The Survivalist's Stockpile is an occasional feature on Dystopian Survival, highlighting items that preppers and survivalists might want to include in their stockpile of supplies. This edition is about WD-40.
What is WD-40?
You have heard of WD-40, but what exactly is it? Technically-speaking, WD-40 is a penetrating oil and a rust-preventive solvent that can displace water. It was invented in 1953 by the Rocket Chemical Company (now named The WD-40 Company) as a chemical to thoroughly clean and protect rocket parts. WD stands for "water displacement" and the 40 refers to the successful 40th formulation, after 39 previous attempts failed to meet needed specifications. What exactly is in WD-40, beyond various hydrocarbons, is a closely guarded trade secret. (Link to WD-40 products on Amazon.)
2000 documented uses for WD-40!
According to The WD-40 Company, there are over 2,000 documented uses for WD-40. A .pdf of those documented uses can be downloaded from the company by clicking this link (link is to a large .pdf file, so may take a few moments to load). I'm not going to list all 2000+ uses (they are all on that .pdf, so check it out), but here are just few things WD-40 can do:
WD-40 lubricates and unsticks things that are stuck together. Examples include stuck bolts and nuts, lug nuts, hose ends, & other parts, zippers, door hinges, gate hinges, car locks, car doors, sheers & scissors, and a whole host of other stuck things. WD-40 can even be used to unstick, without breaking, drinking glasses and glass cookware that have gotten stuck together.
WD-40 lubricates and quiets things that are noisy or squeaky. Examples include squeaky hinges, drawer rollers, bed springs, rocking chairs, leather shoes & boots, car & boat seats, ventilation systems, and basically anything else that squeaks, grinds, or makes other noises when it moves.
WD-40 removes and prevents rust. Examples include anything made of metal, from garden tools to hand tools, from metal fishing hooks & lures to golf clubs & metal cleats. General rule of thumb: If it is made of metal, it can rust. If it can rust, WD-40 can remove that rust. And even prevent that rust in the first place.
WD-40 cleans removes adhesive residue, tar, grime, and dirt. That sticky leftover adhesive from stickers and tape? WD-40 easily removes that from metal, wood, plastic, ceramic, leather, and glass materials. That dog poop all over your shoes? Gone with WD-40. That grime and gunk in soap dishes, ash trays, barbeque grills, and even the spray nozzle on your kitchen sink? WD-40 works wonders.
WD-40 is a pest repellant. This one surprised me, but it turns out that many pests, including flies, squirrels, rabbits, and rodents, hate the smell of WD-40. Spray it along the bottom of fences and on wire tomato cages to keep the pests away from your garden.
WD-40 is a stain remover. It can remove red kool-aid stains and tomato stains from carpet, upholstery, clothing, and fabrics. It also removes lipstick stains from clothing, shoe polish stains from socks, and hair-dye stains from towels. WD-40 also successfully removes many other stains.
There are many "How-To" videos showing how to use WD-40 for many of its 2000+ uses on the company's website (click here to go to their webpage for those videos).
WD-40 Multi-Use Products are available on Amazon in many sizes, raging from 1-ounce bottles to 55-gallon drums.
Previous articles in The Survivalist's Stockpile series:
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