Friday, February 7, 2020

Privacy Statement, Cookie Policy, and Important Notices

By Timothy Gamble 

Privacy is important. This website does not secretly collect any personally identifiable information on its readers and visitors. The only personal information I have on you is any information you voluntarily give in a comment or when subscribing by email. 

The purpose of this website is to provide information and opinion on a variety of topics typically relating to self-reliance. personal finance,  emergency preparedness, urban and suburban survival, wilderness survival, homesteading, gardening, and bushcraft (outdoor skills). It also may contain religious content (from a traditional Christian perspective), political & economic content (from a limited government and pro-Capitalism perspective), and educational materials.

This website itself does NOT use cookies, however third party applications associated this website, such as Google and Amazon, may use them. Those cookies are controlled by the third party using them, and are governed by their privacy terms.  I have no access to any personally identifiable information they may collect. To read Amazon's privacy terms click here: Amazon Privacy Notice. To read Google's privacy terms click here: Google Privacy & Terms.

Email Subscriptions: I do offer email subscriptions, the purpose of which is to notify subscribers of new articles, posts, and updates on this website (which may include advertising). The Email subscription service is provided by FeedBurner, which is owned by Google (governed by Google Privacy & Terms)  I will never sell, rent, lease, or otherwise provide your email to any other party. You may unsubscribe to email at any time by clicking the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email and following the instructions.

Advertising:  This website does contain advertising. However all advertising is static, non-personalized. In other words, you see the same ads and links as everyone else. Advertising on this website is NOT personally tailored to individual readers. This website does NOT use Google Adsense. This website does NOT use pop-up ads (I hate those myself). If you see any pop-up advertising, it was placed there by your ISP or other third-party without my knowledge or permission. 

Affiliations: This website is affiliated with As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Purchases made through links to on this website help fund this website. Thank You for your support. 

Disclosure: The owner/editor of this website is not a financial, legal, or medical professional. All information, opinion, analysis, tips, and advice presented is meant only as "food for thought" and a starting point for your further investigation. It is the reader's responsibility to verify everything presented and to carefully consider its suitability for your life and particular circumstances.

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