By Tim Gamble
September is National Preparedness Month. Today's article presents a more detailed look at preparedness and your vehicles.
We spend a lot of time on the go - commuting to work, school, church, shopping, and so forth. Besides, reliable transportation in an emergency is a must have for any prepper or survivalist. And when the time comes to bug-out, most of us will depend on our vehicles to get us out of danger. Here are some ideas and tips for preparedness and your vehicles:
1- Keep your vehicle in good repair. Perform all routine maintenance on a regular basis. Make sure your tires and brakes are in good condition, and all your headlights, taillights and directional signals are working. Drive safely, and practice defensive driving. Pay attention to the road. Don't drive distracted (no talking on a cell phone or texting while driving). Doing these things will make you less likely to get in a wreck, break down, or get a ticket. It will also mean your bug-out vehicle will be ready when you really need it to be. (Many folks are reluctant to spend money on routine auto maintenance, but maintaining your vehicle will actually save you money in the long run with less frequent, and less costly, major repairs.)
2- Keep your gas tank topped off. I rarely let mine drop to even the halfway mark. It is also a good idea to keep some extra gas safely stored at home, if possible.
3- Let someone know where you are going, what route you plan to take, and when you expect to arrive or come back. That way, if something goes wrong, folks can more quickly realize you have "gone missing" and have some idea where to start looking for you.
4- Be sure to keep your cell phone charged, and keep a phone charger in your vehicle, or a portable power bank.
5- Keep a pair of jumper cables and/or a car battery charger (many also come with an air compressor to inflate a tire) in your vehicle. Make sure all drivers in your family know how to use them.
6- Make sure you have a good spare tire in your vehicle, along with all tools you need. Make sure all drivers know how to change a flat tire. There's a great commercial that used to run on TV, showing a teenage girl by herself changing a tire on her car in an empty parking lot at night. The camera then swings back showing Dad standing twenty feet away watching her change the tire, not helping her or doing it for her. Be that Dad.
7- Consider a can of Fix-a-Flat for quick use in an emergency. Fix-a-Flat is NOT a long-term fix, and can actually damage your tire and rim if used for an extended period. It may also void your warranty if the tire is still under warranty. But, better a damaged tire and voided warranty than getting stuck in a bad neighborhood or situation.
8- All drivers should know how to check the oil level, and how to add extra oil if needed. Same for all other fluids.
9- Keep a really good first aid kit in each of your vehicles. Refuge Medical has the best high-quality, American-made first aid kits, in my opinion (affiliate link). A vehicle accident is the most likely disaster you will face. When it happens, you don't want a cheap, inadequate kit made in China.
10- Keep a pair of athletic shoes or hiking boots in you vehicle, if your typical footwear is dress shoes, high heels, sandals, or flip-flops. You never know when you might have to walk for some distance.
11- Maps, a up-to-date road atlas, and written directions to possible destinations in an emergency (Grandma's house, Uncle Fred's place, your bug-out location, etc.) are a good idea. Smart phones, Google maps, and GPS may be temporarily (or permanently) down.

13- Always practice situational awareness when you are on the go. Watch what is going on around you and be aware of possible problems and threats. Be wary of people who look out-of-place, are loitering, or who act nervous. Before getting out of a car or walking out of a building, look out a window first to identify possible dangers. Park in well-light, highly visible areas.
14- Avoid dangerous neighborhoods and sections of town. Travel, walk, shop in groups. Park in a highly visible, well-light location near the entrance to minimize chances of ambush & muggings. Don't make yourself a target by wearing expensive, flashy clothes & accessories, or driving an expensive luxury car. Don't make yourself a target by appearing easy-prey - instead wear practical clothes, and walk confidently, head up.
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