I call it "The Question." Over the many years I've been writing on prepper and survivalist topics, I get The Question every so often. Usually, after I've written something that someone didn't want to read, some bit of advice or opinion that they simply weren't ready to hear. "Who the heck are you to give people advice?" they demand. Often, it is not phrased so nicely. And I've come to realize what they actually mean is Who am I to have an opinion different than their opinion. LOL In all seriousness, I think it is a fair question to ask about my qualifications to opine on these topics, so I am giving my "qualifications" in this article. 😎
Question: You call yourself a "Survival Expert." What qualifies you as an expert?
Answer: That is a fair question. I base my claim on a variety of factors, including:
- I grew up in the rural South as a good ol' country boy.
- I was literally a farm boy for much my childhood, living - and working - on my Grandfather's farm.
- I was in scouting for seven years.
- I am an avid lifelong outdoorsman - hunting, fishing, camping, hiking
- I have been a avid gardener my entire adult life
- I've been active in the prepper and survivalist community for more than 20 years.
- I took my first primitive skills workshop in 1998, and have participated in many similar workshops since then
- I've been researching and writing on prepper, survivalist, and homesteading topics for 15 years
- I was the creator and moderator of the Yahoo Group, Surviving the End, from 2005 to 2009, which had over 1,000 active members at its height.
- I ran a survival blog, Sustainable Future, from 2006-2010.
- I ran a homesteading blog, Modern Victory Movement, from 2006-2011.
- My main website, www.TimGamble.com, has featured preparedness, survivalist, and homesteading articles since 2010. It now features articles on current events, politics, and economics, particularly on issues of interest to preppers and survivalists.
- This website, www.DystopianSurvival.com, was created last year as the new home of my preparedness and survivalist articles, with an eye to preparing for and surviving modern threats.
In addition to the above experiences, I also have a Bachelor's Degree in History and a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting (with a minor in Economics). Over the years, I have created and ran several small businesses. This combination of education and real world experience helps me to better analyze current events and understand potential threats.
My own personal experiences with major health issues over the last few years has given me additional insights into prepparedness, and empathy for those of us struggling with health issues during our preparedness journey.
Ad: Father's Day is June 21. Here is a neat gift idea for Dad: 14-in-1 Survival Kit
- includes a survival knife, compass, survival blanket, flashlight,
wire saw, emergency whistle, flint stone & scrapper, and 2
carabiners, among other survival tools. A cool and unique gift idea.
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On Social Media:
Twitter: @DystopianSurv - My account specifically for this website. 99% prepping, survivalist, and homesteading tweets. Few, if any, posts on politics.
Twitter: @TimGamble - My main account. Survivalist information, plus heavy on news, politics and economics.
GAB: @TimGamble - Mainly a back-up account for when Twitter bans me for being not being a leftist.