By Tim Gamble
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Here are some ideas of what to include in your pets' bug out bag or emergency kit:
- Food and water bowls (there are collapsible/foldable ones that don't take up much room)
- Food and water (cans of food are heavy and bulky, consider dry instead)
- Leashes and harnesses (your pets will likely be excited, nervous, and/or scared, so you will need to be able to maintain control of them)
- Treats are a good idea to help keep your pets calm
- Poop Bags to collect their waste
- Medical Records, including proof of rabies vaccinations, and your veterinarian's name & phone number (keep paper records in a water-proof bag)
- Medications your pet may be on.
- Favorite Toy or Chew Bone (helps to keep them calm)
- First Aid Kit for Pets (several are available on Amazon)
- First Aid For Pets Handbook (several are available on Amazon)
A Few Other Considerations:
- Pets should wear their ID tags and collars/harness at all times
- Have a current photo of your pets with you
- If practical, a portable kennel carrier for each pet might be useful
- If practical, bringing their beds may help keep them calm (familiar sight and smell)
- Sturdy paper towels or cloth towels will help clean up their messes
!! Remember: Emergency shelters and FEMA camps will most likely not accept pets. Plan on alternative bug-out locations (see my article Bug-Out Locations For People Without Bug-Out Locations).
Ad: The First-Aid Companion for Dogs & Cats (Prevention Pets) - Includes information such as:
* Basic first-aid techniques, such as cleaning a wound, making a splint, and performing CPR on your pet-- step-by-step!
* Treating bites from other animals, snakebites, gunshot wounds, heatstroke, etc.
* Which over-the-counter human medications can help-- or harm-- your dog or cat
* What to keep in your pet's medicine chest (many essential items are probably in your house already!)
* How to quickly pinpoint what's wrong with your pet, using the First-Aid Symptom Finder
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