Before the start of last year's gardening season, I ordered a Japanese Hori Hori Gardening Knife. I had seen a few gardening videos on You Tube where these professional gardeners were using and recommending the Hori Hori knives and I was impressed by what I saw. Well, I used my Hori Hori knife all last year, and am using it again this year as I get my garden started. I really like it. So much so that I ordered a second Hori Hori, following the rule that "two is one, and one is none."
What is a Japanese Hori Hori Gardening Knife? "Hori" is the Japanese word for "Dig," so a Hori Hori knife literally translates as a "Dig Dig knife." It basically is a hybrid between a tough fixed-blade camp knife and a garden trowel.
The blade is curved for easy digging and scooping. One side is a serrated knife blade, the other side is a straight-edge knife blade - makes cutting through roots and other plant material easy. Inside the scoop are ruler markings up to six inches, as a quick guide to planting depth or spacing between plants.
The Hori Hori Garden Knife is great for digging, planting, pruning, weeding, cutting sod, transferring plants, planting bulbs, splitting perennials, and so forth. The knife edges are very sharp, and easily cut through bags, twine, and cordage.

After a year of heavy use, there have been no problems with my Hori Hori. No dents, dings, rolls, bends, or other damage at all to the Hori Hori. As I said, I was impressed enough to order a second one.
If you are into gardening or homesteading, I highly recommend a Hori Hori to you. It is a great garden tool. Available on Amazon for under $30 (price subject to change by Amazon, of course), it comes with a sturdy leather sheath and a sharpener.
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