Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Urban Survival - 3 More Quick Tips

By Tim Gamble

Some people either cannot, or simply don't want to, move away from the big cities. Here are three more quick tips for the dedicated urban survivalists among us (click here for the first 3 quick tips).

4) Be smart when out in public. Pay attention to your surroundings. Be wary of people who look out-of-place, are loitering, seem to be paying close attention to you, or who act nervous. Shop in groups. Let people know where you are going and when to expect you back. Keep your phone fully charged. Use well-light and highly visible parking spaces. Before getting out of a car or walking out of a building, look out a window first to identify possible dangers. Don't get so involved with your phone that you ignore your surroundings. Always be alert.

5) Self-defense is a skill everyone should master. It can be just as useful during good times as it will be during the zombie apocalypse. I recommend everyone take a good non-lethal self-defense course. A good self-defense course won't just cover self-defense, but also give suggestions on avoiding dangerous situations. Finally, if you can carry a gun legally, do so. Know and obey the laws, get all the proper licenses and permits, get well-trained, and practice gun safety, of course. But carry if you can. 

6) Always maintain at least one vehicle in excellent condition. You never know when you'll be forced to bug-out. Keep up with routine maintenance, get needed repairs done as quickly as possible, and make sure your tires are in good condition. Doing these things will mean less break downs and will save you money in the long run. Also, keep the gas tank topped off. I never let my tanks dip down below the halfway mark. If possible to safely do so, keep at least one 5-gallon can of gas on hand for emergencies (rotate it on a regular basis). Even if you can't store the gas safely, keep an empty can on hand just-in-case. Make sure you have an emergency kit in your vehicle, including items such as some food and water, first aid kit, flashlight, extra batteries, extra oil, and jumper cables or battery starter. For winter, include a warm blanket, extra gloves and head/neck coverings. 

Peterson Field Guides - Learn about nature while enjoying the great outdoors. Identify birds, butterflies, reptiles, mammals, fish, mushrooms, trees, and edible & medicinal plants. The possibilities are endless. 

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