Tuesday, July 18, 2023

My "Boots on the Ground" Report from Western NC

By Tim Gamble 

I occasionally post my personal "Boots on the Ground" report (hat tip to SouthernPrepper1) of what I am seeing and experiencing in my area (small town in western North Carolina). Compare this with what you are hearing from other parts of the country, and with what you are experiencing in your area. Look for and react to trends, not isolated incidences.

Pharmacy Out Of Blood Pressure Medication 

I went to the pharmacy Monday to get my Mother's blood pressure medication refilled, only to be told they were out of it and didn't know when they would get more in stock. Luckily we were able to work with the pharmacy and her doctor to get an alternative. My conversation with the pharmacist revealed that this is becoming more common, as our nation's supply of even basic medications is dwindling fast. Despite our experiences over the last 3+ years, most of our medications still come from overseas. We haven't learned anything... 

Gaps in Store Shelves Have Returned

The gaps in store shelves had largely disappeared in recent months, but have now noticeably returned in local grocery stores and at a nearby Walmart. It is the usual suspects - canned meats, mac & cheese and other boxed pastas. the health & beauty aisles, and the candy and snack aisles. But the gaps have also started appearing among the canned fruits, salad dressings and other condiments, olive oil, white vinegar, and even fresh produce. 

Rising Prices

Inflation may have eased off a bit, but it is still around, at least here in WNC. A loaf of store-brand whole wheat bread is now $2.57. It was $2.27 just one month ago, and $1.84 just the month before that. A 40% increase in only two months! 

The bottled water I get to keep and drink in my vehicle is now $1.27 each, up from just $1.00 earlier this year. 

I've also noticed that the hamburger meat, hamburger buns, mayonnaise, BBQ sauce, salad dressings, eye drops, and insect sprays have all creeped higher in price in recent weeks. 

Eggs, on the other hand, remain in the $1.78 - $1.98 range for a dozen white store-brand eggs.

*** You can find Tim Gamble on social media! Follow at Gab (@TimGamble), Twitter (@TimGambleSpeaks), and TruthSocial (@TimGambleSpeaks)

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