By Tim Gamble
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I occasionally post on this website my personal observations of what I am seeing and experiencing in my area (small town in western North Carolina). Compare this with what you are hearing from other parts of the country, and with what you are experiencing in your area. Look for and react to trends, not isolated incidences.
Eggpocalypse Over?
Eggs in my area remain under $2 a dozen, after dropping in price back in late April / early May. The going price for a dozen large white eggs around here is between $1.78 and $1.98, depending on which store you are at, and there seems to be a plentiful supply of both white and brown eggs at all stores. The eggpocalypse seems to be over, at least around here.
Other Food Prices Rising?
Even as eggs have dropped in price, other food prices seem to be rising again, especially fresh meats, snack foods, and bread. A loaf of the store brand whole wheat bread sold for $1.84 last month. Now that same loaf at that same store is $2.27. An 8-pack of hamburger buns is also up by about the same amount. Prices of hamburger meat, turkey, hot dog weenies, and most pre-packaged sandwich meats have all jumped over the last month or so. Chicken prices seem to be holding steady, but haven't fallen off their previous highs.
More Signs Of Crime?
I went to an Ollie's store in the next county over earlier this week, and was surprised to see signs on literally every shelf warning against shoplifting. Talking to the cashier, she said that the store was having trouble with shoplifters almost daily. She also said that they had a few instances of people filling up a cart and pushing it out into the parking lot without paying.
*** You can find Tim Gamble on social media! Follow at Gab (@TimGamble), Twitter (@TimGambleSpeaks), and TruthSocial (@TimGambleSpeaks)
AD: Some good categories to explore on Amazon!
Augason Farms Long Term Foods (the brand I buy for powdered butter, milk, cheese, etc.
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