Monday, October 23, 2023

3 Steps To A Fit And Healthy Life

By Tim Gamble

Here are three steps to a fit and healthy life, regardless of your current age or health. The key is to practice these three steps on a consistent, daily, basis. Doing them once or twice, then returning to your old ways will accomplish nothing. Doing these steps consistently over time will provide benefits for you. 

1) Move Daily - Be physically active every day. 
A) Aerobic activities for heart and lungs. Examples: walking, running, hiking, tennis, moderate yard work or gardening. Anything that causes you to breathe more deeply and rapidly, as well as to break out in a light sweat for a period of time. Try to gradually increase the length of your aerobic exercises, building up to at least 45 minutes a day. 
B) Anaerobic activities for building and maintaining muscle mass. Examples: weight lifting, running sprints (short distances as fast as possible), chopping wood. Anything that forces your muscles to work at near-capacity. 

2) Eat Healthy, and Not Too Much.
A) Reduce sugar, grains, and processed carbs as much as possible. 
B) Eat fish, poultry, meat, eggs, avocadoes, nuts, cheese, broccoli, cauliflower, various leafy-greens, cabbage... Eat fruits and berries in moderation (high sugar content).
C) Avoid seed oils. Avoid processed meats. 

3) Sunlight! - Go outside.
Sunlight is a great source of vitamin D, which is absolutely critical for good health and a powerful immune system. Contrary to popular opinion, sunlight does not cause skin cancer. Instead, getting repeatedly and severely sunburned may contribute to skin cancer (along with other factors). So, avoid getting badly sunburned, but don't avoid getting some sun on a daily basis. 


Ad: ACEP First Aid Manual, 5th Edition
 - Everyone, prepper or not, should learn first aid. This first aid manual of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) is much more up-to-date (2014) than the American Red Cross manual, which hasn't been updated since 1992. 

Friday, October 20, 2023

Winter Preps For 2023/24

By Tim Gamble

Winter 2023/24 is here, and with it comes winter's own set of preparedness concerns. Here my annual quick look at winter preps.

Prepare Your Vehicle for Winter
  • Inspect your tires and make sure they are in good shape.
  • Don't forget to inspect your spare tire! Make sure you have all the tools you need to change a flat tire. 
  • Inspect your wiper blades. Change them if needed.
  • Make sure the anti-freeze level is appropriate for your location (a local mechanic can help you with that if you don't know).
  • Inspect/test your battery, especially if it is more than four years old.
  • Check all fluids and catch up on any routine maintenance to prevent breakdowns (see my article Prepper Auto Maintenance Schedule).  

Make sure you have an emergency kit in your vehicle
, including items such as some food and water, first aid kit, flashlight, extra batteries, extra motor oil, and jumper cables or battery starter. For winter, include extra gloves and head/neck coverings (such as a wool toboggan or a full Balaclava). A warm blanket is also a good idea, as is a way to recharge your cell your phone.

Many folks get the shortest jumper cables possible in order to save a couple of bucks (if they have jumper cables at all). However, its not always possible to park both vehicles that close together. Jumper cables are not that expensive, so go ahead an spend a few extra bucks to get a set that will be long enough to actually be useful. I have a 16-foot set of jumper cables in both my vehicles. 

Winter First Aid

Winter has its own set of first aid concerns, I highly recommend you review the article I posted a couple of days ago on Winter First Aid. In it, I discuss The Anatomy of Body Heat (and how to maintain your core temperature), the Symptoms & Treatment of both Frostnip and Frostbite, Hypothermia Signs and Treatment, First Aid Courses and a handbook recommendation.  

Other Winter Survival Tips
  • Inspect/clean your chimney and wood stove pipes.
  • If you use firewood, make sure you have enough to last you all winter.
  • Don't let fallen leaves pile up against your home (fire hazard).
  • Clean out gutters after the leaves stop falling (safety issue).
  • Turn off and/or cover outside faucets and watering systems.
  • Make sure your home food and water storage are topped off in case winter storms leave you homebound for a period of time. Same goes for any medications you take.
  • Stock up now on OTC medications for Cold and Flu season.
  • Keep your gas tank topped off. Running out-of-gas is not a good idea in freezing weather.
  • Update your bug-out bag for winter: include dry socks & underwear, gloves, head/neck coverings, poncho, emergency or reflector blanket, and make sure you have plenty of matches, lighters, and/or fire starters. 
  • cold weather sleeping bag/system is highly recommended for winter months. 

Special Considerations for Winter 2023/2024

Wars, pandemics (real or fake), supply chain problems, higher gas and energy prices, high food inflation, massive illegal immigration, rising crime, underfunded and understaffed police departments - the list of problems we are already experiencing is quite long. These problems will not only continue, but likely will get worse over the course of this winter. In fact, things could get much worse this winter. 

>>> Food needs to be a top priority. As many others are saying, "stock food to the rafters." Food is most likely going to increase in price this winter, and grocery store shelves could get bare once again should any of the wars we're facing spin out-of-control. A true World War is a distinct possibility. Buy now. Same goes for other types of supplies you use regularly: cleaning supplies, personal hygiene supplies, paper goods, OTC medications, vitamins and supplements, batteries, and even shoes and clothes. 

>>> Think about security. Crime, including violent crime, is rising across the country. Police departments are underfunded and understaffed. Woke District Attorneys across the country are incredibly soft on crime. And the ongoing influx of illegal immigrants and unvetted "refuges" will only make matters worse. The new reality is that you have to be responsible for your own security and that of your family. 

Get your concealed-carry permit if it is legal in your area, and carry! Take a good self-defense shooting course (shooting under stress at a moving target that shoots back at you is vastly different from leisurely shooting a fixed target at the gun range). Your local gun shop should be able to tell you where to get training. I also suggest most people double or even triple the amount of ammo you have on-hand, as ammo is already getting hard to get.

Everyone in your family or group, regardless of their age, should also take a non-lethal self-defense course. A good self-defense course won't just cover the physical aspects of self-defense, but also give tips and advice on avoiding dangerous situations in the first place.

Security isn't just about guns & ammo, but also about hardening your home, security doors, dead-bolt locks, exterior home lighting, avoiding bad areas of town, practicing situational awareness, exercising commonsense, and many other things less exciting, yet probably more important, than guns.  

-------------------- Mini Farming Bible: The Complete Guide to Self-Sufficiency on ¼ Acre - This book, by Brett Markham, contains detailed information on: Composting, Seed Starting, Pest and disease control, Selecting and saving seed, Raising chicken for eggs and raising chicken for meat, Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, parsnips, and other veggies, Weed control, and much more, all geared towards urbanites and suburbanites with small yards of ¼ acre or less!   

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Winter First Aid 2023/24

By Tim Gamble

Winter 2023/24 is here, and with it comes winter's own set of first aid concerns. Here my annual quick look at winter first aid.*

The Anatomy of Body Heat

A major concern for winter survival is body heat. The human body needs to maintain the core temperature of 98.6° F (37° C). If it gets too low or too high for too long, it could be damaging or even fatal. Most body heat is lost through the head, neck, hands, and wrists, but this is due to those areas being typically not as well-covered as the other areas of your body. If you were naked, you would lose body heat roughly equally throughout your body. The hands and feet, especially the fingers and toes, as well as the ears and nose, are more vulnerable to frost bite due to their greater distance from your body core.

Wearing warm, dry socks, and appropriate shoes or boots is important during the winter. Warm gloves and head coverings (such as a wool toboggan or a full Balaclava) are also recommended in cold weather. You should keep a bag with extra socks, gloves and toboggans in your vehicles, just in case.  A warm blanket also makes a good addition to your vehicle kit.  

Frostnip/Frostbite Symptoms & Treatment

Frostnip is a mild form of early frostbite. According to the WebMD website: "When it's cold out, exposed skin may get red or sore. This is called frostnip, and it’s an early warning sign of frostbite. If this happens, find warm shelter quickly."

According to the Mayo Clinic website: "Frostbite is most common on the fingers, toes, nose, ears, cheeks and chin. Because of skin numbness, you may not realize you have frostbite until someone else points it out."

The symptoms of frostbite include:
  • Early on, cold skin and a prickly sensation (frostnip)
  • Numbness
  • Skin discoloration: red, white, bluish-white, or grayish-yellow
  • Hard skin and/or waxy-looking skin
  • Joint and muscle stiffness, causing clumsiness and difficulty using hands
  • In severe cases, blistering and peeling of skin after rewarming

For frostnip, the Mayo Clinic website recommends rewarming the skin and protecting it from further cold. Frostbite requires medical treatment, especially is the frostbite is severe or is accompanied by increasing pain, swelling, discharge, or fever. While awaiting medical care, do not walk on frostbitten feet. Ibuprofen may reduce pain. 

Important Note: Frostbitten skin is easy to burn, so avoid direct contact with fire, heaters,  lamps, hot water, and heating pads. While outside, you can warm hands by placing them under your arms. Inside, you can soak hands and feet in WARM (not hot) water.


According to the Mayo Clinic website: "Get emergency medical help if you suspect hypothermia, a condition in which your body loses heat faster than it can be produced.  Hypothermia occurs as your body temperature falls below 95 F (35 C)" 

Symptoms of hypothermia include:
  • Intense shivering
  • Slurred speech
  • Slow, shallow breathing
  • Weak pulse
  • Drowsiness and loss of coordination
  • Confusion and/or memory loss
  • Unconsciousness
Hypothermia is a very serious condition. Seek medical help immediately if you suspect someone has hypothermia. In the meantime, here are the first aid recommendations from the Mayo Clinic website:
  • Gently move the person out of the cold. If going indoors isn't possible, protect the person from the wind, especially around the neck and head. Insulate the individual from the cold ground.
  • Gently remove wet clothing. Replace wet things with warm, dry coats or blankets.
  • If further warming is needed, do so gradually. For example, apply warm, dry compresses to the center of the body — neck, chest and groin. The CDC says another option is using an electric blanket, if available. If you use hot water bottles or a chemical hot pack, first wrap it in a towel before applying.
  • Offer the person warm, sweet, nonalcoholic drinks.
  • Begin CPR if the person shows no signs of life, such as breathing, coughing or movement.
  • Do not rewarm the person too quickly, such as with a heating lamp or hot bath.
  • Don't attempt to warm the arms and legs. Heating or massaging the limbs of someone in this condition can stress the heart and lungs.
  • Don't give the person alcohol or cigarettes. Alcohol hinders the rewarming process, and tobacco products interfere with circulation that is needed for rewarming.
Avoid hypothermia by wearing appropriate shoes, socks, clothing, gloves and head/neck coverings for the weather conditions. If you get wet, including heavy sweating, change into dry clothes as soon as possible. Avoid staying outside in very cold weather for too long. Older folks, babies, young children, and folks with certain medical conditions (such as Parkinson's disease, diabetes, and hypothyroidism) are more susceptible to hypothermia. Keep a watchful eye on those folks.
Of course, you should learn first aid and CPR before an emergency hits. Everyone, prepper or not, should learn first aid. Please take a first aid course as soon as possible. Places you may be able to find a course include your local YMCA, fire department, rescue squad, or community college. You also may be able to organize a course through your church, scouting organization, or a local community/civic club.

In need of a first aid handbook? I recommend the ACEP First Aid Manual 5th Edition: The Step-by-Step Guide for Everyone. It is more up-to-date than the current Red Cross one (2014 vs. 1992).

Special Mention: Dystopian Survival is affiliated with Refuge Medical & Refuge Training - a GREAT source of high quality, American made, first aid kits and medical supplies! (and training, too!).  A 10% Discount Code will automatically be applied at checkout using the links on this website (for example: Click Here). 

Monday, October 16, 2023

Sleeper Cells? An Alternative Viewpoint

By Tim Gamble

We've heard a lot about Iranian and Muslim sleeper cells during the past week or so. Actually, I've been hearing about those sleeper cells most of my adult life. Supposedly, they are here in the US (and presumably in other western countries) just waiting to be activated, bringing large-scale well-organized violence to the infidel.

The latest fears over the sleeper cells revolved around the so-called "Day of Rage" or "Day of Jihad" on October 13, 2023. This was called for by former Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal in wake of the war between Israel and Hamas. 

Yet nothing happened. Nothing grand or organized. A few protests, a stabbing, some college professors acting like idiots... But that was it. No organized, massive attacks by those dreaded sleeper cells.

Of course, it is no surprise that those sleeper cells didn't activate. After all, they didn't activate in the past, even when there was perfect opportunity and reason.

The sleeper cells didn't activate after 9/11.

The sleeper cells didn't activate after the US invaded Iraq .

The sleeper cells didn't activate after the US exploded the beloved Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in early 2020. 

If ever an event would have triggered the activation of those sleeper cells, it would have been that last one. They didn't activate.

And, of course, they didn't activate Friday, when a Day of Jihad was actually called for by Hamas. 

Why, not? Why have the sleeper cells never been activated? I suggest there is an obvious reason. They don't exist. They are fake news. They are propaganda used by both sides.

That doesn't mean there aren't bad folks over here that may, and will, act out. Individual acts of violence and terrorism remain a possibility. But at this point, the idea of well-organized, well-trained sleeper cells has been disproved by actual events, or the lack thereof, in my opinion.  

Be ever vigilant. Practise situational awareness. Be prepared to defend yourself and your family. But don't live in fear of sleeper cells that almost certainly don't exist. 
Ad:  American Flag - Faith Family Firearms Freedom T-Shirt
. Available in multiple colors and sizes. 

Monday, October 9, 2023

Biblical Agrarianism - Answering Your Questions

By Tim Gamble
"Agrarianism is an economic system which places primary importance on agriculture and related fields, and in rural and small town living, as opposed to industrialized, urban living."
I've been talking about Biblical Agrarianism for many years. During that time, I've gotten a number of questions about that concept. Here are my answers for some of the most common questions: 

Q. What if I don't want to be a farmer or homesteader?

A. This is probably the most common question I get, and it is based on a misunderstanding of the concept. Agrarianism does NOT mean everyone must be a farmer or homesteader, but rather that our lives, culture, economy, and political structure should reflect the primary importance of agriculture and related fields.

In agrarianism, there are plenty of other functions that must be done in addition to farming, from professional services (doctor, lawyer, nurse, accountant) to the local manufacturing of needed goods and equipment. Other important jobs would include truckers, mechanics, tradespeople, and local retail.

Q. How is agrarianism different from what we have now?

A. In agrarianism, the economy is local and decentralized, and companies are small, especially relative to today's huge, multinational corporations. Government is much smaller and decentralized, with local governments preeminent in most matters, and federal government very limited in scope. 

Tax policies, trade policies, and regulatory policies will prioritize local food, energy and resource production, as well as local manufacturing, rather than serving the interests of Big Business and globalism. Private property and inheritance rights will be protected. 

Agrarianism is also a bottom up approach, rather than a top down approach. Solutions aren't dictated from some distant, unaccountable authority, be it a government or a corporation, but rather originate more locally. Self-reliance and resilience on the individual and family level, then to the community level, then to the regional level, and so forth. 

Q. Are you suggesting we abandon science, technology and industrialization?

A. No. Biblical agrarianism is not an anti-science or anti-tech movement. Science and technology are merely tools, and tools have no will of their own, therefore are neither morally good or evil. What matters, and it matters deeply, is how those tools are used. Will we use science and technology for to better the lives of people, or to control the lives of people?

Technocracy is the problem, not technology. See my January 2022 article Technocracy, The Power Elite, and the Transformation of Human Civilization for more on this concept. 

Q. Does this mean that we don't have to store food or have bug-out bags? 

A. Stockpiling food and water, bugging out, and perhaps guns & ammo constitute what most people think of when they think of preparedness. Those are useful things to have, and we should have them, but they are only temporary solutions to short-term problems. 

The only real path forward to our multitude of long-term problems is a return to the old paths of self-reliance and local economies built around agrarian communities. This is far more than just stockpiling a lot of food to ride out a short-term event.  

Q. Why do you call it "Biblical Agrarianism?"

A. I realize that some people are extremely uncomfortable with any mention of religion or the Bible. You should realize that many others are not. In fact, what motivates me to do what I do is my desire to live my life in accordance with the Creator's will. If you have other motivations for your life, that is fine. "You do you," to quote one of my mentors. 

believe agrarianism is God's intent for His people. Humans were originally designed by God to live in and tend to the Garden of Eden. Later, after the Fall, we were commanded by God to till the soil and to raise our own food. Throughout the Bible, there are numerous examples of God telling His followers to avoid large cities (part of the worldly system), to live in the mountains and other rural areas, and to basically be "simple country folk" (in my words) set apart from the world.

Modern worldly ways are ultimately unhealthy, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Modern attempts to redefine the basic building blocks of civilization, such as family, gender, and sexuality, is harmful in the extreme. Attempts to eliminate long-held standards of right and wrong is nothing short of devastating. The removal of personal responsibility and individual accountability results in a spoiled, selfish, undisciplined populace. The constant push towards greater centralized power of the few over the many is fatally dangerous. These issues must be addressed, in addition to supply chain and other economic issues. 

This is where the "Biblical" part of Biblical agrarianism comes in. The world is not perfect (a matter of sin, from a Biblical perspective). But a reclaiming of long-held values, beliefs, and traditions will go a long way to improving current conditions. This, too, must be a bottom up approach, starting with us as individuals, then to our families and communities, and so forth. 

Related Articles:
AD:  Augason Farms Long-Term Food Storage - This is where I get powdered butter, eggs, cheese, milk, and other long-term foods for my Survival Pantry. Shelf-life up to 20+ years. Good quality, good taste, good value. For my money (literally, since I am a paying customer), Augason Farms is the best long-term foods option. 

Monday, October 2, 2023

The Best Firearm For SHTF and Post-Collapse

By Tim Gamble

What is the best firearm for SHTF and post-collapse scenarios? This is a subject of much debate in the prepper and survivalist realms, often quite heated. Rifle, shotgun, or handgun? AK or AR? Beretta? Browning? Colt? Henry? H&R? Kel-Tec? Mossberg? Remington? Ruger? Smith & Wesson? Taurus? And the list goes on and on...

When it comes to firearms, there are lots of options to have opinions about, so there are a lot of opinions out there. Lots. But relax, I am here to give you the CORRECT opinion. So, what is the best firearm for SHTF and post-collapse scenarios? 

The best firearm in any SHTF event or in any post-collapse world is the firearm you have in your hands and that you know how to use

Let's take a look at the two parts of that statement:

The firearm that you have in your hands. Despite what is shown in Hollywood movies, the vast majority of self-defense "gunfights" happen without much warning, last only seconds, and occur with the participants within 20 feet, usually less, of each other. You are not going to have time to get your "best" gun unless you have it on you. You could own the most awesome, most expensive firearm in the world and it will be absolutely worthless to you if it is at home when you are getting assaulted by an illegal alien outside the grocery store.  

The firearm that you know how to use. I mean that you REALLY know how to use. If all you know is which end you're supposed to point at the bad guy, then you don't really know how to use it. If you spent a half-hour with it at the range when you first bought it four years and haven't touched it since, then you really don't know how to use it. Learn how to use it before you need to use it.

Action Steps:
  • New to guns? A great book for beginners is The Gun Guide For People Who Know Nothing About Firearms, by Steven Gregersen. It is a short (100 pages), inexpensive, easy read that is a fairly detailed introduction to firearms and ammunition. It will clarify a lot of terms that may be confusing to beginners, explains how guns work, covers basic gun safety, and gives information on evaluating and purchasing firearms. 
  • Make your voice heard. Join an organization, or several, that fights for the Second Amendment and your right to defend your family. Let your elected officials know your opinion on any proposed gun laws. Vote against politicians that seek to violate the Second Amendment and take away your ability to defend yourself and your family. 
  • Talk to your local gun store to find out about gun safety courses, shooting ranges, and self-defense classes in your area. And get training! 
AD:  Augason Farms Long-Term Food Storage - This is where I get powdered butter, eggs, cheese, milk, and other long-term foods for my Survival Pantry. Shelf-life up to 20+ years. Good quality, good taste, good value. For my money (literally, since I am a paying customer), Augason Farms is the best long-term foods option. 

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Surviving Collapse: VSP, the Benedict Option, Atlas Shrugged, and Local Agrarianism.

By Tim Gamble

Pastor Joe Fox: Withdraw and Prepare. Direct link =

This is NOT the typical church sermon. I HIGHLY recommend it. (It is from 2017 I think). Basically, it is about surviving the coming collapse of America and Western Civilization by making communities that are islands of refuge. Pastor Fox talks about various ideas for doing so, including the Virtue Solutions Project, the Benedict Option, and Going Galt. All these have the idea of local communities outside of "the system" at their core. This fits well with the idea of Biblical Agrarianism and my idea of "a return to the old paths of self-reliance and local economies built around agrarian communities." 

Please watch the video, read my articles on Biblical Agrarianism, and think about what YOU and your family and group can do to build your on island of refuge. 

AD:  Proverbs 22:3 T-Shirt - "A prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences." - Available in men's, women's, and youth sizes, and in multiple colors.