By Tim Gamble
"For nation shall rise against nation, and reign against reign. And there shall be scarcities of food, and deadly diseases, and earthquakes in places." --Matthew 24:7 (The Scriptures)
I first heard the term "bio-prepping" in a online sermon by G. Steven Simons (YouTube Channel) about a year ago. Bio-prepping simply means preparing our bodies for the future pandemics, diseases, and physical hardships that we will face.
History, common sense, and the Bible tell us we will face wars, violence, famines, disease, and other physical hardships. But as we face these hardships, medical care is increasingly limited by inflation, shortages (of doctors, nurses, medicine, and other supplies), and even by political ideology (folks who refuse the jab, for example, are increasingly being denied medical care, including patients on organ transplant lists). This situation will only grow worse.
How do we prepare for this harsh reality? The answer is bio-prepping. We must prepare our bodies by maximizing our health so that we are less likely to get sick, and less likely to need medical intervention when we do get sick. We also need to learn to take care of our bodies ourselves when we do get sick. Here are some ideas:
1) Nutrition - Our health starts with what we put into our bodies. If we put bad things into our bodies, we will get bad health as a result. What bad things do we want to avoid? Eating junk food, sweets, and other highly processed foods. Eating too much food. Smoking. Abusing drugs or alcohol. What good things do we want to put into our bodies instead? Clean water, clean foods, coniferous vegetables, leafy green vegetables, eggs, fatty fish, fruits, berries, nuts, honey... Of course, be smart and don't eat anything you are allergic to.
Action Steps: Learn about nutrition. Learn about the traditional Mediterranean Diet and the traditional Japanese Diet, considered two of the healthiest diets in the world. Stop smoking. Stop abusing drugs or alcohol. Drastically cut back on sugar.
2) Control weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar - I certainly have had more than my share of health problems over the last seven years or so. I have learned the extreme importance of maintaining a healthy weight, as well as healthy blood pressure and blood sugar levels. You accomplish these through a combination of a healthy diet, being physically active, and getting enough good-quality sleep. Vitamins and supplements can help, but only if you are doing those three things as the foundation.
3) Physical activity - I am not saying you need to become a world-class athlete. But we all can be more active and improve our physical fitness to some extent. No excuses. Regardless of our age, current physical condition, knee problems, back problems, lack of time, or whatever other excuses we may have, we can overcome those excuses if we truly want to overcome them.
The oldest person to climb MountEverest is Yuichiro Miura, who did so at the age of 80 years and 224 days. At least five other people successfully climbed Mount Everest after the age of 70. Other successful climbers of Mount Everest include blind people, amputees, hemophiliacs, folks with MS, folks with cystic fibrous, folks with diabetes, and cancer survivors.
I am not telling you to climb Mount Everest. I am saying that if these folks found a way to climb Mount Everest despite their very real excuses, we can find a way to improve our own fitness despite our real excuses.
- Foods That Harm, Foods That Heal - I really like this book and refer to it often. Encyclopedia style entries on foods and medical conditions. Very useful.
- Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine (book) - 550 Herbs and Remedies for Common Ailments.
- Herbal Medic: A Green Beret's Guide to Emergency Medical Preparedness and Natural First Aid (book) - Great book for both the beginner and the more advanced at herbal medicine.
- ACEP First Aid Manual, 5th Edition - The Step-by-Step Guide for Everyone, and my favorite first aid manual.
- The Survival Medicine Handbook - The Essential Guide for When Help is NOT on the Way
AD: Augason Farms Long-Term Food Storage - Good quality. Good prices. This is where I get powdered butter, eggs, cheese, milk, and other long-term foods for my Survival Pantry. Shelf-life up to 20+ years.
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