Friday, September 30, 2022

Food Supply Chain Woes - 100,000 Cattle Killed By Virus in India

9-30-2022  By Tim Gamble

The world's food supply chain has taken a number of body blows this year, and the problems continue. In India, an insect-borne disease called "lumpy skin disease" has already killed about 100,000 cows and buffalos, and has infected an additional 2,000,000 other cattle according to estimates from Indian officials. In addition to death, the disease can also cause decreased milk production and birth issues in cattle that survive. 

Lumpy skin disease is spread by insects that drink blood, such as mosquitoes and ticks. Infected cows and buffaloes get fevers and develop lumps on their skin. The disease was first recorded in Zambia, Africa, in 1929. Since then, it has slowly spread throughout Africa and more recently into parts of Europe. The first recorded case in Asia was in 2019, and it has since spread to India, China, and Nepal.   


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