- Thread, needles, patches, velcro, zippers, etc. Supplies of cheap clothing from overseas may dry up, so we may have to extend the life of the clothes we already have.
  • Repair Supplies (amazon link) - Screws, nails, nuts, bolts, washers, duct tape, gorilla tape, super glue, wood glue, twine, cordage, etc. Home repair, auto repair, DIY projects...
  • 2-Cycle Engine Oil (amazon link) - Needed by chainsaws and other power equipment.
  • Auto Supplies (amazon link) - Oil, oil filters, brake fluid, transmission fluid, wiper blades, etc. Oh, and make sure you have all the needed tire-changing tools (jack, lug wrench, spare tire, etc.) in each vehicle, before you need it. 
  • Rope (amazon link) - 100-foot, 1/4" and 1/2" rope - multiple potential uses.
  • Alternative Means of Cooking (amazon link)- grills, charcoal, lighter fluid, camp stoves, propane canisters, etc. How are you going to cook after the grid goes down? 
  • Cold, Flu, Sinus Medications (amazon link)- We often don't think about these until we get sick, then we run to the store to get some. But, what if the shelves were empty? 
What else is easy to overlook? Put your suggestions in the comments section below. 

Survive the emerging Dystopia. Subscribe to Dystopian Survival by clicking here and also by following Tim Gamble on social media:

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Monday, April 3, 2023

Tips To Prepare For Potential Cyberattacks

By Tim Gamble 
(please Subscribe by Email, and find me on Twitter and on Gab)

The scenario: China (or Russia, or Iran, or North Korea) launches a massive cyberattack against the US and the West.

The attack is wildly successful, and the Internet and all associated technology is down for days or even weeks before it is fully restored. This includes knocking out your ability to use your smart phone and all its wonderful apps. Businesses will find it extremely difficult to maintain their just-in-time supply chains. Utilities will find it difficult to maintain their systems, and may be forced to shut down completely. Schools will be forced to close, as will many businesses. Automatic payments and automatic deposits won't be working. 

How do you prepare for this situation? 

Preparing for possible cyberattacks:
  • Keep your operating system, drivers, and software up-to-date to better protect your electronics (personal and business). 
  • Create back-up files of all your data (personal and business). Store in a safe place (and shielded if you're worried about EMP events).
  • Make sure you have hard copies of recent bank and other financial statements.
  • Keep track of your checking account on paper - don't rely solely on an app, which may not be working.
  • Make sure you have hard copies of important insurance papers, including account numbers and contact info.
  • Make sure you have hard copies of other important papers, such as deeds, titles, birth certificates, etc. 
  • Make sure you have hard copies of all your contacts, personal and business (names, addresses, phone numbers). Don't forget to update these as needed!
  • Make sure you have physical maps of your area, and also your possible bug out locations (GPS and Google Maps aren't working).
  • Make sure you have cash on hand (ATM machines, credit cards, debit cards, even paper checks may not work, and banks may not be open for business - cash may be the only way to transact business for a few hours to several weeks or more depending on the severity of the situation).
  • Make sure you have hard copies of important survival information (example: print instructions from the CDC on how to use Potassium Iodine to treat radiation sickness since you will NOT be able to look it up after a nuclear or EMP attack).
  • Have several weeks to several months worth of the stuff you need to survive (food, water, medicine, first aid, sanitation and hygiene supplies, etc.).
  • Keep your tank topped off and have extra fuel for your vehicle if you can safely store it. (Most vehicles won't work after an EMP, but most will work during a cyberattack. In both instances, you likely won't be able to buy fuel until after things start to return to normal).
  • Take personal and home security seriously.  Law enforcement's ability to respond will be compromised by the same problems everyone else is having, and they will have their hands full. Criminals will take advantage of the situation, and looting and riots may occur at some point. You will be own your own.
AD: Some good categories to explore on Amazon!
Augason Farms Long Term Foods (the brand I buy for powdered butter, milk, cheese, etc.