By Tim Gamble
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Despite news stories about the easing of inflation, the truth is high inflation is still around. Here are two ways I have experienced rising prices this week here in western NC.
The Rising Cost of Dirt!
I bought ten bags of a compost and manure mix to add to my raised garden beds this year, which I do every year. Those bags cost $3.08 each. Last year, those same bags cost $2.28 each.
Same mix. Same brand. Same size. Same store. 80¢ more per bag. $8 more (plus tax) for all ten bags. That is a 35% inflation rate for 1 year.
The Rising Cost of Good Health!
On my doctor's suggestion, I take a magnesium supplement daily. Magnesium helps the healing of ruptured and bleeding capillaries in my eyes, a condition I have due to diabetic retinopathy. The bottle I buy is a month's supply, and had been costing me only $5.64. This week when I bought a bottle, it cost $6.88.
Same supplement. Same brand. Same size. Same store. $1.24 increase in one month! That is a one month increase of 22%.
Conclusion: Don't believe the lies. Inflation may have eased somewhat (or not) in the last couple of months, but it is still very much around. Some products are still experiencing double digit inflation. With gas prices rising once again, and likely will throughout the summer, expect high inflation to stick around for the foreseeable future.
AD: Bathtub WaterBOB - 100-Gallon Emergency Water Storage Container for the Bathtub, Comes with Hand Pump, BPA-Free. Great for preparations for hurricanes, tornados, winter storms, and other disasters.
I drink Green Tea. I've watched the price go up. B.B (Before Biden) the cost was $3.68. Then it went to $4.27, then $5.85, now it's $6.22. That's a $2.54 increase since Joe Dementia was fraudulently elected. I have since changed to a less expensive brand.