Sunday, November 20, 2022

Fall Gardening Success Story

By Tim Gamble

November 17. That was the day that I picked the last of my fall garden. I picked enough loose-leaf lettuce to fill two large containers. I also picked a smaller container of spinach to mix into the salad. We ate the last of it at supper tonight (Nov. 20). 

I live in Western North Carolina, in the foothills (not deep in the mountains). We have had several frosts already this fall, and the overnight temperature has hit 32 on a few occasions. We had our first hard freezes on the nights of the 17 and 18 (temps hitting 25 and 26 respectively), which is what finally did in my fall garden. 

Many of my  herbs are still producing despite the freezes - Rosemary (an evergreen that has survived many winters in my yard), Chives (still looking healthy for now, they die back over the winter, then return in the spring), and even Oregano (I have one in a large pot that has survived two winters so far). 

I am sharing this with you to encourage people to plant fall gardens. I have often suggested this over the years, and it seems like whenever I do, I always get one or two folks who whine that fall gardening really isn't possible, especially in their area. Well, unless you are living waaay up North, and I am sure some of you do, I am here to tell you that you can grow a garden in the Fall in most places. And without a greenhouse (though I wish I had one for a winter garden). 

Of course, your fall garden won't be as productive has your spring/summer garden, and you probably won't be able to grow some favorites like tomatoes and peppers. But some food is better than no food. Learn what grows in your area in the Fall, and plant some next year! 


The Mini Farming Bible: The Complete Guide to Self-Sufficiency on ¼ Acre - This book, by Brett Markham, contains detailed information on: Composting, Seed Starting, Pest and disease control, Selecting and saving seed, Raising chicken for eggs and raising chicken for meat, Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, parsnips, and other veggies, Weed control, and much more, all geared towards urbanites and suburbanites with small yards of ¼ acre or less!   


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