Friday, June 23, 2023

Surveillance Report - Olive Oil Shortage?

By Tim Gamble

I occasionally post my personal observations of what I am seeing and experiencing in my area (small town in western North Carolina). Compare this with what you are hearing from other parts of the country, and with what you are experiencing in your area. Look for and react to trends, not isolated incidences.

Olive Oil Shortage?

I went to Walmart this morning. With three notable exceptions, their shelves look fully stocked. The areas that are not well-stocked are the pharmacy section, the canned meats and canned fish section, and olive oil.

The pharmacy section is at most only 2/3 stocked. Lots of gaps of the shelves with many items out-of-stock - OTC medications, vitamins and supplements, first aid supplies, and even reading glasses. 

The canned meats and canned fish section also has many gaps and out-of-stock items. Not quite as bad as the pharmacy area, but the shelves are only about 3/4 stocked. 

Olive oil was almost completely non-existent at Walmart. There were a few small bottles of the fancy, very expensive brands, but no - as in zero - bottles, big or small, of the Great Value brand or any of the other less expensive brands.  The bottles of vegetable oils were obviously spread out to make those shelves look full, but even doing that, there are noticeable gaps. 

*** You can find Tim Gamble on social media! Follow at Gab (@TimGamble), Twitter (@TimGambleSpeaks), and TruthSocial (@TimGambleSpeaks)
AD: Categories to explore for bargains on Amazon!

1 comment:

  1. Another great article, Tim. -- Emberado


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