By Tim Gamble
Our dystopian future is now. People are already being denied life-saving medical care because they aren't vaccinated against Covid, and more refusal-of-service is likely to come (article, article, article, article, article, article). And there is already talk in some European countries and among some in our own medical and political community about the "need" to make yearly flu shots mandatory in much the same way as Covid shots. Could even more mandatory vaccine requirements be coming?
Even if you are vaccinated, medical care is still problematic. We all know how expensive medical care is, and that the cost is only going up. In our dystopian future, medical care will be almost prohibitively expensive, as well as rationed. Only the wealthy, powerful, and privileged will have access to the best medical care. The rest of us will have to settle for the "scraps" that medical corporations and the government allow us to have, when they allow us to have it. Don't expect those scraps to be quick, timely, or of the same high-quality the elites get.
People need to be ready to take care of their own health. And to deal with their own medical needs should, for whatever reasons, they not have access to medical care when they need it. Here are some resources that I have found in my own search for health and medical knowledge. It is dived into two sections. The first section is free downloads of medical information in .pdf format. The second section is low-cost information available to the general public.
Where There Is No Doctor: A Village Health Care Handbook - Hesperian's classic manual, Where There Is No Doctor, is arguably the most widely-used health care manual in the world. The manual provides practical, easily understood information on how to diagnose, treat, and prevent common diseases. Special attention is focused on nutrition, infection and disease prevention, and diagnostic techniques as primary ways to prevent and treat health problems.
Where There Is No Dentist - The companion to Where There Is No Doctor features information on maintaining tooth and gum health, and treating dental problems, including filling cavities and extracting teeth, when there is no professional dentist available.
Basic Physical Health with Limited Resources - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) have taught/required preparedness and self-reliance of their members for generations, and have accumulated much practical knowledge on the subject. In addition to the well-known LDS Preparedness Manual, they have also published this 76-page guide to Basic Physical Health with Limited Resources. This book gives information covering Disease Prevention, Cleanliness and Sanitation, Family Food Production, and Basic Family Medical Care, even when resources are limited because of poverty, war, or natural disasters.
US Military Medical and First Aid Manuals - There are more than 20 US Military Medical and First Aid Manuals available for FREE download (and no email required) in .pdf format on the Federation of American Scientists website. Just click the link to go to the webpage for those manuals, and download the ones you want or might need. Or just download all of them, since they are free.
Where There Is No Vet - Part of the same series as Where There Is No Doctor and Where There Is No Dentist, this book is more than first aid for pets and livestock. It covers a wide range of topics to help keep your animals healthy. Both traditional remedies and modern medicine are covered, and special emphasis is given to preventing disease and keeping your animals healthy. Includes advice on the care, feeding, and handling of animals. Just click the link to go to the download page on the website.
[You may also be interested in my article Six Hacks to Supercharge Your Health and Healing.]
ACEP First Aid Manual, 5th Edition - Everyone, prepper or not, should learn first aid. This first aid manual of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) is much more up-to-date (2014) than the American Red Cross manual, which hasn't been updated since 1992.
The Survival Medicine Handbook, 4th Edition - In my opinion, this is THE essential guide for when medical help is NOT on the way (which happens also to be its subtitle). Written by Dr. Joseph Alton, MD, and Amy Alton, APRN, this massive handbook (close to 700 pages) is a detailed guide for those who want to be medically prepared for any disaster or austere setting where doctors, nurses, or paramedics are not available.
Alton's Antibiotics and Infectious Disease, subtitled The Layman's Guide to Available Antibacterials in Austere Settings, is also by the husband-wife team of Dr. Joseph Alton, MD, and Amy Alton, APRN. This book is a simplified guide to using antibacterial and antifungal veterinary medications (such as fish antibiotics) in disaster, survival, and other austere settings where modern medicine is non-existent.
Foods That Harm, Foods That Heal, is a popular health advice book from the editors of Reader's Digest, that is now in its Third Edition. I have all three editions, which is an indicator of how much I like this book. This book takes the approach of connecting the foods we eat to the ailments that they cause or worsen, or that they help heal. This food-health connection is extremely important, and is a natural way to deal with our health issues.
Also of Interest: I am a Type II Diabetic. These are the three main books I use in dealing with my diabetes, two of which were recommended by my doctor. One is actually a cookbook.Of all the books I've read so far, the best and most useful is 60 Ways to Lower Your Blood Sugar by Dennis Pollock. Pollock's book is an aggressive plan to control your blood sugar by bringing together the best of traditional and alternative medicine. What I appreciate about Pollock's approach is that it is based on solid science, even the "alternative" aspects, and is not some hippy-dippy book that rejects science (avoid those). Also, his ideas are easy to follow.
My doctor recommended the book Life Without Bread by Dr. Christian B. Allan, and Dr. Wolfgang Lutz. This book presents a low-carbohydrate diet (but one not as severe as the Atkin's Diet) as the best healthy diet for everyone, especially people dealing with high blood sugar. Right now, based on my own experiences and everything else I've read, I think they are right about their low-carbohydrate diet.
My doctor also suggested I try the cookbook Paleo Comfort Foods. Since the Paleo Diet avoids both grains and potatoes, most of the recipes in this cookbook are diabetic-friendly, although you may to substitute stevia for regular sugar in a few of them. I actually use this cookbook often. (My doctor has told me that he and his family follow a "mostly Paleo" diet.)
Legal Disclaimer: Tim Gamble is not a medical professional and is NOT diagnosing or treating any medical condition. This article only points to health and medical reference materials that are available to the general public.
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