By Tim Gamble
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I am making a Spiritual Preparedness series a regular 1st Day (Sunday) feature. For last week's, click here.
Last week on Gab (follow me there: @TimGamble), I made a post that struck a chord with many folks, getting 601 reactions, 105 replies, 125 reposts, and 11 quotes. Here is that post.
A Church should be unapologetically Bible-believing and Bible-teaching - and that means ALL of the Bible, from Genesis 1:1 through Revelation 22:21. No cherry-picking the "acceptable" passages. No avoiding the uncomfortable ones. No trying to "fit in" with the modern world.
Apparently a lot of people are dissatisfied with modern woke "churches" trying desperately to fit in with the World. This is why I tell people to read the Bible - the entire Bible, old testament and new, for themselves, to pray daily, and to find the fellowship of like-minded believers even if it means leaving your current church. I've written two articles on this subject:
Folks, a church doesn't have to be a dedicated building that looks a certain way, or have a "properly credentialed" pastor or priest. And it certainly doesn't have to have a special license from the government, or have official tax-exempt status. Those things do not make a church. Jesus taught that "where two or more people are gathered in my name, there I am."
Find a place where you can gather with one or more other true believers for fellowship, support, and worship. There will be the Church, be it a special building, or someone's (your?) home.
Suggested Scripture Readings For This Week
Genesis 28:10 - 32:3
Hosea 12:13 - 14:10
John 1:41 - 51
Proverbs and Psalms
There are 31 chapters to the book pf Proverbs. Some folks read a chapter a day, matching the day of the month. For example, today is the 19th, so they will read chapter 19. This way, they read through the entire book of Proverbs once a month (on months with 30 days, they will read two chapters on the last day).
Some folks also will try to read at least one Psalm each day. Start with with Psalm 1 and read one Psalm a day. Over the course of a year, you will read through the entire book of Psalms twice, and then some.
I try to do both of these, although I am somewhat inconsistent.
Scripture Memorization For This Week
This week I am memorizing the following verses:
“Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.” --Matthew 5:17 (Jesus speaking)
Everyone who commits sin practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness. – 1 John 3:4
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, – Romans 3:23
Click here for last weeks Scripture memorization. Feel free to memorize in whatever Bible version you are most comfortable with.
One of my favorite and most often used Bibles:

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