Friday, January 6, 2023

Sources of FREE Medical Information

By Tim Gamble

This is a follow-up to my Bio-Prepping article from a few days ago. Click here to read it if you haven't yet. Some items on this list I have mentioned before, some items are new. 

1) US Military Medical and First Aid Manuals - There are more than 20 US Military Medical and First Aid Manuals available for FREE download (and no email required) in .pdf format on the Federation of American Scientists website. Just click the link to go to the webpage for those manuals, and download the ones you want or might need. Or just download all of them, since they are free.

2) Dr. John Campbell has a You Tube channel and a website that both contain loss of free medical information. I especially like his You Tube playlists for Human Anatomy (link) and Human Physiology (link). On his website, he also has two free ebooks you can download, just go to the website and scroll down to find the red download button. 

3) Basic Physical Health with Limited Resources (link opens a .pdf that you can then download)- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) have taught/required preparedness and self-reliance of their members for generations, and have accumulated much practical knowledge on the subject. In addition to the well-known LDS Preparedness Manual, they have also published this 76-page guide to Basic Physical Health with Limited Resources. This book gives information covering Disease Prevention, Cleanliness and Sanitation, Family Food Production, and Basic Family Medical Care, even when resources are limited because of poverty, war, or natural disasters. 

4) Dr. Eric Berg has a You Tube channel that I only recently discovered, though it has been around for several years. He has hundreds of medical and health videos, giving good explanations of various diseases and medical conditions. He typically includes diet and lifestyle changes, as well as advice on nutritional supplements, that may help manage those diseases and conditions. 

5) Where There Is No Doctor: A Village Health Care Handbook - Hesperian's classic manual, Where There Is No Doctor, is arguably the most widely-used health care manual in the world. The manual provides practical, easily understood information on how to diagnose, treat, and prevent common diseases. Special attention is focused on nutrition, infection and disease prevention, and diagnostic techniques as primary ways to prevent and treat health problems.

6) Where There Is No Dentist - The companion to Where There Is No Doctor features information on maintaining tooth and gum health, and treating dental problems, including filling cavities and extracting teeth, when there is no professional dentist available. 

7) Where There Is No Vet - Part of the same series as Where There Is No Doctor and Where There Is No Dentist, this book is more than first aid for pets and livestock. It covers a wide range of topics to help keep your animals healthy. Both traditional remedies and modern medicine are covered, and special emphasis is given to preventing disease and keeping your animals healthy. Includes advice on the care, feeding, and handling of animals.

Legal Disclaimer: Tim Gamble is not a medical professional and is NOT diagnosing or treating any medical condition. This article only points to health and medical reference materials that are available to the general public.

AD: Augason Farms Long-Term Food Storage
 - Good quality. Good prices.  This is where I get powdered butter, eggs, cheese, milk, and other long-term foods for my Survival Pantry. Shelf-life up to 20+ years. 


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