Sunday, December 1, 2019

Book Review: The Gun Guide for People Who Know Nothing About Firearms

By Timothy Gamble

Click image to find it on Amazon.
The Gun Guide for People Who Know Nothing About Firearms is an excellent introduction to firearms written by Steven Gregersen. The book is inexpensive ($7.99) and short (102 pages), yet very informative and surprisingly detailed. Mr. Gregersen does an excellent job of explaining the material in an interesting and understandable way by combining technical details with his personal experiences. He managed to squeeze a lot of information into a short book by not getting lost-in-the-weeds with too much unnecessary detail or including a lot of fluff that is found in thicker books.

In his Introduction, Mr. Gregersen writes "What I hope to accomplish is to take those who are new to the world of firearms and explain the basics of how firearms work, the strengths and weakness of every major type of firearm you're likely to encounter, and in the final section, how to evaluate firearm and ammunition choices. When you've finished reading this book you'll be equipped to make an informed purchase that takes into account your budget and your needs."

In my opinion, he accomplishes this goal, and more. I grew up in the Old South, hunting with my grandfathers when I was still in my single digits. I'm quite experienced with long guns (less so with handguns). Despite my experience, I actually learned a number of things from the book, so I would say it isn't just for newbies.

To give you an idea of the scope of the book, here is the table of contents:
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Firearms
  • Chapter 2: Firearm Actions
  • Chapter 3: Sights
  • Chapter 4: Triggers and Safety Mechanisms
  • Chapter 5: Ammunition
  • Chapter 6: Firearms Uses
  • Chapter 7: Firearm and Ammo Assessment 
  • Chapter 8: Training, Safety, and Legal Issues
  • Conclusion
In the first chapter, Mr. Gregersen explains the difference between handguns and long guns, including the variations within those categories, and explains the strengths and weaknesses of each. Also explained is rifling vs. smooth-bore, modified vs. full choke, and specialty barrels, chokes and other modifications. Several photos and diagrams are included (in this chapter and throughout the book).

Chapter two explains how firearms work, and includes sub-sections on full-automatic and semiautomatic, pump action, bolt action, break-open action, lever action, revolvers, repeaters, among others. Chapter tree explains the various types of sights, and the advantages and disadvantages of each.  Chapter four is a similar discussion on triggers and safeties. Chapter five is a really good discussion of ammunition types.

Chapter six explains the uses of firearms and discusses several gun-control fallacies, including a great job of exposing the fake (and ridiculous) category of assault weapons. Mr. Gregersen closes the chapter with this statement "Criminals are criminals because they break the law. Gun laws are no exception. The guy who sells drugs to your children isn't going to obey gun laws."

Chapter seven explains how to evaluate firearms that you are considering purchasing. Chapter eight gives some basic information on safety, training, and legal issues.

If you are new to firearms, or feel that your knowledge is incomplete or needs refreshing, I would highly recommend this book to you. It would also make a great gift to family or friends who are new to prepping and firearms. Click here to find it on Amazon.


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