By Tim Gamble
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Other than air (oxygen), nothing is more vital to life than water. So ask yourself some serious questions:
How quickly would you run out of water, if your water was unexpectedly cut-off for some reason? If you have your own well, assume the pump breaks for some reason and cannot be quickly replaced. Do you have enough stored water to last a week? Two weeks? A month? How much water do you actually need (btw, much more than the often given rubbish advice of 1 gallon per person per day). Do you know why you need more than 1 gallon per day? Do you know how and where to collect water? Do you know how to purify water?
I written a lot on the topic of water. Here are two essential articles that you need to read if you struggled answering any of those questions:
You can find Tim Gamble on social media! Follow at Gab (@TimGamble), Twitter (@TimGambleSpeaks), and TruthSocial (@TimGambleSpeaks)
AD: LifeStraw Family 1.0 Portable Gravity Powered Water Purifier for Emergency Preparedness and/or Camping. Purifies over 4700 gallons WITHOUT iodine, chlorine, or other chemicals. Surpasses EPA standards for water purifiers: removes 99.99% of viruses, 99.9999% of bacteria and 99.9% of protozoan cysts.
Ad: 4-Way Silcock Key (aka Water Key) - Opens those recessed water spigots without handles that are on commercial buildings, and at parks and golf courses. Get access to water in an emergency that you otherwise wouldn't be able to get. Good for the bug-out and get home bags.
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