Sunday, November 8, 2020

ALERT: Big Tech's War on Conservatives is Heating up

11-8-2020 -  Twitter and other Big Tech companies are suppressing and censoring news stories detrimental to Joe Biden or that raise legitimate questions about the election. There was a pre-election purge of some conservative and pro-Trump accounts from Big Tech's social media platforms. And since the election this purge has picked up steam, and includes accounts not specifically politically partisan in nature, such as pro-gun and pro-free speech accounts. Basically, if you hold views that the Left deems unacceptable, Big Tech is coming for you.   

I am one of the targets of Twitter. In the past two weeks, Twitter has:

  • Locked me out of my DystopainSurv account (which is mostly my survivalist tweets)
  • Removed (without their knowledge) close to 1,000 followers from my TimGamble account overnight
  • Restricted the reach of my TimGamble account
  • Blocked several of my Tweets from being retweeted by others 

This is despite the fact that I have not violated Twitter's Terms of Service in any way. Those who follow me know that I do not engage in obscenities, vulgarities, or foul language in any way. I do not engage in personal attacks or threats. Twitter has no legitimate reason for their actions against me, other than that they simply disagree with my conservative politics and my message promoting traditional values and self-reliance. . 

I expect to be completely removed from Twitter within the next few weeks. Please help me stay in touch with you by following me on one or more of my alternative social media  accounts listed below. Thank you!

Kaito KA500 Emergency Radio. This one has is all: AM/FM/SW/NOAA (weather alert) bands; powered five ways (electrical cord, USB port, AA batteries, solar, and hand-crank); plus flashlight, reading lamp, and cellphone charger.


!!!!! Please subscribe to this website using the Follow By Email field at the bottom of the right hand column. Don't let Big Tech squash independent sites like this one! Also, please follow me on social media.

Websites - Daily news updates and threat assessments. - Surviving the Fall of the American Republic and End of Western Civilization

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