By Tim Gamble
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For the first 25 Survival Tips, please click here.
#SurvivalTip 26 – A good, easy read for understanding economics is “Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?” by Richard J. Maybury.
#SurvivalTip 27 – Homesteading at a remote rural location is many folks idea of prepping, but there are other ways. Don't fall for the idea that there is a single correct way for everyone.
#SurvivalTip 28 – On prescription medications? Work with your doctor to acquire a 60 or 90 day supply, rather than typical 30 days.
#SurvivalTip 29 – Think safety. Keep fresh batteries in your smoke detectors. Also, have a fire extinguisher or two, and know how to use them.
#SurvivalTip 30 – Think safety. Acquire steel-toed boots, safety glasses or goggles, work gloves, and other safety gear. Use them as needed.
#SurvivalTip 31 – Think safety. Remember to lock your doors & windows. Install deadbolts & peep holes.
#SurvivalTip 32 – Think safety. Consider window bars and/or planting roses & other thorny plants under your windows.
#SurvivalTip 33 – Think safety. Make sure tires & brakes are in good condition and all headlights & other lights are working. Drive safely and pay attention to the road, not your phone or coffee.
#SurvivalTip 34 – Think safety. No horseplay in the workshop or when using power tools of any kind.
#SurvivalTip 35 – Everyone in your family/group should take a good, age-appropriate self-defense course.
#SurvivalTip 36 – A good self-defense course won't just cover self-defense, but also give information on avoiding dangerous situations in the first place.
#SurvivalTip 37 – Avoid dangerous neighborhoods and sections of town. Do you even know what sections are dangerous in your area? Find out.
#SurvivalTip 38 – Travel, walk, shop in groups whenever possible. Let someone know where you're going and when to expect you back. Stick to that schedule.
#SurvivalTip 39 – Park in a highly visible, well-light location near the entrance to minimize chances of ambush and muggings.
#SurvivalTip 40 – Don't make yourself a target by wearing expensive, flashy clothes & accessories, or driving an expensive car.
#SurvivalTip 41 – Don't make yourself a target by appearing easy-prey. Wear practical shoes and clothes. walk confidently, head up. Don't become engrossed in your phone. Be alert!
#SurvivalTip 42 – Pay attention to your surroundings. Be wary of people who look out-of-place, are loitering, or who act nervous.
#SurvivalTip 43 – Before getting out of a car or walking out of a building, look out a window first to identify possible dangers.
#SurvivalTip 44 – Be careful who you let into your life and share your plans with. Friendship and trust should never be given lightly.
#SurvivalTip 45 – Don't wait for disaster – practice your skills now by hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, gardening, canning, sewing, etc. Learn by doing.
#SurvivalTip 46 – Good flashlights (and headlamps) are must have items for preppers. Don't forget extra batteries.
#SurvivalTip 47 – Everyone in your family needs a good pocket flashlight as part of their every day carry (EDC).
#SurvivalTip 48 – No one can predict exactly what will happen, or when. Allow room for flexibility in your planning. Adaptability is important.
#SurvivalTip 49 – Search dollar stores for deals on first aid, cleaning, and hygiene products, as well as matches, candles, other supplies. Also, containers for organizing.
#SurvivalTip 50 – Have an Ollie's in your area? It can be a good place for deals on various supplies, tools, tarps, fishing gear, spices, can goods, etc.
*** You can find Tim Gamble on social media! Follow at Gab (@TimGamble), Twitter (@TimGambleSpeaks), and TruthSocial (@TimGambleSpeaks)

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