Friday, April 28, 2023

Eggs Under $2.00 A Dozen!

By Tim Gamble

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These "Boots on the Ground"-type segments tend to be depressing because it is overwhelmingly bad news. But today, I have some surprisingly good news to share. (By the way, a hat tip is due to SouthernPrepper1 for the concept of Boots on the Ground.)

Eggs For Under $2.00 A Dozen!

My local Ingles supermarket has their store brand large white eggs priced at $1.98 a dozen. You read that right - under $2.00 for a dozen eggs. I haven't seen eggs that cheap around here since before the lockdowns. I don't know if this is just some special deal, but it is not being advertised as a sale-price or special. No signage, other than the regular shelf tag.

Other stores in my area seem to still have eggs priced in the $3.00+ range, but they all have plenty in stock at the moment. No apparent supply shortage around here.

Meats Are In Short Supply

What is in short supply in my area (small town, Western NC) is meats - both fresh meats and canned meats. Stocks at all stores in my area are way down. By my estimate, stores only have about half of what they usually have in stock. Lots of gaps and open spaces in both the canned meats aisle and in the fresh meats coolers. 

Prices for canned meats seem to be holding steady at the moment. However, I have noticed prices on the fresh meats, including hamburger and chicken, are creeping up once again.

Let us know what is happening in your area in the comments section below.

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1 comment:

  1. in France, no shortage but prices go up, go up


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