By Timothy Gamble (August 23, 2018)
Hoping to survive any future chaos? Here are four things you should never do, now or when the SHTF:
1) NEVER give up your personal sovereignty. You are responsible for yourself and your family. Never look to the government to protect you or save you, even in a major crisis. Especially in a major crisis. Remember the political saying "Never let a good crisis go to waste." Don't be naive about politicians and bureaucrats. Don't trade your freedoms for the promise of security. Figure out now how to survive future chaos without going to the FEMA camp or blindly following the instructions of "authorities."
2) NEVER give up your ability to defend yourself. Self-defense is a God-given right that neither government nor society has the right to take away from you. This includes the right to the tools of self-defense, such as guns and knives. Strongly support the Second Amendment now, and resist all attempts to curtail it. Avoid situations in which you are required to disarm (such as flying or entering a government building). Learn to defend yourself with your hands and improvised weapons in case you are ever forced to disarm.
3) NEVER stop improving yourself and your situation. Never stop learning new skills. Never stop practicing old skills. Never stop adjusting your plans. Never stop developing your homestead or bug-out retreat. Never stop building your supplies. Even highly-experienced experts need to keep learning, keep practicing, keep planning. and keep preparing.
4) NEVER make a threat you are not ready, willing, and able to back up. No matter how prepared and skilled you are, the safest confrontation is the one you avoid. Never let your ego or over-confidence cause you bite off more than you can chew.
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