Sunday, May 28, 2023

Family Communications Plan

By Tim Gamble

Some quick questions: Do you have a Family Communications Plan? Do you have an up-to-date list of family, friends, and other contacts, along with their current information such as phone numbers, emails, and physical addresses? People move, phone numbers change, and email changes even more often.  That list you put together five years ago is highly unlikely to still be current.

Does everyone in your family have a list of important phone numbers? Do your kids know who to call next if they can't get you on the phone for some reason (perhaps Grandma, or Aunt Ida)? 

A disaster is unlikely to happen at a convenient and predictable time when everyone is together. Phones and Internet may be down during, and even after, a disaster. The situation will likely be chaotic and confusing. More than just an address book or contact list with phone numbers, a communications plan let's everyone know how and when to get in touch with each other, and perhaps most importantly what to do if they cannot. 

Please read my article Do you have a Family Communications Plan? for more information on developing your own communications plan for your family, group, or tribe. 

*** You can find Tim Gamble on social media! Follow at Gab (@TimGamble), Twitter (@TimGambleSpeaks), and TruthSocial (@TimGambleSpeaks)

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